We all went for a pack walk, to the French Place so Mum could have a hot choc thing. But it was closed!
So we had to go for a proper sniffy walk instead. I like it when the French Place is closed.
Mum says you should see how brown the water is. That is cos of the rain, apparently.
I wanted to go on the beach, but Mum said no. Cos of The Rules, and us not beaching til it gets cold again.
My tail looks good, doesn't it?
It was a bit grey and Mum
Official Apology, on this Day 15th March this Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Sixteen,
by Mum and Dad and Cato, and OK Tara too, (athough she isn't really interested)
for False Accusations and False Judgements Regarding the CatPee DogBed Polluting Incident
to Sidney Cat (Ruler of All He Surveys), of this Residence.
The Apology retracts ALL implied or stated criticisms meted out to said Feline, which are hereby unreservedly withdrawn, with no lingering doubts or
Cato: No walk day cos it is raining horrible wet soggy miserable boring rain.
But that is not important. Wot IS important is that we got to sleep ALL NIGHT on the Big Bed.
It was fab.
Dad woz out doing work stuff all evening, and we had to go upstairs without him. That is always fun, cos Mum has to get one of us under each arm, with her mobile phone tucked in her bra, and then turn off the light switch with her nose.
Then we go upstairs and wait on the
I found a BONE. It is very very big. And it is all MINE.
Mum has been messing with bones up at the top of the kitchen. Something to do with drying them slowly so they don't go too stinky (Mum: using dehydrator and venison ribs) and today, when I was coming in from my mid morning Garden Patrol, I saw it.
In the middle of the kitchen floor.
It was difficult to carry.
But I couldn't leave it there for Tara to find.
So I picked it up and ha
Cato: Mum and Dad put us in our crates for breakfast, and went out to eat.
But as soon as they came home, on with the leads and a nice walk! Started with a trek to the butchers, where we waited outside with Mum. and Tara was a pest. Then we cut through the little Churchyard
Mum says these are bluebells just starting
and the fatty bushes did well through the winter. yawn.
Then here is one of your palms @AuntAngel and some roses along the wall. Mum sniffs t
Mum said no walk yesterday cos of the coldwetwindiness, but today we went to the Big Lake. I had to wear my English Gentleman Jumper, cos of the cold, and we only went round the lake on the path. Boring or what? But Mum said that would be enough for me, and I was very tired at the end. I AM feeling much better though. But I am VERY bored of fish.
This is first sniff.
It has been very weird while I was ill. I haven't been able to go sniffing. That is terrible. M
Sidney: I stayed home today. I think my paw is getting worse. Mum says it is my fault, and I am not to go out so much. But that makes no sense. It can't be MY fault. That is an absurd idea. I used my tray this morning, cos I didn't want to go all the way out over the roof and the wall for a widdle.
Cato: Mum didn't have to work today! So we got a lie in, and even better, I had a totally peaceful lie in cos they got Tara up and let her bounce on the bed, leaving me to snooz
It woz my first proper walk since my tummy, and my first proper walk since having proper food. Fish isn't food, is it Aunties? Fish is... is... meh!
So lots of sniffs and sun and sand and stuff. And I wore my jumper cos Mum said it was chilly, but I would have been OK cos when the sun came out it was nice.
This is First Sniff:
Mum says the light was 'magical' cos the air was totally still, no wind, and there was hazy sun.
Things are still flowering
It was a fab sniffy walk yesterday. It made me feel much better. And I think Tara liked it too, cos she stopped pulling my tail. But then we had snow this morning.
It wasn't up to my tinkle, or anything. But it was cold. And it kept coming down and melting and coming down and melting all day.
Tara wouldn't go out in it. Of course.
We sat on the sofa watching snooker with Dad at lunchtime, cos Mum said that it would be all salty slippy slushy
You know how Mum and Dad sometimes drag us into sausage places, and we get bored under the table while they stuff their faces with lovely food and drink stuff, and then after agesandagesandages we get to go outside and have some sausage wot they saved for us?
Don't get me wrong, I like the sausages! And the steak. And the 100percentbeefyburgers and the bits of chicken.
But now we have OUR OWN sausage place!
And it is only 10mins walk from home! So we can take Mum for
Today we saw real signs of the changing of the seasons.
Some of these pictures have come out like Rembrandt oil paintings (slightly fuzzy, and look best when you stand further away), and some are crisp and clear. I think it is the difference between the Auto Focus, and the zoom where I control the focusing. I definitely need more practice at these closeups!
I was wandering round thinking 'gosh, there is nothing to shoot', but then I noticed how subtly beautiful the light is, and how
So we got home and it woz nice to be back with Home Sniffs, but the BEST bit is that I learneded how to climb stairs!
Aren't I clever?
The day after we got home I followed Mum up the stairs. Our stairs are different from the holiday stairs. They were wood and brown and slippy and really steep! Our home stairs are soft and carpety and narrower, but still steep. So I was really brilliant of me to know about holiday stairs and then go up the home stairs, wozn't it?
Auntie Jane for breakfast in the sausage cafe! Yay! Then stinky bum fox park. They spent AGES talking about work stuff. Yawn. Thought the walk was NEVER going to happen. But we got there in the end, and the sun had come out.
