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Tara: My spa day



Hello Aunties!

Here is me in my donut bed.


and washing my knickers.  Cato never washes his knickers.  Thats disgusting, isn’t it Aunties?  Boys are disgusting.


I HATE Spa Days!  Mum did tell us, but that doesn’t make it any better!  I didn’t want to get out of bed this morning.  Mum had to put my lead on first, and the drag me out! (Mum: actually Tara it was more like a gentle nudge)

So Mum abandoned us, like usual.  And I had to have a stinky b**h.  Cato woz all goodie goodie as usual, but I wozn’t!  Haha!

But it woz Ok.  Mum came and rescued us, and gave us burger!  I like burger!  Jasmine smelled of burger before we had ours, so she had burger twice!

Mrs Groomer did good with my tail though, didn’t she?


When Dad comes home I’m going to wag extra specially hard so he notices. :cheezy:

But my face is a bit too buzzy short.



Recommended Comments

Your too cute!!!! Thats the way every time my groomer does it too

Relax...it will grow back :dog: in no time at all

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I like your "style" Tara.....no fuss no nonsense no long ears and beard to drag through your dish.  I'm always arguing with Shorty's groomers to cut his head and face shorter.  They always tell me "his head will look too small".  Hey!  Whose dog is it anyway!?!

I like your pixie :-)

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Awwwwww Tara, you had burger, that sounds so lovely. Burgers are so yummy and such a lovely treat for going to the spa. 

Actually your face looks really cute and your hair grows really fast. 


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