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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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Another flowery supplemental

More of this blue stuff - still don't know what it is, but bees LOVE it! I have been walking past this sign for a couple of years, and today I actually read it!  Hahahaha!  Turns out it lists the rose varieties by name.             The scents are exquisite, especially when the sun comes out...



SATURDAY 6th June: Swans, geese and AuntieSue

Cato: Today was a double adventure!  We met swans AND saw AuntieSue again.  AuntieSue is really snuggly, and is MUCH kinder than Mum.  Mum wouldn't pick me up when I got tired, but I bet I could have got AuntieSue to do it.  If Mum hadn't been there.   But at least it was nice and cool again. We had the swan adventure first, before AuntieSue arrived.  First we had an interesting sniff down by the water. Then Tara spotted a new green bit that we have never explored before.



FRIDAY 17th June: Green and cool

Cato: Ooooh, we had a LOVELY walk today.  The whole pack together.  Big Lake Park.  And it was lovely and cool, so I bounced and bounced and didn't flop AT ALL. (Mum: thermometer says 14-16 degrees, which is around 60 degrees F) Mum says she has been wondering if I woz ill or something,cos I haven't been very active, but now she thinks it is just the heat.  I don't like it when it gets over 20ish (70ish degrees F) Look wot I saw: Donkeys! And look wot Tara ate!



THURSDAY 16th June: PingPongPark Rumble!

OK (says Mum) think we have to do this one a bit differently, since they can't agree who won The War.  So I will speak first, setting the scene, as it were, and then they will each get a turn to comment on each picture.   But before we start, I want to reassure you that no Shih Tzus were harmed in the making of this Epic, and they have both spent a lovely afternoon snuggled up with Dad on the sofa, watching the England v Wales footie match.  So Peace was restored. Since the weather was



WEDNESDAY 15th June: Soggy Foxy

Tara: Look!  This was an ACE fight.  I let Cato think he might win it, for a bit, but of course he didn't really.  I just got bored and went off to do something else. And this is my bench.  And Dad.  with treats! It had been raining a lot, so there was some nice mud.  And Cato drank it, despite being told not too! Ha! Come on!  This way Hurry up Mum! I've left all the boring bits for Cato to tell you about.  Hahahaha!  



Mum's boring flowery bits

They aren't interested in this, so I can put as many flowers in as I like. These are my glorious Oriental Poppies, which came into bloom when I was away last weekend.  I have counted over 50 buds. These are my new rose.  Beautifully faded to salmon. All the rest of the pics are from today at Town Park, which should really be renamed Flowery Park, shouldn't it? Bearded Irises.   Roses Blue things Allium



TUESDAY14th June: Flowery Park and STEAK

Tara: So today is some anneversry thing for Mum and Dad.  Actually it isn't.  It was Saturday, but they forgot Hahahaha! and only remembered today!  So we went and had STEAK.  Dad had the big one again, and gave us bits when we got back to the car.  It was delish!!! But before that we went to Stinky Flower Town Park and spent ages being bored when Mum was taking pics.  Dad says he thinks he won't go there again if Mum takes the camera. Ha! I think Mum is going to save all the flowery b



SUNDAY 12th June: Mum's home!!!

Cato: We woz miserable without her.  We tried not to be, and we do love Dad, but it isn't the same, is it?  And we didn't know if she was OK.  It is safer in the pack, isn't it?  So yesterday, when Dad tried to take us for a walk, I didn't want to go.  And I sat down on my bottom lots and lots, and he carried me a bit, until we turned for home, and then I pulledandpulledandpulled cos I wanted to get home to see if Mum was there waiting.  And when she wasn't I had to run around and check eve



THURSDAY 9th June: Foxy with Dad

Cato: After a lot of discussion, we decided to walk Dad at Foxy today.  He knows the way around, so can't get lost, and it means we don't have to manage him on the pavement at all.  Hot in the car though! Mum says you won't recognise the park - not a flower in sight.  Says that Dad doesn't see flowers.  And has had to be trained to give them too.  It was lovely and sniffy today.  These are something called Tennis Courts.  Something to do with Wimbledon.  People only use them for do



