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Community Activities And Other Random Things



Well it's been awhile since I've updated and I'm kind of getting a little overwhelmed so this entry may kind of go all over the place so my apologies now B) .

As you all know, I belong to a community service club which I have been an officer on the board now for several years. At our last board meeting a couple of weeks ago, the current President made a comment to me that I haven't been taking an active enough role as VP , B) this was not taken well by me, or the other board member there. My response was I do more for this club than any other member and if it had not been for me personally, 2/3 of the projects would have never been done. I then proceeded to walk out of the meeting.

As VP, he was out of town last Thursday, I had to run the dinner meeting. I addressed the group and told them how I felt being a board member, that we are supposed to help direct the club but currently the board has been doing everything. The club as a whole is supposed to help choose, plan and execute a project. Instead what has been happening is they just show up for a bit to lend a hand during a project. I told them I wanted them to take a more active role and if they didn't help the board in increasing membership, I expect the club wouldn't survive more then another year or two. Needless to say some of the older members from the board were not impressed by my boldness of laying things on the line. I finally said what needed to be said for the last 2 years which no one else had the courage to. I had also ended the meeting about 45 mins earlier than any of the presidents have, covering just as much if not more.

One of the things covered was the pancake breakfast, which they all want to do, I had asked who wanted to work it and they all volunteered. When I asked who would co-chair, no one spoke up until I said fine, we won't do it then as I refuse to take it on alone. I did get a volunteer from an older member who had not taken on a project in many a year. Seems I had lit a fire when I spoke and I'm honored to have him helping. His wife who is also a member will be chairing as well. So now we have to get this underway as it's supposed to take place on the 5th of Novemmber which is the Sunday before election day. Our club President was supposed to book the venue over a month ago but :( didn't.

Well Saturday past was the fair in town. I worked the entire day and boy the weather was so strange. We had rain, sun, wind, heat and cold intervals. It was one of those days when litterally the weather changed every 5 mins it seemed. That was until about 3:00 when the cold front blew through with the constant winds blowing. I had such a chill that I couldn't get warm till the next day :yeahrite: . The fair was on a much smaller scale then previous years and also I'm so happy that it was a one day event. My youth group was there, my community service group was and I was running around all over finding different people. At the fair I spoke to my 2 co-chairs and we've come to the decision that we were going to base the pancake breakfast on a red, white and blue theme calling it the "Red, White and Blue Pancake Breakfast" and the bennificary of the proceeds would be the local Volunteer Ambulance Company. Well I went over and found their President, who was thrilled to hear that we wanted to do this. They have agreed to help sell tickets, advertise with us and man the breakfast with cooks and servers. What better arrangement could we get! Well of course when I told most in the club, they all agreed that this was great. See our service club was responsible in raising the funds in getting their first actual ambulance many years ago so this just seems natural especially since they are in need of so many new things currently. Of course then you have those "members" who I ticked off the other night who are objecting. My response is if you don't like it, it's too bad as it's already in the works. You can accept it or take it over, your choice :P . Needless to say they just walked away. Now I have no choice but to make this a successful event. I have to get media involved, and I already spoke to several town board/council people in helping to make this event successful. Most of this will rely on my contacts and my reputation within the town. I have a lot of people who want to see me be successful and a few who are waiting for me to fail. It'll be interesting to see where this goes.

Now today my first youth group meeting took place. I'm happy to say it was short and sweet and I look forward to working with them again this year :P .

I also had my first meeting with the local community theater group board tonight. They are trying so hard to recruit me on the board but I don't want a board position. I told them I'd be happy to attend meetings, be on a committee, and help where I could but do not want a board position. I also ended on volunteering to host a party for 50 plus people next month, lol. How do I get myself into these things, hehehe.

Well I think thats it for now, just a glance at my past week in my boring life :( , until next time.........


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Whew, you're one busy girl! :aktion033: Stick to your guns though I get soo sick of politics and the "good ole boys networks"!

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You know my story ;), failure is not one of my vocabulary words any more. If I Ryan want to achieve a goal, I will not settle less then my best, neither should you.

Yeah... people said I would fail and stuff, I just told them off and said take a hike, not in the plans. (contact support for future details :P). But sounds busy, enjoy. If you want publicity use CraigsList or something, you never know. Plus sounds good that you rattled there cages to get them thinking that 2 more years and we are nothing but a old newspaper article.

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