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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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Holiday 7: Golitha Falls

Cato: It was very exciting.  First we went to an old Cornish slate mine.  Me and Tara were only allowed in the first big cave, and we had to be carried.  Tara got mud all over Dad's jacket.  Haha!  And it was all wet and drippy.  Then Mum and Tara and me had a drink while Dad did the thousandsandthousands of steps down to the other caves and the underground lake.  Wish we could have gone, but there were No Paws down there. Dad said that the life of a Cornish slate miner was horrible cr



Holiday 6: Looe and Polperro

Tara: My turn!  I wore my Rainbow Bows again today, cos Mum says I am a dippy hippy rainbow child.  Can you get rainbow Ninja?  I like that idea. So today Mum draggled us all the way to somewhere called Looe.  She spend lots of holidays in Looe when she woz a pup, cos her Grandpa's family come from Looe. This is where we parked.  It is called the Millpool carpark, and Mum knew the tricksy shortcuts to get to the interesting sniffy bits. This is the sea.  Paws aren't all



Holiday 5: Lanhydrock (aka cow poo day)

Cato: Hello Aunties.  Today I am blogging about some great big human den called Lanhydrock.  It was enormous.  And I was a bit tired.  We did a lotlotlot of walking on holiday, and I was worn out by this time.  I mean, I do love sniffing, but all this hot walking and sun and new places and Tara bouncing is very tiring. Mum says that Lanhydrock is so humungously enormous that it has its own park, with cows and sheep that poo all over the place.  There was horse poo too, I am sure of it,



Holiday 4: Cotehele House

Cato: Hello Aunties! Mum says she wants to do this blog bit.  That is OK, isn't it?  I hope you don't mind.  Only we were asleep under a picnic table with Dad when Mum took all these pics, and they are ever so dull.  And un-sniffy.  But it was OK cos we had some of the eggy bit of his quiche, and Tara was allowed a finger lick of icecream!  I didn't want it. So Mum is going to try and make them interesting for you, and then I will blog the next interesting bit.   Mum:



Holiday 3: Cotehele gardens and quay

Tara: My turn!  I can tell you lotsandlots about our adventures and sniffs and EVERYTHING. We went to this Cotehele place by boring car, with Mum and Dad squeaking about SatNav stuff.  Yawn.  But it was fun when we got there! There was some sign up saying we had to keep them on leads in the Formal Gardens or something.  But as soon as we got out of sight of everyone we let them off the lead.  I figured Dad couldn't get lost if I woz with him, so he would be safe. This w



Holiday 2: SatNav Stress

Mum: I don't know if you have ever driven in Cornwall? Maybe you don't know where Cornwall is?  It is a smallish county on the SE pointy bit of England (the orange triangle on the bottom left) It is a tiny, lovely, rural place, with a slightly softer warmer climate than the rest of the UK.  Small towns, moorland, rolling hills, sheep and cattle farming, fishing villages, disused tin mines, old china clay mines, tourists, lots of cliffs, a few bays and sandy beaches, and every



Holiday 1: getting there

Cato: Hello Aunties.  Where have you been?!?!?  Mum says you all disappeared, and the blogg and all the stuff on the screen, and we had no one to tell all about our fab hol!!! But it is OK now, cos you are back. We had a great hol.  It was in somewhere called Cornwall, which is very green and has lots of mountains for Tara, and stuff like that.  We stayed in a very very very old place.  So old it is older than ANYTHING.  And I didn't like the stairs, but that was OK cos Mum carrie



going on holiday

Cato: Dear Aunties, I am just writting to tell you that we are going on holiday tomorrow. Mum says we will have a great time, and it will be all sniffy and exciting, but I am worried.  Tara says I worry too much, but all the packing and stuff is very tiring, and we have to set off very very very early in the morning.  I usually have a nice lie in, and I won't get one.  Mum says we can all sleep in the car, and then wake up when we get there.  She is going to sleep too. Tara s



