Hello Aunties! And especially AuntieCrystal @PipsMom, cos we are blogging so that she has something to read when she feels like it. And for UncleMartin @megabit so that he can read it too.
So we went away on holiday. It was AGES ago, so I don't know if I can really remember all that much. But Mum says she will show me the pics and then I can try and tell you all about it.
We stayed in this place.
So, this walk happened AGES AGO, but I was too busy being me and sleeping and stuff to blog it before now. I mean, we have been on holiday and stuff, and I want to tell you all about that, but Mum says I have to tell you about our stormy walk first. Booorrrriiiingggg! But I am going to, cos I am a good girl.
Mum says she put the stormy skypics up already, so I just need to tell you about my benches and my mud and my mountains.
This is the firstest mountain of the day. Ca
Oh Aunties, yesterday my tummy was sooooo full. It was FAB!!!
It started off with breakfast. Cos Mum was doing chicken wings, and she knows that I like the pointy triangle bits wot are on the end. So she skissers them off for me. There were some on the floor, so I hoovered them up. Cato missed out cos he doesn't like raw chicken bits. He is weird.
So then it woz breakfast proper time. And Mum puts our food in the bowls and stands back. Only she made some kind of mist
Today's walk was a beach walk.
I will let Tara tell you all about it later, but I just wanted to post a few of the sky pics I took because they are pretty amazing.
We set off in the car to a blue sky and high white clouds, but in the 10 minutes it took to drive to the beach the dark rainclouds were rolling in...
It was a proper bank of cloud, carrying rain (but not a downpour). Hardly more than a shower.
And then it rolled away again.
Dad had to go do shifty stuff, so we took Mum round the big lake and down the tunnel. It was just starting to muddify, and the sky was really grey.
To start with, Mum said 'We are sticking to the path today, cos of all that rain we had.'
But then we walked past the tunnel entrance, and she stopped and had a think. And she decided that maybe we could try the tunnel and see if we sank in the mud.
But it really wasn't very muddy at all! I think Tara was a
Tara found a bone under the couch this evening.
I am not proud of this, but there we are. I run the kind of house where bones are, occasionally, found under couches. At least it made Tara happy.
One bone. Two dogs. Finders keepers. So obviously Cato wasn't quite so cheerful.
It took a while, but eventually he managed to organise things to his satisfaction: First he sat and watched Tara chewing. Then he sat and had a think. Then he went over to the doorway and sat
It was FAB!!!!
We went out to the sausage place with Mum and Dad. It woz windy and cold and blue sky sunny and sniffy and fun. The wind swirled around my knickers and I was all bouncy and hoppy, and nearly tripped Mum up. And we were looking for cats EVERYWHERE!!!
The floor is always too clean!
But then when we had sat under the table for AGES and had our water and our treats and our sausages, we went outside and look!
The sun had disappeared!
My turn! Dad has to go and do his shifty work today really early - like just after lunch. So we had to take him and Mum out for our walk this morning. It was sniffy road walking too, not running-about-on-grass, cos Dad needed to get some bread stuff for his tea at work. But I love my Dad and I didn't mind. Besides. There were CATS!!!
This is cat 1.
we couldn't see it, but we could sniff it! Cato did his Hunting Thing. All quivery and pulling at the leash. And
I have to blog this one Aunties, cos Tara is sulking. She says there aren't enuff pics of her. But I think there are more pics of her than me - and lots of pics of flowers. But I mustn't complain, cos it meant Mum and her new camera and me and Tara and Dad all had a really nice walk.
Mum says that everyone should notice the focus n stuff. Just nod. That is what I do. It makes her happy.
This was some very good sniffing. And those leaves on the path are get
Yesterday the light was awful, so I just played with the software. Had to download new Firmware, which was a new experience!
Anyway, these were taken in the garden during my lunch break 10 mins ago, and now here they are for your delectation.
The sky really is that grey, and the light really is that dull. But the colours seem very true. I didn't phaff with zooming in or anything, just bent down close to the flowers and snapped away.
These are my pretty little cyclamen, valiantl
Going to show you one of the reasons why the blogging has been missing lately.
About a month ago my lovely Nikon Coolpix S33 camera died. It had been losing battery charge very rapidly, and I had changed the rechargeable battery once, to no improvement. Then it decided to not switch off, and just blink a light at me until the battery ran down. It still charged, but then it just ran the battery flat immediately afterwards.
So, new camera. Which arrived and I instantly thou
You know how much we love Mum and Dad. We do! And we love walking and sniffing and snuggling and wrestling with pythons and EVERYTHING. So we are happy. We are.
But... we used to do more walks. Back when Mum was taking dictation and me and Tara were blogging every day, it was HARD work! But we got to go out all the time, and went to interesting sniffy places. Different every day. And it was hot and sunny and nice. And muddy and fun.
For ages and ages and ages we hav
Hello Aunties. This blog is me cos Tara can't remember so far back. I can remember cos these pics were taken the day that my wonky leg was unwonked. So I will never ever ever forget. We went out for a pic walk in Grandad's Garden just before I met nice MrMcT and he unwonked me.
