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Before we went to Grandma and Grandpa's




I can't remember when this was.  But it was before we went away.  It is hard to remember that far ago!  I have to blog this bit, cos Tara can't remember it at all. :)  She is asleep.  She has been asleep since we got home.  She is snoring.

Anyway, this is before we went away, when we did a beach walk with Mum and Dad.

It was raining when we got there.  The red van is an ice cream van.  No one was buying icecream in the rain, so he had his windows shut and his radio on, and he was reading the paper.


Tara looks a bit grumpy, doesn't she?  I think it was the wet wind whistling up her knickers that did it.


But she felt better once she had clambered all over the wall


It was very grey.  Dad said we shouldn't have come cos of the rain, but Mum said we needed to wear ourselves out, so we slept all afternoon.  cos they were going out.  I would rather have gone out with them, and slept on Mum's lap wherever they were going.  But Mum said no. :(


We went this way.  After having a good sniff, of course.


The splodgy bits on the pictures are rain drops.  Dad had forgotten his hat.


We all went mountaineering along this high ridge.  Although Tara did more up and down stuff.  She kept running back to Mum, then back to Dad... and back again.  I was pleased.  Being shut at home with a bouncy Tara and no Mum is a bit... um... stressful, sometimes.  But she was wearing herself out nicely.  


Those people in the distance are walking their paws on the sand.  We stayed up on the path today, cos Tara likes high stuff.  And Mum and Dad didn't want sand in our wet coats.


We went to look at the beach dens again.  Cos they are interesting.  There was one with its doors open.  A man is using it as a workshop, with a gas stove and a kettle.  It looked nice and warm.  We weren't warm.


The nice ladies in the cafe said that cos it was raining, we could sit inside.  But only if were were good.

So we were very good.  Well, I was.  Tara was almost-good.  We were a bit wet.


Then we came home.  With bouncing.



The little train has started running again.  It is tiny, isn't it?  Mum says it is a Tzu train. :)  There are lots of children around at the moment, cos it is half term, and they aren't at school.  That is OK until they try and run you over with their bike things.  I don't like that.


This is Dad striding off in the rain, cos it was getting heavier...


and this is some sky for you AuntiePipsMom.  It was bigger and more beautiful than it looks in the pic.



This was just before we came home.  we were very wet.

And we did sleep, which was good, cos when we woke up, Mum and Dad were home and Dad had saved us some of his Megasaurus steak!!!

It was delicious.  Although I think Tara got more than me. :(


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Thank you Cato for the lovely sky picture :wub2: you so sweet to remember. I thought about your mom the last two days as I used her clear blue sky's from the summmer on three different restoration pictures. Just think your skies now reside in Georgia  on someone's wall behind very very old pictures brought back to life...one was 1936... even I wasn't alive way back then....so you keep on walking and taking beautiful sky pictures when the sun is out and it's clear cause I got about 20 more to do.

Oh it looked such a cold and dreary walk and your big eyes in the cafe melted my heart as you looked so cold and wet.


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Ooh I'm freezing just looking at you two out in that cold rain! :brr: I hope you bundled up and got all dry and warm when you got home! That cafe pic of your gorgeous big eyes is the Best, love it! 

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It does look very cold and wet. Hope Tara's knickers didn't take long to dry. Did you chase the seagulls sitting on the fence? Or was it too cold and wet for chasing birds. 

Wasn't she a nice lady in the cafe, so good of her to let you go inside... ?

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Sophie's Haven


I can almost feel the damp cold air thru your pictures........chilled to the bone........but you got a wonderful walk regardless. The train is running...is this something that they charge for and can Cato and Tara take a ride or are pets not allowed?  We have a passenger train that takes tours here but not pets allowed....that was very nice of the café lady to let you come in out of the cold she has a good heart.

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Thank you Aunties!  it was cold.  very cold.  But the steak was lovely.

And Mrs Cafe Lady was especially nice. And kind.  And Dad says the coffee is drinkable.

I don't mind if we don't go on the train, AuntieSophiesHaven.  We have been on trains before, and I don't really like it.  Though it is OK if I sit on Mum.

We wanted to chase the seagulls, and Mum was going to take a photo of our Hunt, but then Dad got in the way.  Actually, Mum says that Dad blundered gaumlessly into the shot and put up the birds.  Putting up the birds is technicky Hunting terminolology again.  But I think you can work out what I mean.    Dad says that at this rate we are all going to have to go on commando training, and learn the waggy finger sign language that Rambo uses to his troops, otherwise that bloody camera may become a casualty of war.

I'm not sure that I understand all that (except for the Hunting stuff that I understand very well), but I don't think Dad is allowed to say bloody.  Do you?

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OK - I am uninformed.  I didn't know "bloody" was profane.  What would you consider "as bad" in the states?

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Cato:  oooh, you have done it now, AuntieMarlene.  Mum has a whole lecture on this.  It is very complicated, so I will let her explain.  I am going to go to sleep.  You might want to as well. :)

Mum:  Ah, well, 'bloody' used to be very rude indeed, you see.   Not many people mind it nowadays, though there are various ideas about why it was so rude.  I think Cato may be turning a wee bit pompous in his middle years.  I think it is since he joined the Huntin'Shootin'Fishin' set.

Here is a link that explains it (since Cato seems to think that my explanation is too boring to read :roflmao:)


I like this one too, which says

As to how offensive the word actually is, well, that depends on whom you ask, or say it in front of. It's fair to compare it to the "F-word," in that it may cause your mum to faint, but may cause scarcely a raised eyebrow amongst the gang at the pub.


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Well.....now I know!

The "F" word is all too common here.  Once in a while when I hear kids use it......I glare at them (as only I can) and say......"I'm old enough to be your grandmother.  Do you talk to your Grandmother like that?!?"  It is a pretty good word though it should be saved for really important occasions.......like when you step in dog poop.

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Looks like a nice, if a bit soggy, walk for you two and your parents. I'm glad you were able to get your walk in and get a good afternoon nap.

Love Tara's pink bow.  I see she was able to keep it in on this walk.  

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Tara:  yes, I look fab, don't I Aunties?  That is cos of all the leaping and bouncing.  And my pantaloons are looking good, aren't they? Even wet, they are all fluffly and long.

Cato has stopped stealing my bows.  He only does it when he gets really cross with me, and he hasn't been all mean and bad tempered lately.

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