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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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WEDNESDAY 1st June: Windy but exciting

Cato: It was VERY windy today.  Mum nearly didn't take us out, cos she thought we might get blown away.  But we asked and asked, and Tara was being such a pest, what with the sausage dramas, and beating me up, that Mum said she needed to wear her out. We woz both pretty desperate, and hauled Mum along quite sharpish! Once we were at Our Field, we just had to RUN and SNIFF and BOUNCE.  Even Tara couldn't ruin it. See the grasses and stuff all leaning sideways at the back



WEDNESDAY 19th October: Dad walk

Cato:  Hi Aunties.  Mum has been very busy  too busy to blog for us.   And there was bad rain too. We actually started having a beach walk on Monday, but it started to rainrainrain and we all came home, without pics. Then Tuesday it was HorbbibleWet.  All day.  So we snuggled with Mum at lunchtime on the sofa.  But then Dad took us for a walk on Wednesday when Mum was out.  We missed her lots, but she came back, so that was OK. This is our walk with Dad.  Lots of space to run and



WEDNESDAY 18th May: Big Bed Night!

Cato:  No walk day cos it is raining  horrible wet soggy miserable boring rain. But that is not important.  Wot IS important is that we got to sleep ALL NIGHT on the Big Bed. ALL NIGHT!!!!! It was fab. Dad woz out doing work stuff all evening, and we had to go upstairs without him.  That is always fun, cos Mum has to get one of us under each arm, with her mobile phone tucked in her bra, and then turn off the light switch with her nose. Then we go upstairs and wait on the



WEDNESDAY 17th Feb: No walk :(

Sidney: My window was opened for half the morning then closed when it started to rain.  So I couldn't smell the rain. Then it was opened for half the evening, after the rain had stopped. That was bearable. And we had a nice ear rub, purr and cuddle in the big bed last evening, and I got the middle spot, as always. However, I noticed that they were looking at holiday cottages on the computer last night.  And train schedules.    Tara: No Walk!  It was too we



WEDNESDAY 17th August: Reverse tunnelling

Cato: Big Lake walk!  Oooh Aunties, it was LOVELY!  We hadn't been out since ages and ages, and Tara was so full of bounce it was unbearable!  Mum checked her magic weather predictor thing, and it was going to be cool!  So we set off.  Round the lake.  One lady laughed at Tara's mohawk, and said how sweet it is.  Yuck.  Who wants to be sweet? The big hissy swans are all huge and floating about in groups.  Mum says they still have all six babies, but they aren't babies any more, are the



WEDNESDAY 16th Mar: Sniffs and tunnels and scratches!

Cato: Foxy Park walk today!  Yay!  Cold and a bit windy but some sun too.  Dad could come with us, but kept talking about being starving so afterwards we had to drive through KFC and pick up some gorgeous sniffy chicken and stuff.  Then we came home and watched him eat.  I got a tiny bit.  Tara got a bigger bit.  And Mum got none.  Greenery and kwish stuff, she had.  Poor us! The walk was good though.  Mum wandered round saying 'there is nothing left to photograph!' so we found her the



WEDNESDAY 15th June: Soggy Foxy

Tara: Look!  This was an ACE fight.  I let Cato think he might win it, for a bit, but of course he didn't really.  I just got bored and went off to do something else. And this is my bench.  And Dad.  with treats! It had been raining a lot, so there was some nice mud.  And Cato drank it, despite being told not too! Ha! Come on!  This way Hurry up Mum! I've left all the boring bits for Cato to tell you about.  Hahahaha!  