WEDNESDAY 8th June: Training Dad

Cato: Mum and Dad had a bit of a disagreement today.  Mum has a hurty place on her rear paw.  She is calling it a blister.  She got it on yesterday's walk.  So she couldn't come with us today, cos she needs her paw for the weekend, when she is going away   without us.  By herself.   For 2 days  The disagreement was cos Mum thought it was too hot, and Dad didn't.   That meant we had to walk Dad by ourselves.  It is a lot of responsibility, you know.  We took him to the park with the



TUESDAY 7th June: Donkeys and buttercups

Tara: So we had to wait for ages and ages cos it was hot again.  Mum wouldn't take us out all day, until it was cooler.  But that woz OK cos it meant I could bounce on Cato more! And he was quite bouncy too.  I think he got bored with sleeping all day as well. This is me after bouncing.  Mum says I look like a Hooligan.   But it was FUN.  Even more fun than helping Dad with the shed, and helping with the grocery delivery.  And it was MUCH more fun that sleeping all



MONDAY 6th June: 2nd day of strike action

Cato: Mum was doing her work thing all day, so we helped Dad clear more of the shed.  That is HARD work!  and it is hot in there.  Tara likes to jump up and go inside, and get in Dad's way, but I prefer to stay outside where it is cooler, and try and trip him up when he steps down. It was too hot to walk in Mum's lunchtime, so we sat on her on the sofa, and  chilled. Then we walked in the evening when it was cooller.  Just the usual Field, Cemetery and Slippy Road.  Mum thinks you



SUNDAY 5th June: 2 walk Sunday!

Tara: We had 2 walks today!  2!  it was ACE.  And we had BURGER!  although only a tiny bit.  And the woman in the shop said we were like living teddy bears.  And I sat on AuntieJane in the park and was taller than a Viszla!  it was FANTASTIC!!! Mum said it was one of the best weekends she had ever had, and she has had lots of weekends, cos she is OLD!!! Cato can tell you all the boring stuff.  The detail.  But LOOK at MY MUD!!!  we haven't seen any forEVER, and then we found all t



SATURDAY 4th June: Hot sun, green shade

Cato: Hello Aunties.  We had a lovely special sunny hot green walk today.  We are feeling All Better after AuntieKim's Trek, and Tara was bouncing well, but I found it a bit hot.  Mum thought I was panting A LOT, so we stopped to drink three times, and Mum Calming Signaled Tara so she didn't bounce on me too much.  Dad is home a lot for a bit (annual leave, says Mum) so we have him in the pack walks too, which we like.   Sorry to warn you, but there is flower stuff at the end.  Mum ins



FRIDAY 3rd May: Snoozing ready for our visitor

Cato: Mum said you woz worried about us, when we went quiet.  That is very, very nice of you.  So I asked Mum to write this so you didn't worry.   We are still sleepy after yesterday's trek with AuntieKim, so we are sleeping all this morning, and not walking at lunchtime.  But this evening will be very exciting, cos AuntieJane is coming over to see the splashy pool, and we LOVE AuntieJane, so there will be lotsandlotsandlots of bouncing.  I am going to show her every toy, especially th



WEDNESDAY 1st June: Windy but exciting

Cato: It was VERY windy today.  Mum nearly didn't take us out, cos she thought we might get blown away.  But we asked and asked, and Tara was being such a pest, what with the sausage dramas, and beating me up, that Mum said she needed to wear her out. We woz both pretty desperate, and hauled Mum along quite sharpish! Once we were at Our Field, we just had to RUN and SNIFF and BOUNCE.  Even Tara couldn't ruin it. See the grasses and stuff all leaning sideways at the back



MONDAY 30 May: Busy busy busy

Tara: They left us for breakfast again!  I didn't eat.  At all.  And then they had sausages for tea, and only gave us a bit.  So I am on strike and not eating horrible raw dogfood.  I am REALLY REALLY REALLLLLY hungry, and just beat Cato up, and barked in the garden, and had to be tied to the desk so I didn't go out and bark and bark and bark, but if they won't feed me, then I won't eat horrible raw stuff.  I WANT SAUSAGES!!!   Mum: It has been a fun day, as you can see.  Sig



SUNDAY 29th May: Windy Foxy and NO BREAKFAST!!!

