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Friday 5th May: Windy at the lake (and tummy troubles)




So I will tell you all about our second lake walk, in the sun and wind and the woods, and then I will tell you about my tummy.  Cos that is far more important.  And it is more important that Tara's silly running off and nearly getting lost and worrying G&G!

This is my Molehill Hunting Field.


This is me keeping an eye out for moles!

Can you see how my tummy is a bit, um, bloaty?


Then we did the Bluebell Wood walk, which was all sniffy and nice.


 Mum kept taking pics of arty bits of tree and stuff, but it was OK cos it gave me time to sniff properly, for once.


Arty farty sun on fallen trees.  ivy stems.  yada yada. 


trees pushing each other over.  yawn.


It was actually a bit hot, and I wasn't feeling great, on account of my tum.  So I asked for a lift.  But Mum didn't realise my tum was hurty, so she said 'Not this time, matey!' and I had to catch up on my own four paws.


Tara says I have to point out how her green bow picks up the foliage theme.


But these molehills (in the woods!  I didn't know moles lived in woods!) are much more interesting.


Bluebells.  Again.  You can have too many, you know.


And then we got to the lake.  And it was sunny.


But that didn't stop the Mad Runner from puffing past.


Tara found some mountains.  Mum didn't want her climbing, in case it wobbled and squished her, so we both got treats.


And then she found this bench, and jumped up and wanted a treat for that too!


I think she was looking for sandwiches here.  There was a man in his little hut. But he wasn't fishing, cos the stick thing is against the tree.  We think he was asleep!


Ooh!  look!




And can you see that green branch?  the one that is sinking?

It flew past us on the wind, and landed in the lake.  Mum wishes she had a pic, cos it is hard to see how WINDY it was.  Bits were flying past and leaves and sticks and stuff were all ripping off the trees.


see how bent over the bamboo is?

And all the green leafy bits that have been ripped off the trees?

I could have blown into the water!


and the waves too.


This is the way home.  The path was hot like roadblackstuff, so I was really panty!




And now for my tummy:

See Tara was being a pest back at home, before we went to see G&G.  She was bouncing about and sniffing poo and stuff.  And she got a bit of a squitty tummy.  So I think it is all her fault.

She had a squitty tum on the Sunday, and then we had the drive to G&G on the Monday, and she was still squitty.  She was OK, but she got Mum up in the night.  Although she was just as bouncy and annoying.

Then on Tuesday night she jumped off the bed and pooed on the carpet!!!!!  

And Mum was nice about it.  

And Grandma was nice about it.  

And Then on Wednesday she had her PAwNapping Drama, and ran about and was fine.  

And then Dad came to join us, and it was really wonderful, cos Dad was with us, and I sat on his lap all evening cos I had missed him lots!

But by then, my tum was a bit squitty too - cos Tara gave it to me.

So I was a bit floppy and uncomfortable on Thursday.   But Grandma didn't mind, even when Tara didn't ask to go outside until it was too late.

And Mum and Dad were worried about 2 paws with squitty tums on the bedroom carpet!  So they put down dustsheets, and set the alarms, and took us outside twice in the night.  Which was a bit weird and meant I didn't get a good night's sleep!

Eventually, on Saturday, we came home, and stopped at lots and lots of places for poos.  And that was OK, cos I felt better after I pooed.  And Tara was better already.

But then once we were home... I got really bad.  Mum says she thinks that my squitty tum set my colitis off again.  Or Grandad may have given me something to eat wot I shouldn't. :( Or it was the stress of the journey, cos I don't like long car journeys. :( And I was awful.  It hurt!  And my bottom got sore.  And it was all clear and runny, and then it went pink and red. :( And me and Mum just sat on the sofa, feeling miserable, and then I would run for the catflap and not make it in time. :( and then Mum would clear up.  And then it would happen again.  That was all Sunday.

And we all slept on the floor in the living room for 3 nights.

But then I felt All Better.

And I was a bit skinny, and Mum gave me nice Chicken and Pumpkin for AGES til my poos were orange.  And then it was OK again.

Mum says she is going to look at natural antibiotics, and stuff, and there is a powder on my food now.  But it tastes OK.



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Oh poor Cato your tummy sounds awful, you sure had a time with it sweetie. I'm so glad your better now. Mommy has to put a couple of powders on my food so I can eat ok and not have a sick tummy anymore. Mommy says it's enzymes and probiotics, they're all natural too, any way they help Lots! I hope your mommy finds something to help your tummy for you. :throb:Missy

what a gorgeous walk, love how the sun is coming through the woods- and yes how your bow matches the foliage Tara! It sure does look windy though, glad you didn't get blown away! I'm so sorry you both had sick tummys on your holiday, that wasn't much fun at all was it. So glad you're both better now. 

ETA: here's the links for what I use Jo- digestive enzymes http://products.mercola.com/healthypets/digestive-enzymes-for-pet/

probiotics: http://probiotics.mercola.com/probiotics-for-pets.html

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Ohh my goodness, so sorry about your tummys. Tell mama to always pack Slippery Elm powder it works in a flash, all natural, no cramping and stops the poos before they get started. Saved your cousins tummy's many a time

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Mum:  Thank you both.  We started them on slippery elm as soon as we realised it was getting worse than a mild little passing upset (grandma had some ready, and I now have a small pot of the powder in the dog Travel Bag).  And now we have probiotics too, and I am looking for a herbal antibiotic.  I had it years ago, and it worked a miracle on a pet rat, so I am hoping that I can find it again, and keep it ready.  But I will check out your links too.

Poor little lad, he got it sooooo much worse than Tara did.  But they were both very glad to get home and relax, and have the cat flap available, for whenever they needed!

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I loved looking at all your photos and you gave such a detailed description of your walk too. It looked super amazing. 

Sorry to hear you guys had a poorly tummy. First sign of my guys poo looking different, I jump straiaght in full a 5ml teaspoon of Dorwest herbs tree barks powder mixed with natural yogurt and they are 9 times out of 10 right as rain by the next time they need a poo. 

It all natural so I don't worry about jumping in straight away and using in. 

Glad you guys are better now ?

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