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Thur 19th Jan: Cato in hospital



Mum:  Been a bit quiet lately, for reasons about to be explained... :)

We got back from Grandma and Grandpas, and had a relaxed day on Monday (well, the paws relaxed, anyway) and had a nice short beach walk, which they both enjoyed.

Then on Tuesday we went for a longer walk, after dark, on the street.  Because Cato was clearly on the mend, and was up to it.  Only he wasn't really.  He obviously loved being out and sniffing, and so on, but was totally wiped out by the walk, and slept like the dead all evening and night.

So Wednesday we didn't walk (Tara going a bit stir crazy, by now).  And by the evening, Cato hadn't eaten, and was distinctly floppy.  He had also made a couple of weird yelping noises.  The kind of noise he makes when Tara hurts him during their play-fights.  Only he was sitting in his bed when he yelped. :(

Growing a bit concerned, I hand fed him some home-cooked chicken.  Very reluctant to start with, but then he got the taste for it, and gulped it down like he was starving.

Half an hour later, more yelping.  Including some head turning as though he wanted to fuss with his back end, but couldn't reach.

So we rang the vet and got an emergency appt (at 8pm).  The vet was lovely, and gave him a good inspection, and decided it could be impacted anal glands (which surprised me, but then he HAS had an upset tum, hasn't he?). So she expressed them, but didn't get much out.  She also gave him morphine, low dose, because she didn't want to choose other pain killers which can be hard on the tum.

Went home.  5 mins after we got in the door, he starts yelping again (in a slightly stoned way!), and it got worse and worse til he yelped and whined and tried to reach around behind him, and moved restlessly for a whole half hour.  Very distressing for all of us.  Tara especially!

Rang the vet again.  

Another trip down to the surgery (9pm), and this time she did a lot of back and nerve tests, but didn't find a problem.  His yelping eased off, but that could have been the strange environment.

Vet decided to keep him in for observation, so we came home with a VERY WORRIED Tara.

I rang them at 9am this morning, and they report that he didn't have a bad night.  One bout of diarrhoea, but he is drinking.  They want to see how he is when the morphine has worn off, and see if he will eat something.  I told them NO GLUTEN OR GRAINS.  They have started him on some antibiotics.  And am to ring at 3pm.

Only spoke to the receptionist so couldn't really cross-examine her properly.  I wonder if he has a raised temperature, which is why they have gone for antibiotics?  But I think that the last time he had antibiotics he stopped eating, so I doubt if he will have an appetite for strange food, in a strange environment, while queasy from the antiBs.

Meanwhile, Tara is acting like her world is ending.  She spent the night looking down the landing, waiting for Cato to come home, hasn't peed, hasn't eaten, and is missing him DREADFULLY.



It is now 11am, and just had a call from Lovely Vet.  He didn't eat his breakfast, and she is more inclined now to think it was tummy pain, and she wants him home and relaxed (there is a lot of noise there today with barking dogs, and apparently he ISN'T IMPRESSED.  Hahaha!)

So Tara and I are off to fetch him now!  Yippee!


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I'm glad he's getting to come home so soon!

I know I harp on this like a broken record, but if he were mine I would want a course of metronidazole (which may be the antibiotic she's put him on). Sure his recent tummy issues may be gluten. Or not. Untreated giardia usually presents as bouts of recurring diarrhea and I think can definitely cause abdominal pain. I'm a believer in "when you hear hoof beats think horses not zebras." And IME giatdia is hugely more common than gluten intolerance in dogs.

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OH my gosh Jo when I saw this and hospital my heart went right into my throat, poor Cato, poor you and oh my Tara sweetie this is awful isn't it? I'm glad they don't think it's his back now but ooh his poor tummy, I sure hope the antibiotics help. Am glad he's coming back home and can rest comfortably, praying he will be feeling much better very soon. Please keep us posted. Extra hugs Cato sweetie.:throb:

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Thank you both!

We are home, and he seems every so pleased to be back.  lol.  Didn't ask what the antiBs are.  Only saw a nurse, not the vet because she was in surgery operating.  He was overjoyed, and Tara knew he was coming back to us for ages before he was carried in.

(v amused, both last night and this morning, that vet staff don't actually seem to be able to put him down on the table.  They just want to cuddle his Awesome Gorgeousness, icky bottom and all.  hahaha!  it is like they can't help themselves.

