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Where did August go?



As I'm sure everyone is aware, we had a VERY busy August (and September hasn't been much calmer, lol).  Our two litters are lovely and I am fielding inquiries about puppies constantly.  I sold Howie (the only boy in the Damon/Eve litter) early because the girl who wanted him had been on the wait-list for a long time and I didn't need another boy, but no one else gets sold until evaluations at 8 weeks.  We picked Polo up from Sarah when we brought Drake home and Polo is now living the life of Riley with Susan and Dean's good friends, who drove here to pick him up.  Lovely, lovely people.  Anyway, here's life from the dogs' point-of-view:

Jack:  Mom couldn't get up-and-down the stairs to let us out for a couple of weeks so Dad had to do it.  We were out at all hours of the night and day, but now Mom can use the stairs again so we are back into our regular routine.  I got a bath at my friend John's grooming shop last week and then got to run-around his shop for an hour before Mom picked me up.  I love John.  I don't even mind when he trims my nails.  John says he can't believe I'm almost 12 because I still act like a puppy!

Gus:  When your human can't get up-and-down the stairs to keep you on a regular schedule, it's time they hired someone else to do it.  Just saying.  Mom is finally able to get-around again and I am insisting on extra loving and cuddling because I was SO neglected for almost 2 weeks!  Mom says I still am and will always be her puppy-boy, and Drake and Corbin are jealous.  Take THAT, you two preening stud dogs!

Katy:  I am still looking for new humans.  This latest insult is just to much for my Queenly self to deal with.  Oh, wait.  Mom just offered me belly rubs.  Later, gator!

Drake:  We were off our regular schedule for a while because Mom hurt her foot, but we are back to normal now.  I toughed-it out like the good boy I am.  Corbin is being a dick because he didn't get the girl last time - too bad, Corbin!  Today we all got cheese cookies!  My favorite thing!  I got to clean Mom's ears!  My favorite thing!  Now I'm going to go lay on the deck.  My favorite thing!I

Corbin:  I will never understand these humans, but that's OK.  Really, I SHOULD have had first crack at Minzy, but Mom and Auntie Sarah said no so here I sit like a freaking monk.  I'm not letting Drake forget my displeasure, either.  Mom told me today that if I don't stop it I'll be put in isolation, whatever the heck that is.  However, it doesn't sound good so I am trying hard to behave.  Mom says I will get a girl next year.  What is next year?  In the meantime, I will keep trying to be Mom's favorite.

Eve:  I love my babies SO much!  They are very fat and sleek because I make wonderful milk they love and I take very good care of them.  We moved to the kitchen this morning and Mom says that tomorrow they will get a first try at kibble.  They won't like it because it won't be nearly as good as my milk, but - being kids - they will probably try it out.

Dot:  I love my babies a LOT!  The are very fat and happy.  Today we moved to the guest bedroom where Eve and her babies were.  It is nice in here, but when I bark for attention it's harder for Mom to hear so that's a negative.  Mom says that GD and I did a really good job making our babies.  Well, of course we did!

Elle:  I don't know what the other dogs are talking-about.  My schedule is the same it's always been.  Pen, play, brush, play, pen.  Eating at the right time.  I don't have to go to another dog show until the first weekend of October, so Mom says we have to go to training class the next two weeks so I won't forget how to act.  Huh?

Kirk:  Mom says I have to be re-socialized and re-trained.  I don't know why.  About a month ago I decided I didn't like new things and people and I didn't like walking on a lead anymore.  Mom says she has been "humoring" me while all those new babies arrived, but that's over.  Mom says boy dogs are always "softer" than girl dogs and she thinks it's related to hormones (whatever those are).  Anyway, I have a feeling I'm not going to like this.

Daddy's Nickles (the Damon/Eve babies):  We moved to a new big place today!  There are different noises and smells and we are very interested in them.  Human Mom says we will get to taste "kibble" soon and in a day or two we can try our legs out on the kitchen floor.  It's SO exciting to be puppies!

The Dotlings (the GD/Dot litter):  We moved to a different place today, but that's OK.  We are still with Mama and she makes wonderful milk for us.  Human Mom picks us up and cuddles us and talks to us a lot, but it will be a bit before we can do more than lick her nose.  We are not three weeks old yet!  But soon we will become "puppies", Human Mom says.  That sounds like fun!

And on top of all this one of the cars is dying so we have to replace it.  Wish us luck!


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Do you find yourself counting noses........unconsciously?

Wonder if I could skulk in and make off with one puppy?  You have enough.  Wouldn't miss one teeny furball.......

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Right behind you Marlene...but I couldn't sneak in. I have to stop and love every single dog and puppy in the house...on second thought I might just move in! Doggy Heaven :cloud9:

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