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Is this Separation anxiety? If so, how to fix this?

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Hi. Here I am again desperately crying of my baby. She's 3 months now and have some, no, a lot of bad behaviors. 

Let describe a little bit about the current situation. Everyday me and my ng go to work and go to school, my bf leaves house at 8am, I leave house at around 12am. There are 2 other dogs and 1 cat in the house (1 dog and cat are my bf's). We came home at around 7-8pm. Some of my roommates came home at around 5-6pm. 

About a few weeks ago, my roommate's dog had surgery in his leg so they told me to not let Bambi play with him (they are best friends). So I have to let Bambi stay in the room, and because she's not potty trained I have to put her in her playpen.

 About 2 hour before I leave, I let her out playing with her, then put her back in her playpen (my bf's cat and dog are not in crate). 

Now, her bad behavior. Whenever anyone leave, she yells, a lot and so loud, like non stop able. She keeps whimpering in the early morning, around 6:30. At first I thought it's separation anxiety, but I think it may not. Because I realize she keeps yelling everytime she wants something. If she wants to go outside the crate and play, she yells. Whenever I leave the room, she yells. She yells during midnight, and early in the morning. When she is letting out and play, even there's no one, she does not whimper (only if she's still having fun with her toys). She just yells whenever she wants something! And nothing can stop her!

I spend time playing with her for 30-60 mins in the morning, and 30-60 mins in the evening before going to bed. I try to teach her obedient by teaching some commands and praise her a lot. She's a quick learner so I don't think she does not understand that yelling is such a bad behavior. 

It seems like every of my roommates hate her so much since she's so lousy all day long. 

I know this is a very complicated situation and she's just out of control. I can be patient with her but my roommates don't. I'm afraid one day they will kill my Bambi :( 

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First of all -- remember that she is truly a baby.  Three months old is very, very young to expect much of anything from a puppy or to be labeling their behavior as bad.  It's pretty much like saying that when a human infant cries because she's hungry, tired, has a wet diaper or is lonely and in need of a cuddle that she's being bad.

Secondly -- Give us a guesstimate of how many hours a day she spends alone in the playpen, both while you're working and sleeping.  It sounds as if she's only getting an hour or two of good interaction a day?

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Hi. Yea I know but my roommate also has a shiba inu puppy and he's very well behaved, that's why they expect my Bambi to do so. And because she cries so loud they woke up and get angry. I said sorry a lot to them and tried to tell them she's just a puppy, and she needs more time. 

About the playing time, except Monday and Wednesday when I have to go to school from 12-8pm, I spend one hour playing with her both in her playpen and the room, 2 hours break (I put her back in playpen), then 1 hour playing and 2 hours break. 

Whenever I leave the house, I give her stuffed toy with full of treats inside, and turn on a radio for her. 

Just to be clear that the problem is between Bambi and my roommates. Her behaviors make them feel annoying and lack of sleep. So I don't know how to handle the situation. For example, if she cries in the early morning, should keep telling her NO or hug her to satisfy her so she will not cry anymore? 

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What are her pottying arrangements?  Does she use pads or do you take her outside?

I would evaluate each crying spell individually. Early in the morning -- (if she doesn't have access to a pad) -- Consider if she may need to go outside.  Does she have food available, or could she be hungry (puppies need to eat frequently), etc., etc.

For each episode consider how you should react based on your best guess of why she's fussing.

If she's just been outside (or has access to pads so you know she doesn't need to) and if you know she's not hungry or thirsty and if she's had plenty of exercise/attention then it's fine and probably good to ignore her.  Some dogs do have to learn how to be quiet and entertain themselves.

It really sounds as if you live in a very busy house!  I'm thinking that it might be beneficial to play some relaxing music for her when she needs to be quiet and calm.  Maybe try this.

Also, a couple of other things to keep in mind -- 6:30 a.m. isn't "very early" to a young puppy.  Again, they're just like human babies in that they tend to start their day early.  It's something you have to adapt to for awhile.

And if you leave at noon and your roommates get home around 5:00 or 6:00 -- well, five or six hours is a very, very long time for a puppy of that age to be alone.  I would totally expect a puppy to whine and cry if she hears humans after she's been alone that long.  I understand saying that doesn't really hep your situation, but honestly I don't know what else to say about that.  On the days you're gone from noon until 8:00 p.m. -- that's really way too long to leave such a young puppy.  And IME leaving a young puppy alone for that many hours can trigger SA in a pup who is genetically/behaviorally prone to developing it.  Is there any way at all your roommates could be talked into helping out with her just until she's a little older and can handle that much alone time?  Or are they already doing things to help?  Or maybe you don't trust them to help?

Now, having said all that -- sometimes you have to give in and do what works immediately rather than what might be the best long term solution.  If you need to quiet her sometimes so your roommates can sleep -- well, sometimes you gotta do what works right then.  For you that may mean bringing her in the bed and cuddling her.  At 6:30 a.m., knowing I was going to be leaving her alone for a long, long time later in the day -- I would be getting up and playing with her, taking her outside to explore in a safe area, and doing other things to spend time with her and tire her out mentally and physically.  It's not something you'll have to do forever.  Just like human babies, puppies grow up fast. Before you know it she'll be the one wanting to sleep in. ;) 

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I have to agree with everything Pawz said.  I do have another question, though:  do your room-mates interact with Bambi at all, ever?  Perhaps if they spent a bit of time playing with her each day she would be less-likely to spend so much time crying.  It is likely to be an attention-seeking behavior, and although our dogs learn as puppies that they don't get out when they fuss - they get out when I SAY they get out - I do spend a lot of time with them all every day.  When I bred/showed Poms, they were a nightmare to crate-train and I generally had to resort to the "magic can".  When they would start-up in the middle of the night I'd toss the can onto the crate(s) and say "NO!" just as it made contact.  Got to the point I could hit those suckers from 20 feet in the dark.  Shih Tzu are much more co-operative, lol.

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Thank you so much Paws and Luna! I really don't like my roommate (he's my bf's best friend). At first when I brought Bambi home he just doesn't like her anyways, he doesn't like any toy breed. Especially when Bambi is a little hard to potty train. He started to have attitude with her. He never touches or plays with Bambi despite his shiba puppy and Bambi are bestfriend. Her behaviors turned worse after his shiba had surgery and she has to stay inside the room and cannot play with her bestfriend. 

It was my fault when I don't think the case is serious at first. But now Bambi is more and more needy. I'm trying to fix this by spending time with her whenever I can, and teach her to be obedient with some basic commands. She learns the commands so fast I'm so surprised since she has no idea of doing her business the right place, she even eats her poop and licks her pee :( Maybe that's because my potty train is not proper? 

Oh, and she has a cat to play with in the room. But I don't want to let the cat and her playing along when I'm not there, Bambi is a little aggressive she gets angry at the cat when he comes around her food. Do you think I should find a dog sitter for her? I've never experienced with dog sitter, don't know if they're good with our dog?

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I think you might consider doggie daycare or a dog walker for Bambi.  She will get more stimulation and exercise and l think that would be good for her.


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