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FRIDAY 22nd Apr: Pinkfest




It was really peaceful this morning.  Cos we slept all the time.  Cos we were tired after Auntie Kim.  But Tara woke up before I did.


Mum says sorry for the awful pic, but she was trying to take it around the corner of the desk so as not to wake us up, and she couldn't hold it still.  If that makes sense to you.  It doesn't make sense to me.

And then we had a non-green and non-sniffy walk, too.  Something about not wanting to move the car cos we had a good parking space.  Weird, huh?


This is Tara's pink lead and my brown one.  Mine is nicer.  It isn't so girly.



But by the time we got back from the walk, nice Mr Postman had been, so we got to rip the packaging up on two letters and a package.  We have to wait patiently until Mum gives us the paper, but it is still pretty exciting.   Then Mum fussed with our collars and stuff.  And my new collar is lovely and soft.  Softer than the last one.  And it smells more leathery.  Mum says it is a beautiful colour on me.  But anyway, Tara wants her turn now, or she will explode with excitement.  



Look at MEEEEEE!!!!


This is all my new PINKness.  I have a new pink collar.  And a lead - but that is hanging up where I can't reach it.  I know that cos I have tried to reach it, and can't.  And my new pink pendant.  And my new pink hairbands.  Mum says I am squinting into the light, but I am NOT.  I am being a Pink Queen. With 3 crowns.   And Cato knows it, cos look how grumpy he is being.  He is still tired from yesterday.  Cos he is a wimp.

This is another pic of me with my 3 sprout crowns!


I wanted more, but Mum said that 3 crowns were silly enough. :(

It was all so exciting I had to beat Cato up.


This is when I had him in a Full Nelson.  That'll teach him to laugh at my PINK.  And grump at me on my first ever PINK Day.




How long do you think this pink frenzy will last, do you think?  Will die down in a week or so?  Please say it will...

We spent some time down the side alley this afternoon after work, checking on my ferns.  No sign of slug activity (I have been pelleting with that new organic pellet stuff) but the hosta isn't poking through yet.  I was pleased to see nice fat new fronds developing on several of the ferns though.  Time for a good feed.  And I think a couple of the pots didn't make it through the winter.  So a trip to the garden centre is in order.  Oh the hardship!  I need to have a good tidy, but... I keep seeing spiders' webs.  Shudder. Need to be brave.



(see the fight going on top right of this one?  They stole a plant label.)



and these are my sunbathing strawberries.  I had 3 varieties last year, but only 2 seem to have made it through the winter.




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Oh Tara - you look quite scrumptious  -  good enough to eat!  And Cato you look quite handsome and smell like English Leather.....swoon.

Actually I think a walk along the sidewalks and homes is a much better place to see and be seen in your new elegant leather.  I'll bet peeps were looking from every window and garden.

I LOVE ferns - so primeval, so delicate yet so tough.

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You strut your pinkness Tara, I adore it on you, so very pretty and lady like 

Cato and his English Leather....now that's a dashing gentleman 


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Tara:  ooooooohhhhh!!!!  Thank You Auntie Pipsmom!!!  I look FABULOUS!!!!

and you have cut Grumby Guts completely out of MY lovely pic.  Thank You!

i am going to ask Mum to print this out and save it forever.


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Oh my goodness. Look at those little pig tails, just so cute ? 

And I love your pink collar and lead. Brown leather suits Cato too ?

Amd I love your picture Tara, that Auntue Crystal done for you ... 

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Well, all this Pink Pwincess stuff may be visually delightful, but unfortunately it does nothing to reduce the pungent flatulence.


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Ohhh Tara you are Gorgeous, simply Gorgeous! Love, Love, Love all your Pink! And you're absolutely right Auntie Crystal's Pink picture needs to be framed, lovely! :) 

And Cato you are Very Handsome, love that color on you! Wow that was super fast delivery, very lucky paws you are!!

love moms plants too! So sorry to break the news Auntie Jo but Pink is Permanent- once you go Pink you Never go back!! :ohyeah:

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Sophie's Haven


:huglove: Oh Tara when I saw your picture I could not help but smile.....I will confess I giggled.....quite loudly.....okay I will admit that you look darling in PINK........but your three piggy tails had me in stitches.........your a sweetie.  Cato you look smashing in your new collar and leash......looks like you had another great walk......

