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Mole Hunting!



Cato:  This bloggy thing is for Karel.  He is a Brother Hunter. :tracy:

Because of all my patrols, I kept the moles out of Grandad's garden for the whole time we were there.  Grandad thanked me, and said how important it was.  Look at this pic, and you will understand:


This is a pic of Grandad's garden looking out of our bedroom window.  Mum lifted me up to so I could see too.  There.  In the field on the other side of Grandad's hedge.  Can you see them?  It is a massed hoard of invading moles, just waiting for me to let down my guard.  All those Molehills!  I just know they were waiting for me to go back home with Mum.  Grandad says he has something that will stop them tunneling in, but it is very worrying.  It won't be as good as having me On Patrol, will it?

These are the old Molehills that we saw last time.  My Special Hunter Spideysenses tell me that these are Not New Molehills.  Can you see the dry earth on top?

They are in the big field with all the knickerprickle seeds.  I got knickerprickle seeds in my knickers, and I had to sit down, cos I couldn't walk.  Prickles in your knickers aren't nice, are they?


I may not have paid quite as much attention to my Mole Hunt as I should - on account of the prickling.  But they were oldish Molehills, weren't they Aunties?  The moles were long gone...

This is a fresh one though.  I can tell it is only a day or two old, cos I am a Master Hunter.  See the fresh earth?  The way it has only been rained on once.  It sniffed fresh too.


While these are VERY OLD Molehills.  I think they are the Molehills from last time we came to stay with G&G.  See how the grass has grown over the earth?  And how there is only very little fresh earth in two places?  That is cos my Mole Prey is hiding under there in his tunnels, and only popping up to clear his chimneys occasionally.  I asked Mum to stamp on his Molehills so that he would have to come up to breathe.  I would have stayed, poised, ready to swoop in and attack!  But Mum said it wasn't very sporting to do that. :( and besides, it was getting dark :( and it was time for tea :)


There were other Important Hunting Stuff to do, anyway.  so I decided to go home with Mum and plan for my next Hunt.

These tunnel holes were vvvveeeeerrrrryyyyyy interestink too.  Not moles.  Rabbits?  Stoats? Weasels? Rats?  I wanted to investigate properly, but Mum said it would be roast lamb and she said that me and Tara could have some.


Isn't that a lovely hole?  All sniffy.  And the Prey inside had arranged all those leaves, so they would hear me coming... cunning, eh?  Sometimes Hunting can be a real challenge.


And look at this one!!! isn't that a beautiful hole!!!

Mum says she thinks it could be a water rat.  I have never Hunted a water rat!  And I couldn't Hunt that one, either.  Cos it was the other side of the stream, and I couldn't get across. :(  I asked Mum to carry me across, but for some reason she didn't want to.


Mum says we are going to visit Grandma and Grandad again soon.  Probably when it is a bit warmer and the daffydillys are in over.  So I have plenty of time to plan my next Hunt!


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Looks like a fabulous visit with Grandma and Grandpa!  Yes, those are just lovely holes! :)  I'm glad you two enjoyed yourselves so much.  

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Oh my goodness Cato :o I've never ever seen that many mole hills in one place...shocking.

Good thing grand had you on patrol, your hunting skills are second to none. Before long Grandpa will be calling up mom and crying for help....Please I beg you....can Master Detective Inspector Mole Hunter Cato come and stay awhile? So he can run these rascals away..they are eating all my bulbs B)

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Oooh Cato what a fantastic hunt you had! Those moles don't stand a chance with you there! I agree you better watch out or grandpa is gonna want you to stay forever to keep them away!! :ohyeah:

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Master Detective Inspector Mole Hunter Cato:

 it was a fantastic mole hunt, wasn't it?  

And look what Mum found for me to watch.  Hunting weasels and stoats could be a real challenge!  I wonder if they would like to play, instead?  Cos, you know, I think if they weren't playing, then they might be a bit... um... a bit bitey.



