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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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Ticklish Foots

Tara: Me again! Cato says he needs a whole blog to himself to tell you all the boring stuff about his Special VetDoctor stuff wot I didn't go to, and they won't tell me all about cos it is so dull i just fall asleep. Anyway, cos he's going to be hogging the blogging talking all about him, i can squeezify in first and tell you about my ticklish foots. No pics again.  Even though Mum says my foots are Perfick and pink and black and fluffy white and she wants to kiss my paw pads



Fri 10th Nov 17: Yay! Town Park, flowers, pics n stuff

Cato: I have to blog this one Aunties, cos Tara is sulking.  She says there aren't enuff pics of her.  But I think there are more pics of her than me - and lots of pics of flowers.  But I mustn't complain, cos it meant Mum and her new camera and me and Tara and Dad all had a really nice walk. Mum says that everyone should notice the focus n stuff.  Just nod.  That is what I do.  It makes her happy. This was some very good sniffing.  And those leaves on the path are get



Stormy Skies

Mum: Today's walk was a beach walk. I will let Tara tell you all about it later, but I just wanted to post a few of the sky pics I took because they are pretty amazing. We set off in the car to a blue sky and high white clouds, but in the 10 minutes it took to drive to the beach the dark rainclouds were rolling in... It was a proper bank of cloud, carrying rain (but not a downpour).  Hardly more than a shower. And then it rolled away again. l




Just been watching an episode of Elementary.  There was a scene in a cat cafe, with a male tabby sitting bolt upright proudly  recieving worship. It was Sidney.  Size, posture, head angle, markings.  Hit me like a bolt form the blue. of course, it wasn’t him.  As soon as he turned his face towards the camera his face was wider, and the eyes narrower. but my goodness, do we ever get over it?



Cato, harness and tail (shhh! don't tell him I blogged this!)

Mum: You can see from these the relative positions of tail and lead, and how because his back is shorter, I need to move the D ring forward a bit. Also, the tail trim... ?  I wouldn't mind, but the tail can't really be cut any shorter, and it is STILL touching the leash and making him flinch and look over his shoulder! This last shot shows it best, I think. They are both wearing the XXS top piece (that is the purple or red section of the harness)



Jasmine's baby picture album

This is her den in the corner of the front room.  We feed her in it.  The orange cushion is Cato's current humpy cushion.  It has 5 corners!  He likes the corners very much.  And orange has always been his favourite colour in toys.  So presumably that goes for sex toys too.  ;) This was at her littlest. This is what Tara thought of the whole Puppy Nightmare And this is what Cato thought about it: But eventually things improved.  Cato



Jasmine videos

Why won't anyone play with me? https://youtu.be/8ApPqbWW6ls The Paper Bag Killing Game https://youtu.be/mZQKaPyxcJo Sausage Tug'o'War https://youtu.be/HR5j-kYNEtQ And the man himself, demonstrating the importance of having lots of corners on cushions https://youtu.be/LTrSdfEvIIE



Good to know...

...that we have another elegant little lady joining the pack. Tara was always a tomboy.  The sort to wear pink fairy wings while beating Cato over the head with a Tonka toy tractor.  Jasmine is more of a 'who cares whether I am a boy or a girl, lets play, eat, sleep and fart, and then do it all over again'.  And again. So long as Cato gets my lap, they don't steal his chews, and they leave him to sleep in peace, he doesn't care what the girls get up to.



