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Remembering 9/11



"September 11th"

Another anniversary is here to remind us all of a harsh tragedy that happened 4 years ago. The World Trade Center was my favorite place. Whenever I flew home the plane would always fly by it or if I was driving I'd see it from New Jersey, either way I knew that I was almost home. It was always a comfort when it was within sight and at the same time brought a feeling of excitement.

I guess that being a New York City girl, I will always have a bond with this big amazing city but being that my first job was in lower Manhattan, this was my area, where I felt most comfortable. I knew lower Manhattan inside and out and WTC was my favorite place. I'd love to go to the top and was so disappointed when the outside observation deck was closed due to wind. Nothing like walking out that door to have the wind blow through your hair and try to rip any papers you might have in your hand away as if it was playing tug-o-war with you. Whenever I was there, I felt as if I was on top of the world and could just spend time gazing out at the view all around. In the indoor area, I'd love to lean up as close, flush up against the window as I could get and try to look straight down. My favorite time to be there was right before twilight as I'd be able to watch the sun set and feel almost like I was above the sun. I also loved to watch the city light up coming to life as the darkness would try to encompass itself upon it. It was never a match for this city.

Then 9/11/01 came. I remember all too well, where I was driving to pick up a friend when I heard the report on the radio that a plane crashed into one of the towers. That came on just as I approached my friends house and I ended up driving right on by it passing it up. I had to turn around and go back and got Barb to turn on the TV. We watched in horror as so many did what was to unfold and I shortly after went home to try and reach my brothers. Took me a while to get them but finally we did reach each-other and I was relieved to find out they were safe. Both work there in that area so tensions were high until I reached them. I watched on TV as the towers fell from the comfort of my living room, trembling and crying quietly as my brother was describing the terror of watching the towers fall from the roof of his apartment building on the other side of the river in Brooklyn. I can never explain the horrible, sick feeling that overcame me as I tried to be strong and show strength for my brothers. I'm not going to go into more detail about my feelings as I'm sure you can imagine what I felt. There are many people I knew who worked in that building and area.

Well now it's been 4 years, I still have not been back to the site. I have actual photographs taken by my brother from the roof of where he lives, so it's a permanent reminder of what actually took place. The first time I went back was December 2001 and was so saddened as when we were flying over NYC, I didn't even recognize it! I just can't seem to bring myself to go there. I find it so disturbing as I no longer have a landmark to tell me when I'm almost home. At some point I will revisit the area but it won't be anytime soon. I still can't seem to bring myself there and I have no idea how long it will take, until then........ may all who perrished there rest in peace and I pray that those that they left behind, that they have found some peace or acceptance and strength.


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I still remember that day like it was yesterday. It's a whole other entry which I'll get to another time, but I remember the sheer terror and the tears streaming down my face as I watched the buildings fall on TV. I remember every detail from what I was wearing up to how I drove like a maniac to get home and physically see that my family was okay.

I'm sorry for the scars it left on your spirit and hope to Heavan that you find some measure of peace that enables you to go back, even if just for a small amount of closure. You and all of New York remain in my thoughts and prayers, especially at this time of year. I can't help but be grateful that neither you nor your brother were there, but I'm very sorry for the friends you and so many lost that day.

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