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Cato: My spa day



Hello Aunties!

Mum waited til last night to tell me about our Spa Day, cos she knew I wouldn't be happy.  She waited til I was all snuggly before my Brush, so It wasn’t too much of a shock.

Here I am, all relaxified.  


Jasmine was washing my face earlier.  She does a lot of that.  I don’t mind a bit of face washing, but sometimes I have to tell her off, cos she does it too much.  She is very very very licky.

and this is another pic from last night when Mum stopped rubbing my chest.  When she starts to slack I put up my paw and wave it at her.  That is usually enough to get her rubbing again.  Sometimes i have to wave both paws.  That is when she isn’t paying proper attention.


I have to keep reminding her.  She pretends that her hand will wear out and drop off, but I know better.  Her chest rubs are lovely.

and this is me lying on my back, in bed.


Tara and I sleep in the Big Bed with Mum and Dad, but a little while ago Mum bought these donut bed things.  Mum likes them because we can use them as pillows, but I heard Dad say that he likes them because we take up less space and don’t push him out of bed.  I think I shall stop using the donut in the winter though.  It is much nicer snuggling up against Dad when it is cold.  And sometimes I can wriggle right under the duvet.  That is the best!

Oh, and here I am after Lovely Mrs Groomer did her horrid buzzy thing all over me. I think I am more handsome with longer face fur, but Mum says I am always the most handsomest paw in the whole wide world, no matter how long my moustache and beard are.



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Feels good...don'tcha think?  Short and clean and no tangles for Mom to work on?

You are so sweet.....will always be your Mama's baby :-)

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Cato my darling , you look so gorgeous, always have done and always will do. And now you can rest up and enjoy your time until your next spa.

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Thank you Aunties!

i have missed you v v v much.  You are the only ones who really appreciate me.  Apart from Mum and Dad, of course!

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