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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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Fri 13th Jan: Grandma and Grandad's

Cato: I don't really like long car journeys, cos they take foreverandever, and I can't have a proper sleep.  It ends up being a snooze and all weird.  But this one wasn't too bad.  And we had a special chicken dinner which was FAB.  When we arrived, we were very bouncy cos it has been ages since we saw Grandma and Grandad.  It was all hot and sunny when all the roses were big.  And now it is cold and there was even some snow! Grandad said he would show us the dog field near his house, so of



Fri 12th May: Bear Woods after rain

Tara: So there was no blogging for AGES, on account of Cato being all wimpy in the tummy, and me and Dad going out walking by ourselves.  I don't really like it when Cato doesn't come with us.  It isn't the same.  I keep looking round for him, and he isn't there.  Dad didn't take any pics.  And then it rained for days!  That was REALLY boring. But then one day Me and Mum and Dad and Cato all went for a Pack Walk in Bear Woods.  Dad said things like 'It'll be all muddy soggy.' and 'If i



Fri 10th Nov 17: Yay! Town Park, flowers, pics n stuff

Cato: I have to blog this one Aunties, cos Tara is sulking.  She says there aren't enuff pics of her.  But I think there are more pics of her than me - and lots of pics of flowers.  But I mustn't complain, cos it meant Mum and her new camera and me and Tara and Dad all had a really nice walk. Mum says that everyone should notice the focus n stuff.  Just nod.  That is what I do.  It makes her happy. This was some very good sniffing.  And those leaves on the path are get



Fri 10th Mar: AuntieDogSitterDay

Mum had to go and do Work Stuff today, so we went to visit AuntieDogsitter. We had two walks, and breakfast and foot baths and snuggles.  It was nice.  Tara would have liked it more if the HUGE great brown paw hadn't been there, but he was.  And she survived. This is our walk: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1855695711369823&id=1626201260985937 See Tara mountaineering?



Foxy Foliage Supplemental

We went out at around 12.30 and finished by nearly 2pm, but throughout, the low sun was stunning.  The light through the trees and the light on the trees was incredible.  Not a cloud in the sky, and I even found some flowers!  lol This is one of those really blowsy cherry trees Sometimes the colours seem unreal, but I can assure you, I haven't touched these photos up at all (although I have cropped a couple). The next photo is a close up of the m



Flowers for AuntieCrystal's Birthday

Cato: We have been walking, and Mum has been piccing a bit, but we thought you would like these flowers, AuntieCrystal.  cos you are having a sad time. We did lots of sniffy interesting stuff at the park that day as well, of course. Oh, and I have to tell you that Tara is silly. She was all fussy and fidgety on the sofa with Mum this evening, and now she has got two legs that haven't been brushed.  So she is walking all lopsided



Floral supplemental, for Crystal

Mum: We went for a walk this week in Foxy Park.  Seems like ages since we have been there, because we need the car to get there, and Dad has been taking the car to work most days recently because he has had a chest infection.  But he is getting better rapidly now, so more interesting lunchtime walks are back on the menu. ? The cherry blossom is just going over for this year, and falling like pink snow.  The blossom is always better photographed in the sun, but even on a dull day it was



EXTRA: Easter photo shoot

Mum: So this month's photo vote is for Anything Easter. And all my stuff seems to involve mud at this time of year... so why fight it? lol   Tara: Don't see why we have to do this.  I already trampled on daffs during our walk. Nope.  don't wanna. Oh.  alright then.  Maybe I will sniff it.  Ewww!  It tickles!!!   Cato: Remind me why we are doing this again, Mum?   Mum: Treats all round!  (including



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Day out to Lichfield

Cato: My sling still hadn't arrived, so we went to this Lichfield place without it.  So I had to walk.  But Mum carried me for a bit and Dad did too, and we had some nice sit downs, and I met a little girl.  So it was OK. Lichfield is a town.  With a river and a bridge and another cathedral (yawn) and a muesum place to dictionaries, and a burger place and a cafe that had a sunny garden.  Dad had lots of sausages, and we didn't get ANY cos it was all gluteny, and Mum wouldn't let us!



Dad's Birthday Lunch

Tara: It was Dad's Birthday ages ago, but he wanted to go to this pub for his Special Birthday Lunch.  So we did.  We had to wait til today on account of his Work Stuff and Mum's Work Stuff.  It is very complicated. Anyway, this is me saying Happy Birthday to Dad in the pub.  Mum says it is a bit out of focus, and she is sorry.  But the other pic was worser. And this is our new car in the pub carpark.  The red one. Mum went all silly and sad when she saw the gold



Cato’s back issues

Mum: Well, today has been a revelation! We had our Chiropractic Appt this evening, then the whole Pack repaired to a nearby pub to discuss the outcome, before the long (60 mile) drive home... Firstly, the Chiropractor (who is lovely, gentle, and obviously loves dogs) diagnosed Cato has hypermobile joints (stance, flexibility and overextension of joints).  Interestingly, I have hypermobile joints too.  So I know EXACTLY what it is like, the management, and the ongoing problems that



Cato's Bridge

Tara: Hello Aunties!  My turn today.  I bet you are ready for ME now that Cato has bored you all with his hunting obsessification. I love Grandad!  not as much as Dad, of course, but I do love him.  He says 'Shut up, you little attention seeking brat' and then bends down and gives me a nice deep back rub.  And when I go 'woo woo wooooo' at him, he goes and finds me a toy to play with!  He doesn't brush me though.   Grandma does that.  and she snips seeds out of my knickers with skisser



Cato: My spa day

Hello Aunties! Mum waited til last night to tell me about our Spa Day, cos she knew I wouldn't be happy.  She waited til I was all snuggly before my Brush, so It wasn’t too much of a shock. Here I am, all relaxified.   Jasmine was washing my face earlier.  She does a lot of that.  I don’t mind a bit of face washing, but sometimes I have to tell her off, cos she does it too much.  She is very very very licky. and this is another pic from last night when Mum stopped rubbi



Cato, harness and tail (shhh! don't tell him I blogged this!)