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Cato your Brother hunter Karel here; ..unbelievable what a great hunt you had at your G&G, I have never ever seen so many hunting holes and piles in my life! I really really want a G&G like yours now, is it okay for me to investegate those interesting area`s with you next time, I`ll just hop into a bird with wings then they call them I believe those humans..and we will hunt together..you know Cato those big holes?..there is on overhere they say it is a Beaver??? I can`t reach the hole so no fun there..I am so glad for you that youz are Head Ivestigation now yeahhh...and those youtubes crawly creatures they can catch almost anything you know they are real smart thingy`s...so you watch and study them good and then you can teach me? they are weasels aren`t they? being a bit devoted I`z think maybe they aren`t real..over here there are stone marters..they are no fun! make a lot of noise too..so looking forward to your next visit to G&G take care and thanks for the mole hunting report, although I couldn`t be there I really enjoyed your hunt...showing you the hole over here..Master Detective Inspector Mole Hunter Cato..


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Master Detective Inspector Mole Hunter Cato:

Oooh Karel!  That would be fantabulous!  You could come and flappy bird-plane over, and my Mum could pick up your Mum and you, and we could all go Hunting together.  Moles and stoats and weasels and pigeons and everything!  We could do Pincer Movement Manoevres, and do Tracking, and we could position ourselves in formation - all four of us, you, me, your Mum and my Mum.  I am not counting Tara cos she will have to stay home, cos otherwise she will muck things up.  She tries, but she doesn't have a proper Prey Drive, you know.  I think she lost it when she grew her topknot.  If she ever had it.  All she has is a Play Drive, which is not the same thing.

I love your big hole in the stream bank.  It is AWESOME.  And huge.  I bet we could both fit inside it!  It must be a huge and full of lovely sniffy Prey.

Mum's sister knows all about pinemartens. :unsure: they are SCARY aren't they.  We might need a bigger Pack when we go after them!  Do they live in river banks?

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Cato (and Karel) - my advice is not to let Tara go with.  You have it exactly right Cato  "I am not counting Tara cos she will have to stay home, cos otherwise she will muck things up.  She tries, but she doesn't have a proper Prey Drive, you know.  I think she lost it when she grew her topknot.  If she ever had it.  All she has is a Play Drive, which is not the same thing."

Maybe Tara and GrandMa could go shopping for bows.

WHAT do you suppose lives in the ginormous hole on the river bank?!?  Maybe the Loch Ness Montster (cuz I DO believe in him.....I do....I do.....I do).  He might have a tunnel that comes over from Scotland.

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22 hours ago, Crinkly said:

Master Detective Inspector Mole Hunter Cato:

Oooh Karel!  That would be fantabulous!  You could come and flappy bird-plane over, and my Mum could pick up your Mum and you, and we could all go Hunting together.  Moles and stoats and weasels and pigeons and everything!  We could do Pincer Movement Manoevres, and do Tracking, and we could position ourselves in formation - all four of us, you, me, your Mum and my Mum.  I am not counting Tara cos she will have to stay home, cos otherwise she will muck things up.  She tries, but she doesn't have a proper Prey Drive, you know.  I think she lost it when she grew her topknot.  If she ever had it.  All she has is a Play Drive, which is not the same thing.

I love your big hole in the stream bank.  It is AWESOME.  And huge.  I bet we could both fit inside it!  It must be a huge and full of lovely sniffy Prey.

Mum's sister knows all about pinemartens. :unsure: they are SCARY aren't they.  We might need a bigger Pack when we go after them!  Do they live in river banks?

Ohhhhh YES!!! we all go hunting together Cato..that way we don`t have to miss anything..you have some good idea`s I can learn from you. Guess what about the big hole? They says it is a Beaver! can you believe that..they are big my Mum said so it might be a bad idea for me to go hunting alone on that big beaver..I`ll tell BB to wait for you and your Mum to come over..then we think of a good huntingplan. And those marters are very scary..they bite I believe.. maybe you can ask your Mum`s sister :dog: we had two baby marters in our garden..it was early in the morning..they were stealing peanutbutter from the birds feeding stand..lol..they kept falling off I thinks they were just born.. litlle babies..real small.. but after a while they ate all the peanutbutter on top of the stand. I don`t like them though and it is my garden and yours of course :D 

By the way..my Mum wants to know how does your Grandad keep those moles OUT of his garden? We saw a lot of those piles outside that beautiful garden..but over here they always make tunnels and then our garden is plowed again and my mum goes :kicking:

Auntie @Marlene I likes Tara..I will miss her when we goes hunting..:blush-anim-cl: youz think she can`t learn to have a proper pray drive like Master Detective Inspector Mole Hunter Cato  is saying..:bruce_h4h:I think she can..