Anyway, they want him to eat, but he's showing no interest.  And he has gone straight to bed, after a quick sniff around for Dad who won't be home for another few hours.  We are due to go for a checkup either tomorrow or Sat, depending on how urgently I judge it.  

Feeling much happier now he is home and I can assess him myself.  Over controlling?  Moi?  Surely not! ;)

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Oh Poor Cato! I'm so sorry to hear that he isn't feeling well.  I hope he is on the mend soon.  I'm glad you have him back home.  I felt so bad for Tara reading how despondent she was without him at home.  I know she is happy that he is back.  

Please give them a pat and a scritch from Coco, Benji and me. :) 

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29 minutes ago, Crinkly said:


Feeling much happier now he is home and I can assess him myself.  Over controlling?  Moi?  Surely not! ;)

:DI do recognize that..

So glad you are home..pffff you frightened auntie Jo-Anne here..have been busy for a few days and the I read you are IN hospital! Here are plenty of big hugs for you and of course your sister Tara..and mom and dad GJ-Hugs04.gif hope you will eat something and that your tummy is allright now..

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Sophie's Haven


Oh Cato what a fight when I saw the headlines of your post this morning.  Now that your home and with Mum you can get some rest and get better real soon. The bad thing of this is you want them to eat but until they feel like eating themselves it is almost hopeless.....about the only thing that you can force down them is fluid......I remember when Bailey was sick the vet said that until he was up to eating to make sure that I gave him and eye dropper of Gatorade every three hours to keep his sugar levels up..........Tell Cato we wish him a speedy recovery......the 7 Wagging Tail Stinkers send lots of tail taps and sloppy kisses his way..........Hugs to Tara, Mum and Dad.............

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Poor Cato! Glad he is home

I think Buddy just had a bout with giardia which I think he contracted at the vet when he went for his neutering. It was intermittent for about a week, so it was messing me up. He did end up on the metronidazole which finally cleared it up.

Feel better Mr. Cato!!!!

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Sophie's Haven



Get Well Cato.......all of your friends here are cheering you on!!!

The 7 Wagging Tail Stinkers of East Tennessee..........

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Thanks All!  Knowing you all appreciate the situation is very reassuring!

Forgot to say earlier, vet left a note asking us to pop in for an appt either tomorrow or the next day, my choice when, depending on how he is.  So I can ask about the antiBs then, also if he needs any more, to follow up (they gave a long lasting injection, but no tablets, so may need some).

And now (because you can't keep her quiet for long) here is a note from Tara:


Oh Aunties!  It woz AWFUL!  Cato went away, and I didn't know where he had gone, and I couldn't try and steal his food, and I couldn't bounce on him!  And I couldn't sleep properly, either!  Although it woz nice to get to sleep up near Mum and Dad's pillows when I wanted, only I mainly wanted to sleep down by the door waiting for Cato, cos he had GONE AWAY and I didn't like it!  And we had to go and sit in a horrible stinky hospital waiting room with big Ridgebacks and barky Jack Russells, and I sat on Mum's lap cos I woz scared and made her dress all muddy from the carpark.  And now Cato is back, he is just snoring like a lump and I'm not allowed to bounce on him.  And I am feeling nice and bouncy cos it is good to have him back!  Only I can't. :( But Mum says we can play Tug'o'Sausages and Python Wars later.

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Oh my goodness, my heart did race till I read through the whole blog. Wishing you a speedy recovery sweety and blowing over kisses for you. Hope he doesnt relapse and keep us informed...he's family to us too :love:

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You may remember both my dogs were sick over New Years.  Started with a day of vomiting and then the diarrhea started which lasted about 5 days.  Not fun - but they couldn't help it.  When it was over.....Shorty just didn't seem to feel well.  He didn't want to move, was eating but not pooping.  So next thought was he had a blockage or his bowel was just completely empty and the food hadn't worked it's way down.  Took him to the vet, she did an x-ray and saw no blockage but did see a lot of gas in his GI tract.  He yelped when she picked him up to take him for the x-ray.  She said she saw a narrowed vertabrae which could be causing him pain or he may have hurt his back from vomiting and squatting and pushing to poop.  She put him on metronidazole, rimadyl and tramadol.  Told me only to use the metronidazole if the diarrhea returned (it didn't and I felt it was bill padding as I could have easily come back for that Rx if it WAS needed - oh well).  

