We have our OWN sausage place now!
You know how Mum and Dad sometimes drag us into sausage places, and we get bored under the table while they stuff their faces with lovely food and drink stuff, and then after agesandagesandages we get to go outside and have some sausage wot they saved for us?
Don't get me wrong, I like the sausages! And the steak. And the 100percentbeefyburgers and the bits of chicken.
But now we have OUR OWN sausage place!
And it is only 10mins walk from home! So we can take Mum for a walk in her lunchbreaky thing, and visit OUR sausage place and have Special Paw Chicken and Cheese and Fish and Biscuits and Pupcakes and sausages and stuff. Mum showed me the menu thing, and it says Gluten Free on stuff, and Low Fat on other stuff, and I want to try EVERYTHING!!!!
We went there and had HUGE pieces of cheese and SweetPotato BoneyBiscuits and they were delish! Only Mum said we had to share a single cube of cheese (Booo! Hisssss! says Tara) and only one BoneyBiscuit (S'not Fair!!!! says Tara), but I made sure that Mum put the rest of our cheese and biscuits into our Doggy Bag, and now they are in the fridge for when we are veryveryvery good. Like I am ALL the time, and Tara is never. So I get them and she doesn't! (
says Tara)
Mum says she will take pics next time to show you, and we might even get more pics on Facebook, like we do when we visit AuntieLesleyDogSitter who walks us in the mud.
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