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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/2014 in all areas

  1. Haha do you know, I'm sure you're right I haven't rushed to let them out today. Although I am keeping a mental note of when they last went to the toilet and I'm making a judgement as to when I think they might need to go, but I'm trying to time their toileting at the same time they are still asking to go. There is a small part of the lawn that gets slightly waterlogged when we have a lot of rain or heavy rain. The water just sits on the top... What did my two do... Go paddling in it lol You've been a great help, thank you :)
    2 points
  2. Me again... lol My two have learnt to sit at the back door to and ask to go out. Now Lacey mostly scratches but will give a gently oof as I call it, it's not quite a woof... And Donte will oof to ask to go out. On lots of occasions now, Lacey is asking to go out more frequently now. When I let her out I can see she would rather play, try and get in the fish pond for a drink, play with Donte, just for a mooch around the garden, bark at the birds, bark at their own shadow, something else's shadow, or just bark! Lol Now I wouldn't mind but it's so wet and cold outside and they keep
    1 point
  3. Poor baby Max!!!! I can see how he might have been traumatized in the past but believe me, give him some time and he'll leanr he doesn't have to worry when mommy and daddy are with him All of us are sending hugs and kisses, telling him to be a brave boy!!! Also, I'm so glad your previous baby had you in his life, you were a Godsent to him!
    1 point
  4. Sounds like they've figured out how to wrap you around their little paws! Sorry! Tuff Love is probably the best way to go particularly if you know then don't really need out since you saw the go shortly before. Maybe try distracting them with something fun to do inside? Toys, treats, loving??? All five of mine hate to go outside when it's wet and particularly when it's raining. Ebony and Panda now feel that the "doggie door" is for the Puppies and NOT them (or that they're just too good to go out in the puppies area). They will just "put the brakes on" at the other door. Someti
    1 point
  5. I've just let them out 10 minutes ago and they both went for a wee, 10 minutes later she asking to go out...so I told her she's been out, done a wee and she's not going for a while. I don't know how much of that she understood, if anything. But she's now laying by my feet asleep....
    1 point
  6. I have 6 rescues that I personally would not have around children some have people issues as it is. I have no young people in my home so they are not use to being around kids. I would stay on top of it and make sure that what Frodo is doing is not acceptable. One thing for awhile is have your son just ignore him like he is not even there. Make no contact with him, let Frodo approach your son, but still have him ignore him for a few days and gradually make contact with Frodo. Never come from behind to approch a dog, they will frighten and act out. My Bailey was badly abused and even though I ha
    1 point
  7. Belly bands are easy to make. I took a picture of Bailey and his collection. You do not have to have them fitted they just seem to fit better. The one's in the stores are range from $10 to $17 dollars. I made mine for less than $3.00. Like Vickie's Panda, Bailey waits for his to be put on when he comes in from outside. He will turn and back up for me. It saves us all a lot of stress and he still has the freedom of the house without the mess.
    1 point
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