WEDNESDAY 14th September: PingPong with Dad

Cato:   We had to walk early, on account of hotness today.  So we took Dad down to PingPongPark and showed him all the sniffs.  It was still misty cos of the earliness, but the sun came through after and was hothothot. Tara:    This is the park.  You've seen it before.  But it hasn't sniffed all misty before.   Cato:  Dad!  come and see this!  It is REALLY interesting. Tara:    This white fluffy stuff is where someone brushed their dog.  I like the thought of Mum groom



WEDNESDAY 14th December: Day out with Pops and Nana

Tara:  I got to sit on the car seat with Dad and Nana!  All the way there!  And all the way back!  Cato sat ON Dad's knee, but my spot woz better, cos I got fussed by Nana too!  It woz ACE!!! We went to drop Pops and Nana in town, and then went on to My Favourite Walk in All the World!  Look! Lots of pics today.  This is when I woz duck hunting.  But they were all hiding. The mud was lovely and squishy, cos it had melty leaves all squishifying in it. That is the ben



WEDNESDAY 13th Apr: Pigeon Hunt!!!

Tara: Foxy Park!  Yay!  With MUM AND Dad! Yay!  And sun!  And pigeons!  And fights!!! Lots of adventures today! This is the park when we arrived.  All huge and sniffy and sunny and gorgeous!  With no other dogs around wanting to sniff my bottom bits. And this is My Bench, only Dad just walked past!  No drink or treats! This is me bouncing on Cato: And this is Cato wimping out after.  He was all hot and bothered and panty.  And Mum told us bo



Wednesday 12th October: WetWetWet

Tara: Gosh it was wet today.  Dad says he thinks I am going to stop widdling outside when I am old and cranky like Cato.  But I won't.  It woz just that it was a bit of a shock to be carried downstairs all warm and snuggly and lovely, and then be dumped on the doorstep with Dad's toe scooting me up the tail!  Pushing me out into the cold wetness for my morning widdle!  A girl should be given time to think about these things, before being shoved out in the wet! I may have got a bit boun



WEDNESDAY 11th May: Karate smackdown

Cato:  Tara has a new obsession.  She has forgotten all about Tomboying, and has moved on.    We had a long boring day, and then Dad came home and Mum finished work, and we all went out to Our Field at the end of the road.  We were going to walk through the cemetery too, looking for ghosts, but after the Field we had ALL had enough, I think. Went round twice.  First time was fun. Sniffy holes: and Mum squeaking about all the dandy seed heads and isn't



WEDNESDAY 10th Feb: Road trek and 1st sand castle of the year

Tara: Me first again today!  Hahaha!  Cato is still asleep, cos he was naughty yesterday.  He didn't widdle at bedtime.  Mum was dancing about the garden crunching gravel and saying 'Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!' but he didn't wee.   Then when Dad got up for work at 3.30 am, Cato heard him and woke Mum. and had to be carried downstairs to wee, and back up again. Why does she always say Hurry up 3 times?  Weird eh? Anyway, now he is being a lazy slug and wanting a lie in, and he d



WEDNESDAY 10th August: Huntin' Bear!!!

Tara: Hahaha!  Mum's been a lazy slug for DAYS and hasn't been taking dictation.  So we have lots and lots of catching up to do.  I'm first.  Then Cato can do the next one, while I have a snooze. So, we went back to the Wild Woods hunting that bear statue.  Well, I woz hunting.  Mum woz piccing.  Dad was striding.  And Cato woz wimping. Look wot I found!!! lots of balancing ballet tutu beams! See how graceful and athletical I am?  Hope our holiday comes soon, cos I



WED&THUR 28/29 September: No pics! haha!

Tara: No pics!  Haha!  Cos Mum let the camera battery go flat on hol, and now it needs a new battery.  Wotever that is. So yesterday we went for a walk to PingPongPavillion Park and then today we went back to Foxy, both with Dad cos Mum was doing computer stuff.  It woz fun, but you can't see it cos of the battery thing.   Cato: So Mum says we have to blog something different, cos you can't see us doing stuff in pics.  And she says that me and Tara have to put our thinki



WED/THUR 16th/17th Nov: :( no walks :(

Cato: Yesterday Mum had to work through her walk-time  so we couldn't show her all the new sniffs.  And then Mum and Dad went out for dinner!  And didn't take us with them!  Even though they went to the Steak Place where we had Megasaurus Steak last time!    We had to be shut in the front room with our chews, knowing they were Steaking!  But then when they came back, they had brought home some of the Megasaurus that they had hunted, and it was all OK.   Then today, we all set out



Wed 8th Mar: Beach again

Tara: Ha ha!  Beach again.  But Mum forgot the camera and her phone thing. It was sniffy, and I wore my blue jumper, and Mum wouldn't let me bounce on Cato properly.  But that was all that happened. Oh, and we had bobolognezee sauce on our tea.  It woz lovely!!!