Mum: You can see from these the relative positions of tail and lead, and how because his back is shorter, I need to move the D ring forward a bit. Also, the tail trim... ?  I wouldn't mind, but the tail can't really be cut any shorter, and it is STILL touching the leash and making him flinch and look over his shoulder! This last shot shows it best, I think. They are both wearing the XXS top piece (that is the purple or red section of the harness)



Cato would qualify for Mensa

Mum: Tara found a bone under the couch this evening. I am not proud of this, but there we are.  I run the kind of house where bones are, occasionally, found under couches.  At least it made Tara happy. One bone. Two dogs.  Finders keepers.  So obviously Cato wasn't quite so cheerful. It took a while, but eventually he managed to organise things to his satisfaction:  First he sat and watched Tara chewing.  Then he sat and had a think.  Then he went over to the doorway and sat



Burger, beef rib and sleep disturbance

Cato: hello Aunties!  How are you? I am very well thank you!   It was all wet and soggy today, so Mum and Dad said ‘no walk!’  but they said they would go out Hunting and bring some prey back. i wanted to help, cos i am an excellent Hunter, but i think they were sensible to leave Tara behind, cos she always mucks everything up, and doesn’t have proper Hunting Instincts, like me.  So then I had to stay with her! Cos she always gets silly if she is left alone. But even without



Bloggifying to catch up

Tara: My turn!  My turn!  Cato did typing stuff all by himself, so now it is my turn to do blog stuff.  Mum says.  So there, Cato! Mum has been too busy to blog for AGES, she says.  Cos of the computer and work stuff.  She has been whinging a lot about it.  And goes and sits in the splashy pool to sleep it off.  All seems a lot of fuss to me.  If she didn't want to computer, then all she has to do is come out for a walk with me.  She does too much computering and not enough walking!



Blog! Fetch! Race!

Hi Aunties! Walk.  Run.  Chase! dry grassy stuff Dad and Tara. Mum behind!  Run run run! Woods and sniffs and paths! Can bounce on Tara!  She gets cross and then plays.  Fun! Bounce on Cato!  Mum gets cross.  'Get off Cato's back!!! Bad Jasmine!' :(  Boring Cato! Bounce on Tara again! Sniffy dogs.  Growl.  Only wanted to sniff bottom! Crotchety spoilsport! Me.  Scamper.   Dad!  TREATS! Fetch! Fe




Just been watching an episode of Elementary.  There was a scene in a cat cafe, with a male tabby sitting bolt upright proudly  recieving worship. It was Sidney.  Size, posture, head angle, markings.  Hit me like a bolt form the blue. of course, it wasn’t him.  As soon as he turned his face towards the camera his face was wider, and the eyes narrower. but my goodness, do we ever get over it?



Bestest snowy winter EVER!!!

Mum:  Just a v quick note before we begin, pointing out that Tara is 3yrs old, and has seen 3 whole winters.  So her idea of 'best EVER!' isn't v extensive...   Tara: Hello Aunties! It is all rainywetsoggy outside to today, so we went with Mum and Dad to the pub and had steak bits and 100%burgerbits, but it is too cold and horrible for a walk, Mum says.  So instead, I have to get to tell you all about our blizzards, and snowy drifts and exciting Wild Artic Weather wot we have



Bestest food day EVER!!!

Tara: Oh Aunties, yesterday my tummy was sooooo full.  It was FAB!!! It started off with breakfast.  Cos Mum was doing chicken wings, and she knows that I like the pointy triangle bits wot are on the end.  So she skissers them off for me.  There were some on the floor, so I hoovered them up.  Cato missed out cos he doesn't like raw chicken bits.  He is weird. So then it woz breakfast proper time.  And Mum puts our food in the bowls and stands back.  Only she made some kind of mist



Being out ALONE

Tara: Because Cato is so wimpy now, I have to walk all by myself. I mean, Mum or Dad come too, sometimes, but it isn't the same as walking in a proper pack, with Cato.  He is good at finding sniffy stuff and showing it to me.  And he widdles which is proper Pack stuff.  When I go out with just Dad he wants to walk too fast.  And when I go out with just Mum, she says I have to behave.  And there are lots of big dogs around who wouldn't mess with our proper Pack and Cato, but they might



Before we went to Grandma and Grandpa's

Cato: I can't remember when this was.  But it was before we went away.  It is hard to remember that far ago!  I have to blog this bit, cos Tara can't remember it at all.   She is asleep.  She has been asleep since we got home.  She is snoring. Anyway, this is before we went away, when we did a beach walk with Mum and Dad. It was raining when we got there.  The red van is an ice cream van.  No one was buying icecream in the rain, so he had his windows shut and his radio on, and he



Beach before we went away

Cato: This is from before we went away too.  It had been raining really hard for daysanddaysanddays, so the beach was all flat and covered with little raindrop foot prints.  This is First Sniff.   We met this pack.  They were nice.  The paw int he middle is a Lhasa, and the other two are Tzus.  This is my tail before Mum cut it.  You can see how long my coat is.  These 3 must have been cold.  I was nice and warm.  Mr Lhasa is on a lead cos he is a bit difficult sometimes, his



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