Sidney: 2nd day of window open all day. And now my foot hurts. Pork for dinner. And Mum says I have to stay in today to 'rest' it. I live in a Nanny State. But I left a pork chop bone on the top stair this morning. I was watching through the bannisters. She nearly trod on it in her bare feet. Another Machiavellian plan foiled by human luck. Humph.
Tara: Proper walk today! With lovely Auntee Jane.
This is us waiting in the car for her to appear!
I a
Hello Aunties! We had a great walk today. All green and sniffy and muddy. Much better than boring street walks and after dark walks.
This is Tara going Hunting. She messed it up. It was all wet and soggy, and she wasn't expecting it. Also, she thought I was right behind her, and I wasn't. I was sniffing the ditch wall, back near the carpark, and she got a bit scared cos she doesn't like solo Hunting. I prefer it, cos then no one else mucks it up. Anyway, she didn't get h
Mum forgot her camera on our walk today! Hahahahaha! Bad Mum!
We had a fab time, but you can't see any of it, cos she FORGOT. So you can't see Bailey the Big White Bouncy Boxer that I had to hide from on a bench. Or the swans. Or Bertie the JackRussell/Chihuahua/Pug who played with us. And I played with HIM. And you can't see how dirty Cato got cos I bounced on him in some really soggy muddy grass. Mum was not happy. Hahahahaha!
So Mum says that if
Just got time to write yesterdays blog before we set off on todays Train Adventure. Probably won't post the next one til we get back, unless the wifi at the hotel is MUCH better than expected. We are leaving an incredibly grumpy Sidney, who has been following me round all morning screeching to have his window open. But we are bribing him by leaving a bowl of tinned catfood in jelly, some crunchy biscuits AND an entire skinless chicken thigh. Hopeflly he will have calmed down by tom
They took AGES at breakfast. And every time I whined, Mum prodded me with her toe. She made me stop! Not fair! I was just pointing out that they could talk boring stuff while we were walking and eating sausages!
Anyway, eventually we went to Foxy Park - but only after Mum had given away a piece of my sausage. We were just getting to the Sausage Bit, away from the cafe, and before we got into the car, when Mum says 'Hello gorgeous!' to some fluffy Pomeranian. And the Pom's D
I love hunting! Tara says I am obsessified, but I am not. I am just very good at hunting. And when you are good at something, it is a terrible awfulness not to use your natural talent, isn't it Aunties? so I can't really help it, can I?
Dad was tired after doing his shifty thing, so we left him and home, and me and Mum and Tara went to the big lake park where there are LOTS of birds to hunt. We have pics!
I think Tara is just jealous of my hunting prowess and mojo
Haha! Hello Aunties!
We went to the sea, and it woz hot, and I bounced on Cato. Look!
Dad wozn't with us, so I had to show Cato how to mountaineer, like Dad shows me.
and we went all along this mountain range. Cato just followed me, so I woz the Trek Leader. Mum says.
She also said that if I went and bothered that family who were pickernickering (see the man in the red shirt, sitting with his family all eating interesting stuff) then she would die of
Mum did me pigtails today. I look supercool and Ninjaey. And Mum says that me and Lacey are going to skool at St Trinians.
This is me before I Ninjaed.
And this is me after.
It woz a bit hot. Mum says we are having our winter coats off, so I can be cool. I think she means less panty, cos I am always cool, aren't I?
I got some little matts in my armpit yesterday. Ow! Mum said I was too delicate a pwincess to have them brushed out, so she got the skis
Mum had important Mum Stuff to do, so we all went as a Pack and stayed in a hotel. I had been there before, when I was very little, but I still didn't like it very much. It is always very stressful when Mum and Dad put all their bags by the front door, and I have to go and sit with them, and worry in case they forget me. I mean, I know that Mum and Dad wouldn't ever forget me. I know that. But I still worry.
This is our hotel. There weren't any signs up about paws keeping h
Amazing walk today! Wet and wild and bouncy. We went twice round the big lake and I saw sleet and stuff. It was very exciting. The photos won't show nearly how exciting it was. And we got SOAKED to the skin and it was FUN. And there was mud and EVERYTHING.
It started out lovely and sunny, although there was a really cold wind. And neither of us had fancied much breakfast.
But half way round, the cloud came in, and Mum and Dad were scuttling as
OK (says Mum) think we have to do this one a bit differently, since they can't agree who won The War. So I will speak first, setting the scene, as it were, and then they will each get a turn to comment on each picture.
But before we start, I want to reassure you that no Shih Tzus were harmed in the making of this Epic, and they have both spent a lovely afternoon snuggled up with Dad on the sofa, watching the England v Wales footie match. So Peace was restored.
Since the weather was
Ooooh Aunties, it woz the bestest walk today! Dad came too. Mum took LOTS of pics of me on the summitty things of mountains, and beating up Cato. Look!!!
This is me on my first mountain of the day. Mum says I look proper statuesquew.
This is me and Dad on the long mountain range, while Mum and wimpy Cato stayed down on the path. I ran backward and forwards over and over again, and bounced on Cato every time! It woz ACE!!!
This is Cato in the dark.
You know how much we love Mum and Dad. We do! And we love walking and sniffing and snuggling and wrestling with pythons and EVERYTHING. So we are happy. We are.
