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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/2014 in all areas

  1. Time may also take care of it. When we got Missy at first she was very quiet then she started barking excessively when she was outside, it was at least a month maybe two of this. We tried everything we could think of to stop it too. Then one day she just stopped, I have no idea why. Now she rarely barks when outside even when other dogs are barking. With the exception of squirrels, she loves to bark and chase the squirrels away but once they are gone she stops! ;)
    3 points
  2. Never go towards him, you say every time that you hear him barking you will go out there to stop him. Don`t do that anymore. Does he listen to his name yet if you call him? If he does, call him or get a special dog whistle. Try to be more important and interesting than what is going on outside. You are the leader of the pack! When he does come towards you make him sit and give him a little treat and close the door Now spraying the water might help also......I had a few dogs too that responded very well to that, but one just catched the water, he did`t mind at all. Good luck do let us know if
    3 points
  3. When all 7 of my Tzu's are on the West Wing (their confinded area of our porch) and they start barking for whatever reason all I use the word QUIET......that is all I say and they are good. I think they learned that from me doing it to the Border Collies so they quiet down. I can be in the house and yell QUIET and they have such good hearing that they hear me.....I never go to the door unless the bark sound is totally different from their normal bark. Let us know how it goes...I am not a fan of the collar either especially on a small dog....
    2 points
  4. Stopping barking outside is difficult. It's very hard to productively correct any behavior that doesn't happen when you're right there and can give a correction instantly while the unwanted behavior is in progress. Definitely work on getting a good recall when he's outside. And then every time he starts barking bring him him as quickly as you can. Just a calm and matter-of-fact recall. No reward, no reprimand. You want him to learn that barking results in being brought in and nothing else. But even that won't always work, because most dogs who like their people don't really mind being br
    2 points
  5. Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I tried a lot of these things when I first got him for things like biting on stuff and none of them worked. He didn't even flinch at the water, in fact I think he liked it, lol. The problem with outside is I never know until I hear the barking that a dog is out there, so it takes me some time to get out there since I need to stop what I'm doing and put something on my feet, etc. The bark collar is something I may look into. I always thought they didn't work great from what I have read, but I can still look into that. He actually listens very well in t
    2 points
  6. I'm with Yvonne....couldn't help it....smiled and laughed at that cheeky picture....but he's sooo sweet looking all innocent....expected to see his halo
    1 point
  7. I do basically the same...squirt of water and firm No Bark... Started this yesterday....already working. I reach for the bottle and they both go quite.
    1 point
  8. OMG what a look.........one could not stay mad at that face for long!!! He knows it too!!!! Like Vicki said......grab some of shredded paper and show it to him and use a firm NO......my guys know when I am not happy with their behavior just by my expression and the firm BOY NOT HAPPY WITH YOU TODAY!!!
    1 point
  9. We had a problem with Bailey barking at my husband when he came to the house (men issues) the Rescue Organization suggested that I get a spray bottle fill with water and squirt him when he started.........he lapped up the water and continued barking. But I have seen the water spraying work.......I knew a person that her hound dog would sit on his dog house and bark when a car drove by the house, she would get the hose give him a spray and he would shut up.........If you are able......just go to the door and use the same method that you used on him inside. When my BC start barking........I just
    1 point
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