Wed 7th Jun: Big lake in the sun with swans

Cato: Oooh it was hot.  Mum said only once round the lake today  on account of the hotness, but in the end I didn't want to go round again.  It was hothothot.   this is the pink Vetch climbing up the post don't know wot those purple things are, but Mum says they are special and wild and pretty. It was windy!  Can you see the wind doing weird stuff to the water round the island? Look!  There are new swan pups! Mum said 'Now Cato, behave yours




Tara: Oh Aunties it woz soooooo BBBOOORRRIIINNNGGG today.  I don't know how I standed it. It was all lovely and sunny in the morning, but then it started to rain when Mum stops her computering at lunchtime.   so we didn't take her for a walk, cos she is all wimpy about getting wet.  I wouldn't have minded.  I would even have worn my BRIGHT RED coat, if she had wanted.  but she didn't. So she did BORING cooking stuff instead, and then we went and snuggled on the sofa until she got



Wed 3rd May: My garden at Grandad's

Cato:   When we go and stay with G&G I get to have a whole new big garden, and to supervise Grandad when he does plant stuff.  Although sometimes he doesn't do stuff like he should. Mum says I shouldn't be so bossy.  But it is hard not to be when I see Grandad doing stuff that is wrong. This is him on the bald bit.  It is good for peeing and pooing, but he is fussing with it, and keeps digging holes and filling them with plants.  I don't mind the holes, but why does he want to



Wed 26th Apr: Stinky flowers on promenade

Cato: Me again.  This is a boring one.  We went for a street walk, which is sniffy but a bit... um... well, we can't bounce, can we?  And then we can't go on the beach any more, cos of tourists.  Mum says.  Cos tourists don't like paws having fun on the beach.  So we did Promendadoing on the the Promendado.  And there were stinky flowers. and Mum says that she has lived here for ever and ever and ever (Mum: 8 years) and never knew that they put the tide times on this red



Wed 24th May: Promendadoing

Cato: We all went for a pack walk, to the French Place so Mum could have a hot choc thing.  But it was closed! So we had to go for a proper sniffy walk instead.  I like it when the French Place is closed. Mum says you should see how brown the water is.  That is cos of the rain, apparently.   I wanted to go on the beach, but Mum said no.  Cos of The Rules, and us not beaching til it gets cold again. My tail looks good, doesn't it? It was a bit grey and Mum



Wed 1st Feb: Bowless Foxy

Cato: We went to Foxy Park, and Tara had a tizz. This is how worried she was when she realised she had lost her bow.  AGAIN.  She is very careless with them, isn't she? Mum said she thinks you must be getting very bored of the same old pictures of the same old places.  I think you must be too, cos it isn't like you can sniff them, is it?  And the sniffing is the most important part.  Just looking is very boring.  Like being shut in a car with the window closed.  Which is awfu



Wed 19th Apr: Centre of Universe

Cato: Hi Aunties.  We have done lots of sniffy walks this week, but mainly with Dad, and he is dodging the camera (so Mum says).  So the only blog pics we have are when Mum took us to the Centre of the Universe today.  It was a bit grey, but it was warm and lovely and sniffy. There is pink stuff EVERYWHERE, isn't there?  Mum doesn't know wot this is, but she says it is pretty.  Yeah, well... This is Tara at the beginning, wanting me and Mum to hurry up.



Wed 15th Nov: Tunneling with Mum

Cato: Dad had to go do shifty stuff, so we took Mum round the big lake and down the tunnel.  It was just starting to muddify, and the sky was really grey. To start with, Mum said 'We are sticking to the path today, cos of all that rain we had.'   But then we walked past the tunnel entrance, and she stopped and had a think.  And she decided that maybe we could try the tunnel and see if we sank in the mud. But it really wasn't very muddy at all!  I think Tara was a



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