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  1. Hehe , I've already noticed that with mine I find that quality quite adorable, just as well really!!! Lol
    2 points
  2. Thanks for the clarification. I believe with my Shih Tzu, training is always an ongoing task! They may quickly learn what they're "supposed" to do, but doing it is completely relavent to "if they're in the mood", or What's in it for ME? Gotta love 'em! Vicki
    2 points
  3. LOL: I can see the big mistake there! That's why you have to say a word you don't use much, racking my brain to think of a good word that I don't mind yelling out loud babybluegirl 3:05pm
    1 point
  4. I think that applies to all commands. The first dog I seriously trained I made a whopper of a mistake by making "okay" his release word. I didn't put much thought into it, and w/o much thought it seemed as reasonable as any other word I could have chosen. Later into the training process I realized choosing it was a really bad idea. Having a dog in a down stay while you're cooking dinner and talking with your kids or when you've got a room full of company and having to very consciously avoid using the word "okay" is no fun at all.
    1 point
  5. Thanks for your message Riley, husband and I went to dog training on Sunday and learnt some more things (see my original Hello From UK, New Dog Owner With 16 week old Shih Tzu, here) for that. I talked to the instructor after the class about the Premack Recall sheet I got two weeks ago, and ironed out any questions I had as I wasn't 100% sure on certain things and didn't want to start doing this with Riley in case we were doing it all wrong and made things worse between training class. Anyway, we now know what we're doing and so we're going to start the sheet soon... famous last words
    1 point
  6. I love (the use of) Listerine in myself, the yellow one. My GrandMother (God Bless her sole) taught me all about it well over fifty years ago. Whenever I feel a cold coming on, I swallow a good swig of it. I haven't had a cold in well over SIX years! I'm a big believer in it! Vicki
    1 point
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