Whitby and Heartbeat Village

Cato: Hello Aunties!   When we were on holiday we saw some tourist pirates from Whitby pier.  I didn't like being up so high, so Mum left me with Dad in the safe middle of the pier while she went and took dangerous pirate pics.  Dad said they weren't actually that dangerous if they couldn't even get the sails up, and had to use an engine.  Haha! Mum forgot to take pics of Whitby, on account of me and Tara and GrandMam and lots of crowds, and it being market day.  I was



WEDNESDAY 2nd Mar: Squishy and squelchy

Tara: We nearly didn't get a walk today!  It rained all morning, then cleared up, so we rushed out to the car and went to the Fox park - but as Mum and Dad were helping us out of the car (I can jump out myself, but I am not allowed ) it started to sleet!  I don't see sleet often, so it was exciting. Cato dashed off for a poo, otherwise Mum and Dad might have decided to go home WITHOUT A WALK!!! which would have been TERRIBLE!!! This is where Cato decided to poo.  And Dad pic



SUNDAY 13th Mar: Faith restored

Cato: Great walk today!!!  Mum took us back to the beach, which Tara didn't want.  She was all whiney and clingy.  But Mum said we had to get back on the bicycle - wotever that means! So we picked up Auntie Jane and went for breakfast.  Another biscuitless cafe, but Mum saved us a sausage, and cut it into pieces.  I think Tara gets bigger pieces than me.  Not sure that is fair. Auntie Jane said how weird Tara was behaving.  All nervous and squeaky, and Mum told her about Brutus an



Beach before we went away

Cato: This is from before we went away too.  It had been raining really hard for daysanddaysanddays, so the beach was all flat and covered with little raindrop foot prints.  This is First Sniff.   We met this pack.  They were nice.  The paw int he middle is a Lhasa, and the other two are Tzus.  This is my tail before Mum cut it.  You can see how long my coat is.  These 3 must have been cold.  I was nice and warm.  Mr Lhasa is on a lead cos he is a bit difficult sometimes, his



SATURDAY 6th June: Swans, geese and AuntieSue

Cato: Today was a double adventure!  We met swans AND saw AuntieSue again.  AuntieSue is really snuggly, and is MUCH kinder than Mum.  Mum wouldn't pick me up when I got tired, but I bet I could have got AuntieSue to do it.  If Mum hadn't been there.   But at least it was nice and cool again. We had the swan adventure first, before AuntieSue arrived.  First we had an interesting sniff down by the water. Then Tara spotted a new green bit that we have never explored before.



MONDAY 27th June: Pack walk in centre of universe

Tara: No boring work for Mum today, so we had a SausageCafe breakfast then a walk on the beach to the funny black ball thing. This is Cato being taller than me!  Not fair!!!  Can you see me?  I am trying to climb the wall, cos he cheated by going up the steps!  PAh! Mum says she was trying to pic into the sun, so it looks weird. and this is piccing with the sun behind her.  I was trying to see if there were any crumbs. Mum says this is the little railway's



SUNDAY 21st August: Daisy

Tara: Hot hot hot!  Mum says it was nearly to hot to walk.  First we went for breakfast with Auntie Jane, and sausage, of course.  And then we went to Foxy Park, like usual. But Mum said this time we were only going to go round once!  So I had to do extra special bouncing to make sure I got enough! We saw Daisy again! And some dachshunds.   They were very steady and polite and boring.  But I liked Daisy.  She was more interested in Cato to start with, but I b



FRIDAY 2nd September: Stir crazy

Tara: I've been chained to the desk for centuries!!!  I can't help it if I am bored, can I?  And going outside is a good Thing To Do When You Are Bored isn't it?  And when you go out, you just HAVE to bark, don't you? Anyway, Mum chained me ALL the TIME for DAYS (Mum: a couple of hours each day, Wed, Thur and Fri) cos it has been too hot to walk. Not Fair!!! Then when Dad came home, I was sooooo excited I had to be all barky again, cos I can't help myself, and then he c



MONDAY 3rd October: Foxy in the SUN

Cato: Pack walk!  Dad is going to walk with us all week, cos of his shift patterns, which is ACE!  So we took him to Foxy for a proper Pack Walk. It is really starting to sniff of Autumn now.  Lots of leaves are frisping and going brown and stuff, and there are NO FLOWERS, so Mum is hardly piccing anything now.  Which is great. This whole walk was at lunchtime, but BEFORE OUR BREAKFAST!!! so we was really hungry.  We kept trying to remind Mum and Dad that benches mean treats, but



FRIDAY 28th October: AuntieKimDogsitter

Tara: We went to see AuntieKim!  We went on a loooooong walk!  We woz tired!  Cato snores louder when he is tired! We love AuntieKim and Mr Kim.  Mr Kim sits on the sofa and we both fit on his lap.   Cato: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



FRIDAY 30th December: Crispy!

