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FRIDAY 2nd September: Stir crazy




I've been chained to the desk for centuries!!!  I can't help it if I am bored, can I?  And going outside is a good Thing To Do When You Are Bored isn't it?  And when you go out, you just HAVE to bark, don't you?

Anyway, Mum chained me ALL the TIME for DAYS (Mum: a couple of hours each day, Wed, Thur and Fri) cos it has been too hot to walk.


Not Fair!!!

Then when Dad came home, I was sooooo excited I had to be all barky again, cos I can't help myself, and then he chained me to HIS desk so I couldn't go outside in the dark and bark.

Not fair!

I've been soooo miserable, I have nearly died of boredom. :(

You've already seen my bored to death imprisonment photo, haven't you.  Here it is again, in case you needed to see how miserable it has been :(



We haven't had a walk for a couple of days, but we wouldn't have liked it anyway, cos it has been too HOT.  So instead we had lovely sleepy snoozy snuggly days at home, and fun and games in the evenings.  Ping Pong, Python Wars, Chase the Teddy, and TV snuggles.  It has been ace.  I was a bit sleepy after my Vet Jab too, so it was nice being at home.

This is us in bed with Mum and Dad this morning.  That is Dad's elbow.  I sneaked onto the bed at Before Dawn again, cos I was missing Mum and Dad.


Dad grumbles a bit, but it is OK once we go back to sleep.  Tara sometimes whines if she thinks I am getting more attention than her, but I don't really.  Last night, I was up by the pillows, which was nice.  I love being with Mum and Dad on the Big Bed.  I never howl on the Big Bed.

Then today, Mum finished work in time to take us for a walk to meet Dad at the coffee place.  It was a very short, unexciting walk, cos we were on the pavement and under the coffee table all the time, but it was nice being out, and there were LOTS of sniffs.  Mum even let us pull a bit on the lead, cos Tara was so over excited and bouncy, she was like a... a... whizzy bouncy ball, all over the place.  Mum said 'You get away with it just today, Young Lady, because you are Stir Crazy.  After that, you have to behave on the lead again.'


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