Sun 10th Jun: Tara's Foxifying

Tara: Hello Aunties.  I'm going to tell you all about my Foxy Walk cos it was exciting, and Cato is asleep, so I get to bloggify!  Haha! So, these first pics are all slobbery.  That's cos I licked the camera while Mum was lifting me out of the car, haha! and she didn't realise until she had taken some pics.  She huffed about it, but AuntieJane thought it woz very funny.  So did I! Cameras don't taste of much. This is AuntieJane and Cookie.  Cookie is very old and has trembly



Wed 7th Jun: Big lake in the sun with swans

Cato: Oooh it was hot.  Mum said only once round the lake today  on account of the hotness, but in the end I didn't want to go round again.  It was hothothot.   this is the pink Vetch climbing up the post don't know wot those purple things are, but Mum says they are special and wild and pretty. It was windy!  Can you see the wind doing weird stuff to the water round the island? Look!  There are new swan pups! Mum said 'Now Cato, behave yours



Sun 4th Jun: Foxy florals

Tara: Hi Aunties.  This is me standing on Cato, showing him who is boss.  (that's me.  being boss.  cos I'm on top) Aren't I awesomely Ninja? and this is after.  See how I am in front?  and all Bossy? but then he wants to have another go.  Like he actually thinks he stands a chance! Mum says you have to have a look at all these weeds.  Cos she says it just goes to show (something or other really dull MumInGardeningMode. Yawn). Cato used to do all



Too hot

Cato: it is very very hot Aunties.  I don't think i like it. last night in the Big Bed, it was terrible hot, and i had to lie on my back to cool my tum!  Tara did too.  Although she did it sideways and tried to push Dad out of bed.  And she snores even louder when she sleeps on her back. then this evening, i had to keep getting off Mum's lap.  Cos of the hotness.  Mums' laps shouldn't be so hot!  They should be nice and snuggly when it is cold outside, and then nice and cool when



Fri 2nd June: Hotel gardens are nice

Cato: Mum had important Mum Stuff to do, so we all went as a Pack and stayed in a hotel.  I had been there before, when I was very little, but I still didn't like it very much.  It is always very stressful when Mum and Dad put all their bags by the front door, and I have to go and sit with them, and worry in case they forget me.  I mean, I know that Mum and Dad wouldn't ever forget me.  I know that.  But I still worry. This is our hotel.  There weren't any signs up about paws keeping h



Sun 28th May: Foxy in the sun!

Tara: This is me looking beautiful.  Mum says. I had my pink bows in specially, in case I saw William.  And look, here he is.  I am playing it cool, and not asking him to chase me. This is what Cato does when he thinks we are going back to the car and he wants a longer walk. and this is the Rowan sprout that Mum has been piccing for you.  She says that each of those little blobble things are going to be big fat orange red berries when the weather gets all cold



Wed 24th May: Promendadoing

Cato: We all went for a pack walk, to the French Place so Mum could have a hot choc thing.  But it was closed! So we had to go for a proper sniffy walk instead.  I like it when the French Place is closed. Mum says you should see how brown the water is.  That is cos of the rain, apparently.   I wanted to go on the beach, but Mum said no.  Cos of The Rules, and us not beaching til it gets cold again. My tail looks good, doesn't it? It was a bit grey and Mum



Monday 22nd May: Pitched battles by the sea

Tara: Haha!  Hello Aunties! We went to the sea, and it woz hot, and I bounced on Cato.  Look! Dad wozn't with us, so I had to show Cato how to mountaineer, like Dad shows me.  and we went all along this mountain range.  Cato just followed me, so I woz the Trek Leader.  Mum says. She also said that if I went and bothered that family who were pickernickering (see the man in the red shirt, sitting with his family all eating interesting stuff) then she would die of



I found a BONE

Cato: I found a BONE.  It is very very big.  And it is all MINE. Mum has been messing with bones up at the top of the kitchen.  Something to do with drying them slowly so they don't go too stinky (Mum: using dehydrator and venison ribs) and today, when I was coming in from my mid morning Garden Patrol, I saw it. In the middle of the kitchen floor. It is ENORMOUS. It was difficult to carry. But I couldn't leave it there for Tara to find. So I picked it up and ha