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Karel, I like you too.   :love:

And OF COURSE I wouldn't muck things up!  That is just Cato being Cato and doing his myffic Hunting blather.  I would be an ASSET (that is a word Mum says sometimes, and it means useful and important and special) to your Troll and beaver and mole hunts.  I am a ninja, you know!  And I am better at climbing and clambering that any one else.  Ever.  I can hunt Moles and Trolls over stiles, and up dry stone walls, you know.  Cato can't.

And I'm going to get Mum to buy me some new bows for it!

Can't wait!!!


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I think this would be a perfect bow for you if you go hunting with us Tara :love:  I`ll just save it for you here okay..



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Oh my goodness!  that is ADORABLE.

Do I HAVE to show Tara?  She is going to insist on having one if I do...


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That is a seriously pretty  bow JoAnne you found....It just screams for Tara to wear it hunting

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I went and found it online - but it is 3 inches across. :(

I would have bought it for her too... but that is just too big...

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It looks simple enough to make yourself Jo ...it's not even a looped bow..It appears to be just two swatches of cloth scrunched in the middle then sewn together in the middle..add a rubber band then add the jewery centre why not give it a go?

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wow.  it is official.  I need never buy any more bows again.

I bought 1 metre of inch wide ribbon in 3 colours (£1 ea) and some sparkles (£1 for 20)

20 mins later:


only problem is that I need to buy some beading needles.  The holes in the sparkles are too small for any of my current needles, so they are 'posed' on top.  But I can easily order beading needles from eBay.

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Wow Jo! Those are gorgeous .....Tara will be one smart lady in a new bow for every day of the week now.

And I spotted Miss Tara's pink and camo bow! Now your styling girl ?

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Oh Tara.....they will be no livin' with you now!  Pretty soon your room will have bows laying all over like a teenage girls room........WHICH bow should I wear!?!  Does this color match my eye shadow?Does this one make me look fat?

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Yeah, i'm in trouble now!

the beading needles won't arrive till we get home from our holiday - so she can't wear any of them ON holiday.


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If you can find some small insulated wire  like that on the inside of appliances they come in (blue, green or brown), strip back the insulation and pull out one single tiny stand of cooper....you can make a needle by doubling it over to make a loop for the thread, twist closed and pass the other end through the ribbon. The way they did beading in the old days when not much was available 

The wire from twist ties (with the paper on it ) like you get from the bakery sometimes has tiny stiff wire in it too

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7 minutes ago, PipsMom said:

If you can find some small insulated wire  like that on the inside of appliances they come in (blue, green or brown), strip back the insulation and

pull out one single tiny stand of cooper....you can make a needle by doubling it over to make a loop for the thread, twist closed and pass the other end through the ribbon. The way they did beading in the old days when not much was available 

The wire from twist ties (with the paper on it ) like you get from the bakery sometimes has tiny stiff wire in it too

Oh!  Now I have it figured out!  You know copper wire theft is BIG in the US.  Thieves strip things like street lights for the valuable copper wire.  On my way to let the FBI know it's ladies making beaded bows for their Shih Tzus who have caused all this expensive carnage!

PS - I worked for an eye doctor for many years.  Folks were always losing the tiny screws that join the temple hinge piece to the frame front.  I always used to tell them they could strip a bread tie and wire it back together in a pinch.

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We safe....wrong kind of cooper wire....lol..to thick

I can remember granddaddy taking apart a car starter motor just to get the roll of cooper out of it. Carefully he would coil it and tie it off and use it on other items when it was needed.....The older generation re used everything ....a lesson the now generation should learn. 

When I moved over here and in NZ.... I found out some fuse boxes took a thin strand of wire to use instead of a fuse as we know it...works like a charm ...

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