TUESDAY 30th August: Wild Woodses
Dad was at work, so it was just Mum and us, but that means we don't have to worry about Dad getting lost, and we can sniff and explore and sniff and explore.
So Mum found the bear. We think. It doesn't really actually look like a bear. But we think it must be.
There are other animals too. See? These must be brothers to our squirrel and fox in Foxy Park!
and then we went into the woods... It was all hot and baking in the sun, and all cool and lovely under the trees.
We went through the woods differently this time, so it was ALL NEW and EXCITING. There was still dew on the grass, so we got our foots and knickers soaking, and then got all lovely and muddy. But then Mum made us walk back through the wet grass to clean ourselves before we got in the car.
Mum says sorry that some of the pics are all fuzzy. She keeps shaking the camera, even though she tries not to.
Which way next, Mum?
Tara found this tree. Of course she had to climb on it, and walk along it.
She also found some mud! But it was all thick and gooey.
I got stuck
I didn't like it.
What happened was Mum and I went around the mud, while Tara went through it. But to go around it, we had to climb over a fallen tree. It was a big thick tree, bigger round it than I am tall, even standing on my back legs! That is a BIG tree!!! So Mum came and lifted me up onto it, and said that I could be a big brave lad and jump down by myself. but I couldn't. It was too high. And I am not good with heights.
So Mum came back and lifted me down. I love Mum.
I tried to get her to lift me over this one too. But she just laughed at me and said 'In yer dreams, Cato lad!'
And then she walked off! I had to run to catch up!
While Cato was being all silly about jumping over his little twigs, look wot I found!!!
I climbed up onto it and walked ALL the way along it! It was ACE!!! Cato is such a wimp. He misses out on all this fantastic climby fun!!!
The horses were a bit closer, but we still couldn't sniff them properly!
And they have cut the field. Mum says it woz wheat. Now it is just sharp prickly stubbly bits.
This woz when we were nearly back to the car.
It was a great walk!
This is a crabapple tree. Apples all ripening nicely.
My mother always called these Lords and Ladies (like the elves) and said they were poisonous. No idea what they are really called.
The colours are true. The sun through the leaves really did look like this. stunning.
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