Sat 20th May: Big Lake in the rain

Cato: Hi Aunties! We went to the Big Lake today, and went Tunneling.  We haven't Tunnelled for AGES on account of the mud. But today Mum followed us down there This is us showing her the way and this is the entrance this is just inside.  Mum says the white flowers by the path are called cow parsley. This is the open bit half way down the tunnel and the light in the distance is the way out. Mum always falls behind when she star



Sun 14th May: Foxy with AuntieJane

Cato: It was hothothot so we only went round once, then Mum and AuntieJane had a good sit on a bench, and then we came home.   If you aren't interested in plant stuff, then this will be a really boring blog.  Cos Mum and AuntieJane just wanted to pic flowers n stuff.   This is first proper sniff.  Lots of paws come into the park by that path, so they like widdling here.  It is always lovely and sniffy. Elderflower sprouty stuff new growth on the pine



You know he's feeling better when WWIII breaks out

Cato: So we went round Bear Woods.  I think Tara told you. But I bet she didn't tell you about the fight, did she? She wouldn't!   You see she had been bouncing on me for ages, on account of my tummy slowing me down, and me feeling a bit... um... flopsy. But that day, I BOUNCED BACK! See the look in my eye? She isn't going to win this one by running away!  haha! This was Round 2 She tried to circle round, but I was ready! Haha!



Fri 12th May: Bear Woods after rain

Tara: So there was no blogging for AGES, on account of Cato being all wimpy in the tummy, and me and Dad going out walking by ourselves.  I don't really like it when Cato doesn't come with us.  It isn't the same.  I keep looking round for him, and he isn't there.  Dad didn't take any pics.  And then it rained for days!  That was REALLY boring. But then one day Me and Mum and Dad and Cato all went for a Pack Walk in Bear Woods.  Dad said things like 'It'll be all muddy soggy.' and 'If i



Friday 5th May: Windy at the lake (and tummy troubles)

Cato: So I will tell you all about our second lake walk, in the sun and wind and the woods, and then I will tell you about my tummy.  Cos that is far more important.  And it is more important that Tara's silly running off and nearly getting lost and worrying G&G! This is my Molehill Hunting Field. This is me keeping an eye out for moles! Can you see how my tummy is a bit, um, bloaty? Then we did the Bluebell Wood walk, which was all sniffy and nice.



Thur 4th May: PawNapping wot I foiled!!!

Tara: Finally!  Mum has catcheded up enough blog for me to tell you about my Big Adventure!  I woz AWESOME!!! And there aren't any pics cos Mum and the camera were left at home. So, first off, Mum and Grandma and Grandad had this big boring conversation, all about walks, and were there poo bags, and did G&G have water, and yawn stuff like that.  I wozn't listening, cos Grandad had the leads in his hand and my ears switch off then. Then it got really exciting, with leads a



Wed 3rd May: My garden at Grandad's

Cato:   When we go and stay with G&G I get to have a whole new big garden, and to supervise Grandad when he does plant stuff.  Although sometimes he doesn't do stuff like he should. Mum says I shouldn't be so bossy.  But it is hard not to be when I see Grandad doing stuff that is wrong. This is him on the bald bit.  It is good for peeing and pooing, but he is fussing with it, and keeps digging holes and filling them with plants.  I don't mind the holes, but why does he want to



Tue 2nd May: Round our lake

Cato: Phew!  I finally got Mum to sit down and blogg.  It is hard work!  I'm going to sit on her feet so she can't escape. This is from AGES ago when we were at Grandma and Grandad's.  We left Dad behind, which was very worrying.  And we sat in the car for agesandages, and then we arrived!  And it was lovely to see G&G, and have cuddles and tug of war and check the garden and the fields and the lake were OK.  Cos, you know, I hadn't been there for ages to make sure. This is ou



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