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Cinderella Waltz Audition



Other than a Shih tzu, what type of pets fo you have?  

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  1. 1. Other than a Shih tzu, what type of pets fo you have?

    • A fish
    • Another breed of dog
    • A cat
    • No other pets

So last night was the audition for the next play I am interested in and I have to be there at 7pm, no problem. I look up on the map where I have to go and have a pretty good idea. It's the town's community center, how hard is that to find B) . I know that it will take me about 25 mins or so to get there so I leave here at 6:20 figuring it'll give me ample time to get there and possibly read over some of the script before I have to audition. Jillian had not received the scripts on time to get them mailed out to everyone so here I was going in blindly again. :(

The roads were nice and empty and I figured that I'd have plenty of time to read through before I had to audition, wrong. I hadn't driven on this road in about 2 yrs and many things have changed. It used to be mostly open fields but it was pretty built up and I ended up taking the wrong turn and going the wrong way for a bit, I tried to ponder for a moment do I need North or South, gee I don't know :P . I think I need to go this way, hmm wrong way, I needed the other direction B) . Okay now I know where I am, if I don't get lost again I'll make it on time. So I get to the driveway/street where I was told to go to, hmm I'm here but which building is it? :( Hey Sir, can I ask you which building is the community center? Community Center? We don't have one in this town. Um okay, thank you. I decide I'll go park the car and go into the library, they should know where it is as the library and recreation depts in most towns work together.

I go start walking towards the library and ask a woman coming out if she knew where the rec center was, Oh yes, just go into here bear to the left and you'll see the room, that's where you want to go. "Oh thank you so much" I say! I enter the building, bear left and hurry in as it's 7:00 to see a bunch of people............playing chess! You know where they have the clock that they hit after each move, B) Guess I'll go check with the librarian, lol.

Hi I'm looking for the community center, can you tell me where I can find it? She responds with I don't know, go over to the reference desk over there, they may be able to help you. Okay, thanks :( You would have thought a town employee would know where the rec center is, wouldn't you? Walk over to the reference desk and there are 2 women sitting there. I figure I'm going to take a different approach here. I ask them do they know where the Henreitta Community Theater Group is holding auditions, it's supposed to be in the community center and no one seems to know where that is. The first woman responds with" We have a Theater Group?" :P The other one looks up and says oh yes I read about the auditions in the paper the other day, you have to go to the Recreation Dept for the auditions. I was so happy someone finally knew something :P . Okay where is that I ask. She says I have to go about 1/2 - 3/4 of a mile down the road, look for the sign as thats when I turn. Thanks so much!

I run to my car driving to where she said, see the sign and turn. There are even more buildings here but they look like all offices. No one is around to ask, I have a feeling this is wrong. I should just turn around and go home, it's already almost 7:20 and I can't find this place :smiley: ! No! I don't want to give up, think! Wait! Jillian said she was coming, let me think, yes! I did have her cell phone number in my address book on my phone, woohoo!!!!

So I call Jillian and she says where are you, thought you were coming? I am if I can ever find the damn place! Where are you now, nah that's wrong, go and make a right come down about 1/2 - 3/4 of a mile and look for the library, we're behind there. I was just there :yeahrite: and they sent me here! She says I'll meet you outside, ok I say and off I go.

Soooooo.............. I'm almost a 1/2 hour late and I have to read for a couple of different roles. One section of script I had to read for required lots of attitude and yelling, wasn't too hard to get through that part.

It went pretty well I think but I'm up against a lot of experienced people, they said they'll let us know by the end of the week. If I get it great, if not they'll be another audition for my town's theater group soon and I know how to get there! :P

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Well, what a trip! I've been there it's like the towns people are from another planet! :P Let me know when you hear something! I'm soo glad you went. :aktion033:

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