The bicycle man was there, in his flourourourorescent jacket, cycling round and round and nearly wobbling over onto us every time. And Fat Bruno was there. Except he has been on a diet and is now nearly Slim Bruno. Tara lay down for him.
More ca
I just got back from a trip to Mrs Vet.
it was ACE!!!
I took Dad there. For my nasty prickle jab wot i have to have every year. I don’t like that bit.
But I had to sit in the waiting room for agesandagesandages and i got masses of fuss and attention. One nice lady said i had ‘rad piggies!’ (They are purple and pink stripey ones today). And then we went in to see Mrs V and she woz nice too. She says i have excellenty toofies for my age, all clean and white and shine
Hello Aunties!
It is veryveryvery hot. Dad has been taking us to the park very early for Tara and Jasmine to beat each other up, and for me to get my sniffs. But it is so hot that I don’t want to get back in the car, after. And then I have to snooze all day to rest. Tara sleeps too. Mum’s lap is hot too.
Jasmine doesn’t sleep. Well, she dozes for a bit. But not properly. Today she kept waking up, and she does stuff. Restless stuff. Today she ate a lavender bush to
No walk!!!! No pics. No fun. Nothing but boring snoozing on our beds.
Mum didn't even stop working for lunch.
We had to wait until Dad came home from work at 2pm before we got a single game! But he sat on the front room floor and wrestled with the python, and we helped. A lot. And when he got tired we took over, and wrestled with each other. And then we wrestled the panda and the brown bear. The brown bear is particularly dangerous and we had to kill it over and over an
Aunties, come and see! It was an ACE walk!
First we visited the Sausage Place with Mum and Dad.
Did you see all the dangly bobbles on the cealing? That is all to do with SantaPaws coming to visit, Mum says.
Then we went on the beach and had my special Gluten Free Sausages
The sea was there, but it hadn't eaten all the beach yet, but it was terrible windy.
AuntieMarlene, LOOK! I did a special Air Widdle especially for you! Tara is just jealous.
Since this is their second vist, both Dad and I were very interested to see whether they wanted to go, or not.
I start work at 7.30am usually (homeworking on computer) so Dad dragged himself up to get them there first thing. They took wee packed breakfasts and their leads. She still had their treats from last time.
Apparently, he parked outside the house, put the leads on, and got them out of the car. At which point they dragged him to the house, up the driveway, and sat o
Cato: Oh Aunties, it was a longlonglong car drive! We had to stop three times and have a widdledrinktreat. three times! And Tara had a bit of a tizz when Dad went and got us burgers, but I was OK cos I knew he was coming back. We sat on the grass and all had burger. Although Mum and Dad's bits were huger than ours.
Then we arrived!!! It was weird. Cos nothing sniffed right. But the beach is good, and our den is good.
this is our fireplace. It is made of something called M
Cato: Sausage breakfast, then a really boring walk along the seafront. We have to wait til the end of September before we get the beach back so we walked by the stinky flowers, wot Mum had to photo for you. Yawn, and then back along the path bit.
It woz a bit hot, and I got thirsty. Sausage makes you thirsty anyway, doesn't it? And Tara climbed on everything, of course.
Mum: Today was a completely different routine. There was a charity fun run (10k) so lots of roads we
It was VERY exciting. We had to get up early, cos Mr Roof was due before breakfast! And Mum and me went out to do a last poo pick up. Good thing we did too, cos Mr Roof and his friend Mr Hat came early. And they opened the back gate. And we got to meet them. But then we had to come inside and not get in the way. Not that we would have. Mr Hat said he wanted to take me home with him. And Mr Roof laughed at Tara's topknot. I liked them both.
For some reason the cat flap s
Very tired today, and got a bit worried seeing all the packing up this morning. But we slept in the car, and when we woke up, we were home!
Checked everything out, had a widdle and a calcium bone, and then went straight back to sleep. Only problem is that Mum has wasted ages on the computer, instead of providing lap services in the front room. Hope it doesn't mean we will miss out on brushing, later!
Mum says we get a day off walks and photos today, cos of our mara- mara
We had to get up early and go out with Dad, to see AuntieLesleyGroomer.
She is very nice, and she gives us nice treats. But she also gives us b**hs, and chops off all our hair. And Mum isn't there.
She has to do Tara first, cos otherwise Tara just whines, so I have to watch it all happening to her, and know that it is going to happen to me too...
But then Mum and Dad picked us up and gave us breakfast, and put our jumpers on - cos it was really cold now I am bald. An
Hahaha! Cato has gone for a snooze after all that blogging about our other walks, so now I get to tell you about our exciting walk today. With sausage, and summer beach dens and EVERYTHING!
First we went in the car to the salt marsh beach, but then we went North to the Centre of the Universe, instead of South to my Memory Benches.
They had planted trees and poppies nearby.
This is wot we saw (it was very dark and we thought it woz going to rain)
So today we had fun! And Mum did a silly gaumless goofy thing, like wot she says I always do, but I don't! And she did it today! Haha!
We trekked all the way to the beach along the road! Normally we go in the car, so we can get more beach, and less boring road stuff. But today Dad needed to check his shifty times at work, so we walked. Cato sniffed EVERYTHING. Here is the beach:
It woz warmer today. Less crispy and more comfy, so I didn't get to wear my pink ju