Cato: Mum didn't take us out to breakfast today with Auntie Jane!!!  We were left at home!!!  We woz very miserable, and Tara cried at the door. Mum says it was cos she thought it was going to rain, and she wanted to go to a weird indoor breakfast place that we have never been to before, that doesn't let dogs in.  But that is terrible.  It can't be a nice place if it doesn't let dogs in, can it? Then they came and picked us up, smelling of bacon and sausages and stuff, and we all




Cato: Look Aunties!  Nice Mr Postman just brought us ALL THESE!!!!   We got More Pig's Ears coz Tara keeps stealing mine. And Puffed Pig Snoutles which are all weird, but nice. And Buffalo Lung stuff (Mum: actually beef lung, which they love, but it is German, so labelled buffalo) And little bits of tummy innards called HundSpagetti (intestines).  We had longer ones before, but Tara swallowed it all like a worm and made herself sick so now we only get the littl



FRIDAY 27th May: foot and face trim

Cato: Mum had her fur trimmed this morning.  She left us on patrol while she was out.  It was quite exciting.  She is waiting to see if any of the neighbours complain about Tara barking. once she got home, she decided to trim our foots and faces and my tail!!!  Lots of treats, but i still didn't like it. No pics, cos she wants to go over my tail again before you see it. but these are her iris pics, from the garden, in case you are interested.   Tara:



THURSDAY 26th May: Flowerless park

Cato: Mum says to tell you that Summer has arrived.  Not really sure wot she means, but she says the park felt different today.  Like all the spring flowery stuff was over, and now there is the early summer lull before things like buddleia kick in. It didn't SMELL any different!   Anyway, here is wot happened There was a nasty crow-pigeon, but we ignored it, cos it is scary This is Bruno, he has put a bit of weight back on, and his Dad has been told off by the vet b



TUESDAY 24th May: Pack walk round cemetery

Tara:  Had to sleep all day cos Mum was working.  Dad went out too, but not to work.  He went to see Pops and Mam, but didn't take us!  So we slept instead.   Today was windy so all the sniffs blew past really quick.  And there were seeds and cut grass.  Mum says she needs to check my knickers for tangles and stuff.  We did Our Field and the Cemetery, and down the Slippy Road, and saw a CAT!!!  It was tortoiseshell, so it wasn't like Sidney, so we tried to chase it, and had to look in



MONDAY 23rd May: Another birthday walk!

Cato:  I got my birthday beach walk!  But so did Dad!  His birthday is today.  We didn't know til we woke up this morning and got to watch him open his presents on the Big Bed, but we gave him a lovely walk, and then we went out and had STEAK!!! so it was an ACE birthday.  We signed his card too. Of course we had to wait while Mum worked all morning, but she took the afternoon off, and this is where we went. We haven't been here for AGES, so it was extra specially windy and sniffy



SUNDAY 22nd May: Hot, sunny, Auntie Jane

Tara: They took AGES at breakfast.  And every time I whined, Mum prodded me with her toe.  She made me stop!  Not fair!  I was just pointing out that they could talk boring stuff while we were walking and eating sausages! Anyway, eventually we went to Foxy Park - but only after Mum had given away a piece of my sausage.  We were just getting to the Sausage Bit, away from the cafe, and before we got into the car, when Mum says 'Hello gorgeous!' to some fluffy Pomeranian.  And the Pom's D



SATURDAY: Buck Beck and Golf

Tara: We had an early start today!  Mum let us up on the Big Bed REALLY EARLY! (Mum: 6.30am) and then we snuggled til late.  It was GREAT!!!. Then we all got up and widdled and stuff and went out for a walk.  IT started off really boring, and we thought it would be the same as yesterday  but then it got really interesting!  Too interesting for me to bounce on Cato much! This is me looking interested in Truffle Hound. I will let Cato tell you the rest, cos he likes tellin



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