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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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SUNDAY 7th Feb: Auntie walk! :)

Sidney: I have forgiven them.  We had a nice snuggle on the big bed, and I purred like a... a... well, I purred a lot.  Like a TIGER.  Mainly on account of the ear and cheek rub that Mum does.  And I didn't bite anyone.  Sometimes, when I have had enough of being fussed, I bite hands and arms, to tell people to stop.  Didn't need to this time. And I kneaded the bedcovers, and my injured paw kneaded properly, for the first time since my War Wound happened.  And my broken off claws were



SATURDAY 6th Feb: 1st Great Return Journey

Tara: We got up really early, and I was sleepy, but Mum and Dad carried us outside, cos they thought we might wee on one of the corners in the hotel, if we walked.  But there was a nice patch of grass outside.  Then we went back to bed for a bit while they did bathroom stuff.  When they went to breakfast, I whined.  I was still whining when they got back.  But I might have stopped in the middle.  We had raw beef mince for breakfast, and they didn't save us any sausages. This is Scarbor



FRIDAY 5th Feb: 1st Great (doggie) Train Journey

Cato: Tara was BAD.  Very bad.  And then she was Naughty. We went in the car to the station, then 2 trains.  At the first station we had a mini walk because Dad was worried that Tara hadn't had a wee and would go on the train.  I had weeed earlier, so I was good.  But then I had a poo.  Just in case.  Cos I am good.  This was a lump, with car tyres, next to a football pitch near the station.  It was odd.  So we all had to climb it.  There was a man walking across the field and he



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THURSDAY 4th Feb: Greenwich Mean Time

Mum: Just got time to write yesterdays blog before we set off on todays Train Adventure.  Probably won't post the next one til we get back, unless the wifi at the hotel is MUCH better than expected.  We are leaving an incredibly grumpy Sidney, who has been following me round all morning screeching to have his window open.  But we are bribing him by leaving a bowl of tinned catfood in jelly, some crunchy biscuits AND an entire skinless chicken thigh.  Hopeflly he will have calmed down by tom



WEDNESDAY 3rd Feb: Breakfast and beach

Tara: Mum didn't do her boring work thing today, and Dad wasn't doing his boring work thing til later, so we went out for breakfast sausages.  This is where they ate, and we sat under the table, like always.  The floor is very clean, which is a pity. I always hope for some dropped food, but there never is.  We then go outside, and just before we go onto the beach, Dad gets out his napkin and we sit-ever-so-good  and we get chuncks of sausage.  Then we have the strength to go and



TUESDAY 2nd Feb: Sun, wind and reed seed heads

Sidney: They have been re-doing the roof again.  Two rolls of tape now.  But there was a horrible wind, and nothing fell off, so maybe they can leave it alone now?  I spent all yesterday asleep which was nice and peaceful.  But bedtime is turning into a bit of a problem.  Now that The Brat is old enough they think they can trust her not to wee on the bed, they are allowed on the big bed for a few minutes before Lights Out.  We used to have a lovely peaceful routine.  I would get there first



MONDAY 1st Feb: Ping pong!

Tara: We went to the Little Park today, and it was ACE!  We started off in the wilderness bit, where the seeds get into your knickers, if you bounce in the long grass too much. We had a good fight there.   See how I chose the muddiest bit I could find?  This pic is just before Cato jumped on me!  You can see him plotting. Then we went with Dad into the big open bit.  See how I am skipping with excitement, cos I know what is going to happen - PING PONG!  It i



SUNDAY 31st Jan: Boring Sunday

SUNDAY   Cato: We were supposed to see Auntie Jane today for breakfast (sausages, yum!) and a walk in the little park.  But she isn’t feeling well, so we didn’t.  And it was raining.  So we had a boring morning sleeping instead.  Then it rained all afternoon.  Then it got dark.  And then it was bedtime.  We didn’t do anything interesting AT ALL, ALL DAY.  I think Mum was bored too.  She decided that my Tinkle needed a trim.  I don’t like that.  But I can wee without spraying my fe



SATURDAY 30th Jan: Green poo

Sidney: Why do I have to go first?  Silly dogs should go first then clever cats after.  I like the shed roof improvements.  I spend time on there during sunny weather, surveying my territory.  They left the central heating on all night last night, by mistake.  It was lovely.  I shall organise some pictures for you, so that you can see my territory.  I wanted to use the word 'kingdom' instead of 'territory' but Mum refused to type it.  She says I need to get a sense of proportion.  Which is



How much trouble can two dogs and one cat get into...?

The first few entries are transferred from another thread, when Crystal suggested that C, T and S deserved their own blog. Great suggestion!  I just hope it doesn't go to their heads too much... Anyway because the posts were transferred across, they are slightly out of order, but not to worry - the wee beasties haven't noticed!



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