FRIDAY 29 July: Catflap Dramas
I hate it. It is scary. I hate it.
Mum lets me out through the door sometimes (Mum: first thing in morning, and last thing at night) and then she makes me use IT the rest of the time.
Yesterday was HORRIBLE. She made me sit outside the catflap looking in all morning (Mum: 20 mins) and tortured me with treats (Mum: a calcium bone treat on the floor 2 feet inside the catflap), and it was raining! (Mum: the catflap is positioned under the roof overhang, and did not get wet).
Then when I actually managed to be brave and clever and everything, and came in for my treat (Mum: motivation is an amazing thing), she kept me prisoner all day, til Dad came home and let me out for a wee. (Mum: catflap was tied open ALL DAY, and Tara refused to use it. Dad came home, and like the well trained Dad he is, he opened the door for her, before I could explain the situation) I was nearly busting with wee. It woz the biggest wee EVER EVER EVER.
And now Mum did the same horrible mean THIS morning, making me sit outside and rest my chin in the catflap tunnel and feel sad and unloved. Only today the catflap woz a bit less horrible-scary, and I came in after ages, not ages and ages and ages (Mum: just 3 mins today, so hopefully things are improving. wish I could have got a pic of her pathetic little face and sprout staring in like a lost soul. Silly widget. When she made it in through the Torture Device Catflap she got a huge fuss, congratulations and encouragement, but no treat today. I am not starting a treat for catflap use tradition. That would lead to disaster!!! . I wonder if we will ever know what started this little crisis off?)
You know, the older I get, the more I think I would have got on with Sidney.
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