He was definitely protecting himself...wouldn't jump on laps, go up and down the stairs or jump off the bed.  We continued with the 2 pain meds for about a week and now he's back to normal, dropping his ball on the stairs so he can chase it, jumping on laps and on/off the bed.

Cato, you sure scared me.....all the other Aunties and your Mom and Dad too.  Let all of us spoil you with cyber hugs and snuggles.  XOXOXO

3 hours ago, Sophie's Haven said:

I remember when Bailey was sick the vet said that until he was up to eating to make sure that I gave him and eye dropper of Gatorade every three hours to keep his sugar levels up..........


When both the dogs were sick, as well as a bland diet I was giving them watered down broth with a little salt and sugar and a tiny amt of oil in it.

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Poor Cato...hoping whatever this is passes quickly.

Tara I bet you were so miserable without your brother...glad you're back together again!

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Oh no, poor Cato, poor you. 

Sorry to hear you've been in hospital sweetie. Hope you feel better soon 

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He has done nothing but sleep since we got back, and i mean NOTHING for 6 hrs.  He had a pee walking in from the car, but since then, no water or food except for 3 cubes of chicken soaked in water, about 5 mins ago.  He has slept soooo deeply.  So exhausted.

we had to take him to the vets because he was in such pain, but i think a night without his pack, in the scary hospital, while feeling so ill, did him no good at all!

luckily the pain seems to have completely gone.  Colic? Spasms? Whatever it was, seems to be over - and i hope it never comes back!  He certainly wont ever be getting grain again, since that seems to have started everything off this time.

i will make sure he has something else to drink before bed, but at the moment he mainly needs this deep healing sleep, i think.

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Hello Aunties.  Mum said that since I have woken up, and had a wee, and a big drink, and am feeling a lot better, I can bloggify to you for a bit before we go to bed.

Thank you for being so lovely and kind, and thinking of me, even when I was asleep, and when I was in that horrible white stinky hospital place.  MrsNurse and MrsVetLady were nice, but it wasn't like being at home with Mum and Dad.  I even missed Tara!

Mum says we have to go back to the hospital for a visit tomorrow or the day after, and I won't like it, but so long as I don't get trapped there again, I won't mind too much.  Mum says I can have some fish tomorrow, if I want it.  I can't imagine ever wanting to eat fish.  Do you think I could have sausage instead.  Sausage is much nicer.

We are going up to the Big Bed now.  Dad is already up there, asleep.  He has been up there for ages.  But I still have to say goodnight to him.  So I will go up to him and lick his face and wake him up so he can say goodnight to me.  I do it every night.  He likes it.  Actually he likes it almost as much as when Tara says goodnight.  She stands on his tummy.  At least, I think it is his tummy. :)

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Oh Cato sweetie it's Sooo good to hear from you and to hear you're feeling some better. Extra big hugs from me and Missy. Sleep well and Missy says to ask your mommy if she could fix you some nice salmon for your fish, it's one of Missy's favs and she knows you'd wanna eat that kinda fish! :D

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Sweet  deep sleep for you baby boy.  I think Mum and Dad will want you to sleep between their heads tonight....hearing your soft breaths, occasional moans and groans and be able to reach every 15 minutes for a cuddle and a soft kiss.

Please update as soon as you get back from the scary-place-where-they-care-but-it's-hard-to-understand-that....aka the "VET".

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We all three ended up sleeping on the livingroom floor, since Dad had to get up early this morning, and i didnt want him disturbed with goodnight kisses :roflmao: and poop breaks.  Then I slept right through, so i don't know if he nipped out the dogflap to do his business.

he seems fine this morning though i haven't yet offered the lovely fish yet. :roflmao:

Slept the whole night nestled up against my legs, with Tara limpeted to my shoulder.  Love it. :)

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Thats great news! Hoping he is over the worst of what ever it was and will be gaining strength every day.

Love pack nesting...its just the best sleep

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Wonderful everyone slept through the night! Enjoy a scrumptious breakfast Cato and get your strength back little one! :throb:

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