Last time we went to stay with Grandad and Grandma, the garden looked very different. There was a whole new flowerbed wot was all bare earth which is good for widdling and scratting, cos Grandad had o
Hello Aunties!
We had a FAB walk yesterday. We only went out to do an Autumn Photo Shoot for me, so I can be a Supermodel again, and look fab. Mum did my hair up in a new style and everything.
Cato larffed at me and said that Carrera rocks this look much better than me. But he is just jealous. Cato I mean, not Carrera.
Can you see my hair?
This is when we were catching up with Mum. Cato was doing a silly walk at the time, and worrying Mum in case his w
Hello Aunties! Now that Tara has stopped fussing about her feet, I can tell you about my visit to my new VetDoctor. Mum says he is called MrMcT which is short for him being a McTimoney somethingorother.
He was nice.
Tara didn't come in with me! Yay! So she wasn't squeaking and getting in the way and wanting fuss, and I had Mr MrMcT all to myself. He got down on the floor to see me, which I liked, so I didn't have to stand on that horrible high vet table.
He did stu
Me again!
Cato says he needs a whole blog to himself to tell you all the boring stuff about his Special VetDoctor stuff wot I didn't go to, and they won't tell me all about cos it is so dull i just fall asleep.
Anyway, cos he's going to be hogging the blogging talking all about him, i can squeezify in first and tell you about my ticklish foots.
No pics again. Even though Mum says my foots are Perfick and pink and black and fluffy white and she wants to kiss my paw pads
My turn! Cato has been hogging the blogging lately, so I get to tell you all how awesome I am. And wot fun we had. and stuff like that. And there are more skypics for AuntieCrystal too.
This bloggification is about 2 different walks, cos that is how clever I am! I can do two walks at once!
This is when we went the Big Lake Park, and Mum accidentally picced all the wrong things. She picced birds and flowers and Cato and all the boring stuff. But there isn't a single pi
it was terrible! Mum and Dad went out, and only Dad came back!
Dad came and sat on the sofa and we watched snooker stuff. And we had treats and more dinner than usual. But she hadn't come home by the time we went up to the Big Bed. It was very worrying!
We went out for breakfast, and i wanted to get home really fast in case she arrived and didn't know where the pack was! But she still didn't come home!
Then all of a sudden we could hear her! And smell her! And
We have been walking, and Mum has been piccing a bit, but we thought you would like these flowers, AuntieCrystal. cos you are having a sad time.
We did lots of sniffy interesting stuff at the park that day as well, of course.
Oh, and I have to tell you that Tara is silly.
She was all fussy and fidgety on the sofa with Mum this evening, and now she has got two legs that haven't been brushed. So she is walking all lopsided
you know how clever I am? I mean I am clever all the time. But i am extra specially clever climbing stairs. And this morning Mum helped me down off the Big Bed and we went downstairs for out widdles. Of course Cato has to be carried down cos he isn't stair-clever.
so then we came in again and boring Cato just got into his crate bed to sleep. He sleeps all morning if you let him. And Mum did her boring drink making and computer sitting. Yawn!
but - remember i am so cle
Aunties i am worried.
i heard Mum and Dad talking about it. They said the we are due those horrible stinky flea drops
and then they said they would wait til after our Spa Day! Not today. And not when we wake up. But the one after that.
isn't that AWFUL?
there will be Mum going away. And horrible wet stuff bath stinky bubbles. And hot blowy noisy air stuff. And those horrible buzzy bitey clippy things.
Tara doen't know. Cos she was chewing a pigs ea
This was in Foxy Park again. With Tara being a pain again. See, my tummy is furry, NOT fat!!!
Mum says this year they have let the grass and wildflowers grow up properly, so they all grew and flowered and seeded and stuff. She likes this. But then she doesn't get seeds in her knickers, does she? Last year the man cut the wildflowers down, and Mum and AuntieJane got cross about it, cos the buzzy bugs had nowhere to go.
This is baby Rowan berries.
Aunties I'm sorry. You know how I like Mum to write wot I say so that you can see my tail, and see how silly Tara is, and see our adventures? Well Mum has been doing so much stuff that she hasn't been taking dictation!
There was the office chair Thing, where Dad's chair broke, and Mum's chair went to live with Dad, and Mum now sits on the grooming stool, which is hard, and her bum hurted until she got a cushion. And that meant she didn't like sitting at the desk for dictation.
So Mum woz doing lamb hearts tonight for our tea.
She stood chopping them up for AGES. They have these lovely chewy pipe things on the top end, and Mum was cutting them off and throwing them for us. I was good and sat on the rug, like I am supposed to, and Tara was almost good and sat closer, near the water bowl. So I got extra bits, and Tara didn't until she came and sat with me, then we got the same amount of bits.
Then, at the end, we each had a nice big juicy bit
So we got home and it woz nice to be back with Home Sniffs, but the BEST bit is that I learneded how to climb stairs!
Aren't I clever?
The day after we got home I followed Mum up the stairs. Our stairs are different from the holiday stairs. They were wood and brown and slippy and really steep! Our home stairs are soft and carpety and narrower, but still steep. So I was really brilliant of me to know about holiday stairs and then go up the home stairs, wozn't it?