Mum's garden is showing signs of life and before long it will be full and lush....we had a thunderstorm the other night and it is amazing what just a bit of lighting flashes do to make things grow........I thing my gardens popped a couple of inches overnight..........

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Cato:  Thank you all, Aunties.  I must say, it will be nice now not to be mistaken for a girl.  My beige rolled leather collar was nice, but it didn't say English Gentleman, did it?  I am going to ask Mum to keep an eye out for a nice chunky sweater too.  With leather buttons.

No one will mistake me for a girl then, will they?


And I am hoping that the endless Pinkness will mean that people stop thinking Tara is a boy, too.  Of course, if she behaved like a girl it would help.  But you see the PINK from 50 paces now, so even she can't mess it up now.

Mum has been very busy today with cleaning the end of the kitchen.  And it is very grey with a cold wind.  We normally have our walk by now, and I am beginning to worry it won't happen today. :(

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Sophie's Haven



We think you have officially become an English Gentlemen........we all decided that should be your new title once Mom read your Mum's last posting......and a nice chunky sweater would be very stylish for sure. Tell Mum to get on that right away..........

Your Tennessee Paw Friends

The 7 Wagging Tail Stinkers.........:bye1:

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Cato:  Thank you all 7  :bye1:

Mum needed a rest from her stinky cleaning, so she went on eBay and ordered me these:

$_14.JPG and _12_zps6lkcibrb.jpg

Mum says that even though the brown one is tiny, and the black one is huge, they will both fit me.  How is that possible?  I will wait and see.

Oh, and I will have to tell you this, cos Mum keeps forgetting.  Auntie Kim Dogsitter paid us a very very very big complement thing.  She said that

         'They are both great off the lead, aren't they?  And Cato is so fearless.  He could be a Rottweiler, he is so confident.  Not at all aggressive, but he will go up to any dog and greet them, and is totally cool about it.'

I like Auntie Kim.

I was very chuffed.  Notice there is no mention of Tara being confident?  Cos she just lies down and puts her tail over her knickers.

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No walk. :( it rained and winded all afternoon, and Mum kept us running round getting in her way and bringing her toys to cheer her up cos she woz cleaning.  But Dad is home now, so we should get some python wrestling soon. :cheezy:

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I love the t-shirt.. You are so good off the lead. Inwish we lived closer together, you could teach mine a thing or two.. 

I didn't let to trim Laceys tail, so it looks like I'll have to wait till next Friday... 

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Haha - Shorty G definitely needs one of those K-9 shirts!  His Dad (who walks him all the time) is a retired cop. He is secure enough in his machismo to walk Sophie on a pink leash and Shorty G in all his cuteness.  The funny thing is.......Sophie, the Boxer is the chic bate because she is very friendly and sweet.  She gets stopped on almost every walk by someone who tells her how bee-u-tee-full she is followed by "she is sooooo sweet".  Meanwhile, the cutest dog in the world is barking his head off :-(

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19 minutes ago, Summerangel said:

I love the t-shirt.. You are so good off the lead. Inwish we lived closer together, you could teach mine a thing or two.. 

I didn't let to trim Laceys tail, so it looks like I'll have to wait till next Friday... 

The only thing we do to get the off-lead behaviour is play Ping Pong, and secondly, let them know at the start of every walk that yes, there are treats.  They live in my pocket.  And yes, you will get them, if you come when I call.


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The field behind the school is the only place around here I dare let them off. Back gardens back onto then field. Only problem is , now someone has got a chicken coop in their garden, with ducks and they don't have a fence. Whether it's blown or fallen down, I don't know, but they haven't replaced it. Twice now I've let them off and they have made a bee line into the garden and looking at the chickens.. Oh and wondering around someone's back garden!!!  I was calling them till I was blue in the face, but they wouldn't return... I had to go and fetch them... And I always have treats and when they come back, I always give them one.. But they were too interested in the bloody chickens and ducks... 

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We would have the same problem, in that case. :(

the only thing that stops my two chasing stuff is that they are both cowards.  It seems like a great idea til they get close enough to realise that the prey is bigger than them. Then suddenly they find something more urgent to do.  Donkeys being a prime example!


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My two were running around their garden, right up to the house.. Just wish they'd fence themselves in.. ?

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