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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2014 in all areas

  1. This is a little story about how a sixteen pound shih-tzu mix saved my life. On June 27th of 2013, I had overslept... like I always tend to do on Saturday mornings, when I heard a knock on my door. Pounding was more like it. Half asleep, I went to the door and opened it. Standing there was my Stepfather, and in walked a little mass of fluff who came in like it had been in my room it's entire life. It hopped up on my bed and looked at me from beneath the fur on it's face, one snaggletooth hanging out of his mouth. I looked back at my stepfather and sleepily asked "Who's dog are we foster
    5 points
  2. Parker just turned 10 weeks old on Saturday and last night he slept through the night from 9-7 with no potty breaks! I was so shocked. And this morning when I was about to take him out to go potty, he went to the door and rang the potty bell! Of course I gave tons of praise and a treat (piece of kibble). I'm sure both were just a fluke, but I'll take it!
    2 points
  3. Thank you for sharing your story! I have to agree with everyone above, you were made for each other and we thank God for that.
    2 points
  4. The story is so touching! Sometimes we know when it's "meant to be" and you meeting and caring for Mylo is one of those moments. I can relate to that bonding you have with him, don't we all? We love them and they make our days happier, they give us reason to keep trying to be better, one supports the other and we live a life where we simply can't imagine being without them!
    2 points
  5. God gave you to him and him to you because you needed each other, a need so profound you live for each other and make each other happy! And that's what the world is all about isn't it? So you got some powerful shih tzu healing going on, embraced it. We have a photo bucket link now to post some pictures. I invite you to post some of Mylo. Someone out there is going through the same thing as you are Angel...pass the love through your pictures so someone else can feel the love and comfort you have felt. http://s1288.photobucket.com/user/seethelove1/profile/
    1 point
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