Cato:  Mum and Dad are going out later,  so we had our walk first.  This is First Sniff And then I had to run to catch up, cos I was sniffifying and they all walked off and left me. See how sunny the Ent Moot was?  Mum says it is something complicated about the low sun at this time of year, and how all the rest of the year the tree trunks and my widdle spots are in the shade.  Anyway, I tried to celebrate it with a good widdle circuit, but I don't think I had enough to dr



Sat 15th Apr: Big Lake Pack Walk

Tara: Today we had sausages AND bacon bits!  They were delicious!  I had bigger bits than Cato! This is me waiting for my sausage and bacon.   Mum had just realised that we had left home in such a hurry that she hadn't done my hair!  I didn't mind though.  I wanted sausages more than I wanted my hair done.  We went to a sausage place with outside tables, and we were allowed to sit on the bench while Mum and Dad ate.  Mum said that we would have had to sit on the ground if any



Wed 26th Apr: Stinky flowers on promenade

Cato: Me again.  This is a boring one.  We went for a street walk, which is sniffy but a bit... um... well, we can't bounce, can we?  And then we can't go on the beach any more, cos of tourists.  Mum says.  Cos tourists don't like paws having fun on the beach.  So we did Promendadoing on the the Promendado.  And there were stinky flowers. and Mum says that she has lived here for ever and ever and ever (Mum: 8 years) and never knew that they put the tide times on this red



I am 5!!! (Cato's Birthday 13th May)

Cato: Mum says that it is my Special Once-In-A-Lifetime 5th Birthday Today.  And that I am a Little Hero. I love my Mum. This is me and Dad on my Special Birthday Dawn And this is Me and Tara on our Special Birthday Lie In Then Dad woke me up with my prezzie.  It is a NEW Angry Bird toy, and I chewed it and sucked it and humped the duvet with it in my mouth.  It was a lovely way to be woken up!  I love Dad. We went out to our Special Waggy Tails sau



Our Harnesses

Tara: Hi Aunties We had to go and get me a harness.  It is red and special, and the nice Harness Lady spent ages getting it to fit me so I look extra special and lovely.  I chose RED.  Cato wanted boring brown.  But the Harness Lady didn't have any brown.  Haha!  So he has PURPLE instead.  I like the PURPLE too.  I could wear red one day and purple the next, couldn't I?  Cos the Purple would look much better on me than it does on Cato. We have to have harnesses now on account of C



Thornton Abbey with the Pack

Tara: Both Mum and Dad were off Work Stuffing today!  So we did a Pack Walk!  I LOVE Pack Walks!  It woz ACE!!! We went to a sniffy place called Thornton Abbey where Henry VIII visited and decided stuff.  Whether it got knocked down, or not.  It didn't get knocked down.  Mum says.  But then someone else knocked it down later.  And I mountained and explored.  Even Cato enjoyed it. We had to be carried through the Cow Field to get there.  The ticket lady said the cows had baby




Cato: Hello Aunties! It is veryveryvery hot.  Dad has been taking us to the park very early for Tara and Jasmine to beat each other up, and for me to get my sniffs.  But it is so hot that I don’t want to get back in the car, after.  And then I have to snooze all day to rest.  Tara sleeps too.  Mum’s lap is hot too. Jasmine doesn’t sleep.  Well, she dozes for a bit.  But not properly.  Today she kept waking up, and she does stuff.  Restless stuff.   Today she ate a lavender bush to



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