But... we used to do more walks. Back when Mum was taking dictation and me and Tara were blogging every day, it was HARD work! But we got to go out all the time, and went to interesting sniffy places. Different every day. And it was hot and sunny and nice. And muddy and fun.
For ages and ages and ages we hav
Thought I would go first today. So there, Tara! Just trying to get my story in first, before they publicise their 'take' on the day. I have noticed how they just seem to ignore facts in favour of dramatic flair, sometimes.
OK, so firstly, it was all a genuine mistake. I planned a nice walk, and then Auntie Jane called and we arranged to pop over in the evening, to see her and Uncle N. All good so far. Only then I thought 'well, if I wear them out with a walk, they won't be m
Today we went to Pops and Nana, and had chew sticks and cuddles, and Pops larffed at Tara's yellow bows.
Then we went to walk in the Town Park with Mum and Dad so it was a proper pack walk. Lots of boring flowers and not many pics of me and Tara, although there were lots and lots of sniffs too. We met a few paws, including a very nice black Lab and some barky SausagePaws. Mum says the light was bad, so you can't really see how nice the flowers were.
These are the boring f
This was my first walk after my tummy. Mum said we would take it gently, and stop if I felt wobbly, and she would carry me if I got tired.
Only Tara didn't listen. Tara never listens. And she bounced and bounced and bounced! In the end Mum shouted at her and did Calming Signal stuff, and it was OK. I didn't really mind. It is just that she never knows when to stop, does she?
That is Sheba The Third. We haven't seen her for AGES. Sheba's Dad keeps her on the lead all
Tara: So we had a lovely walk today, except for the bits that Cato ruined, cos he is a wimp.
This is me. Mum likes this photo. And so do I. I look all like a queen, don't I?
While this is Cato looking all scruffy and manky
We went to the nice park with the ducks and stuff in the middle of town, cos Mum wanted somewhere she could sit down if she wanted (she still coughs ALL NIGHT, you know), and we like chasing ducks so we said yes. But then Cato messed it all up.
Come on Aunties! Follow me!!
We had a walk yesterday, but it was after Mum finished work, so it was too dark for pics. Today was dark and grey too, but it was dry and not too cold, so we didn't need our jumpers.
I decided that this little pink girl was a bit wobbly, so I followed her for a while to make sure she was OK. She was.
This is Mum pointing the pic at the sun - see the watery white light through the branches? It was very wimpy, wasn't it? Tara used to
Merry Xmas Aunties!!!
We had a great day. SantaPaws visited in the night, and by morning a parcel had magically appeared on the Big Bed. It was awesomely sniffy!
When we opened it, an New Python slithererered out and attacked us! It was an amazing battle!!! Me and Tara worked as a team to take it down. But it was really difficult to kill, and we had to do it overandoverandover again. Then we went downstairs for scrambledeggandsmokededsalmon breakfast (Mum: 1 teasp as a
Hello Aunties!
It is Mother's Day here, so me and Dad and Tara put our Thinking Hats on and decided wot to get for Mum on her day.
So we got her some chocolates. Dad says I have to tell you the were expensive and posh chocolates by somebody called Lindt, so that you know we love Mum very very much. And Mum likes chocolate. So that is OK.
And then we got me... er... Mum a new cushion. It has a picture of a very sexy babe on it. And I chose it specially.
I like Mum'
Hey Aunties. Mum says I have to do a bit of blogging even though I can't remember much... cos we have to catch up the bloggification. So here goes.
Oooh look. That is me and Dad. and the pier. and some clouds. we must have been on the beach.
and that is me running. doen't I look fab in my PINK jumper. All slim and athletical. And running. Towards that lump of wood. I look good, don't I? I wonder if I was going to climb on it...?
Cato: Mum doesn't want me to tell you this. She says it is too early to tell you.
but I can't help it! It is SUCH good news I want to tell you all about it!
You know I have had icky ears? Ever since Mr Vet gave me antiBO stuff when he should have given me antiHisty things? And then my ears got yeasty sore. And then other Mr Vet gave me ear stuff, but my ears were still a bit yeasty. For ages. And Mum had to clean them every week. Yuck! It was cold and slimey. And smelly.
Hello Aunties. This blog is me cos Tara can't remember so far back. I can remember cos these pics were taken the day that my wonky leg was unwonked. So I will never ever ever forget. We went out for a pic walk in Grandad's Garden just before I met nice MrMcT and he unwonked me.
Last time we went to stay with Grandad and Grandma, the garden looked very different. There was a whole new flowerbed wot was all bare earth which is good for widdling and scratting, cos Grandad had o
Mum has been watching me for my Autumn Snuffles. And she thought this morning that they might have arrived. So today I had my special Snuffle Tablet (in cheese!!!) before our walk, and I haven't been snuffling at all. Not sure why Tara had cheese too though. She doesn't get snuffles, so why does she get cheese?
Anyway it was a great walk. See:
This is my favourite poo spot. I didn't need to today. But I always think about it.
Tara wanted us to stop at this
Mum went out early, so we waited a bit then went out looking for her. We found her in the place that has stinky coffee, where we sit under the table, and they bring drinks outside to us.
No pictures, cos Mum forgot her phone! She was whining about it to Dad for ages.
on the way home Mum raided the bank to pay for our spa day, and Dad raided the butchers for their looooovvvvvveeeeeelllllleeeeeeeee sausages.
Went to visit Arnty Lesley for Liver Treats