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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2014 in all areas

  1. I'm sorry, I don't have any advice to share. I've only had my two for 4 months now. ( wow, that's gone quick, 4 months!!) I can understand why you fell in love with Bella, she's gorgeous
    4 points
  2. My wee boys used to nip people's ankles initially. They stopped once teething was over, I always scolded them, eventually they learned to curb their enthusiasm. I think it's a small dog trait, don't quote me, but from my experience with small dogs all of mine nipped when very young. As for protecting you, my boys don't see many people on a daily basis, we live rural, the racket they make when the mail lady arrives, would wake the dead! However one of my little boys runs away rather than greet any new person, his brother is much more brave, he goes to any one for a pat. They don't like anyone t
    4 points
  3. IMO being that he was removed from the home of a horder he did not have a lot of human contact other than his owner. With my 6 rescues when strangers come into the house I ask them to ignore them and allow them to come to you and if they show they want to interact then please feel free to pet. My Missy goes and hides under the bed until they leave, Bailey will bark from a distance until I pick him up but he will not allow anyone to touch him at all......it is trust issues. Winnie the same way she does not warm up to people now Lucy and Allie will jump in your pocket if they were big enough. Le
    3 points
  4. Wow Bella is beautiful no wonder you fell in love with her! Missy doesn't snap at people that come in the house but she does bark endlessly at them and won't go near them either, she too is a rescue. It's so hard to know what they've been through in their past and what memories they are dealing with. I go with the advice to let her approach them when she's ready. I just tell people she's a rescue and luckily so far everyone understands and doesn't try to push her. Interestingly enough she doesn't do this when we are out, just in our home. When we take her shopping to the doggie st
    3 points
  5. I would just just like to point out that Watson previous owner had trained him with the citronella collar, if he barks excessively and no distracting method works, then i put the collar on him.. It isn't even switched on, it has never sprayed him as he doesnt bark with it on, it isn left on him long, then I take it off again... I would never do anything to hurt or upset Watson, it's just how his previous owner corrected his barking and for the time being just using the switched off collar works.. They might not work for everyone, I always try distraction methods first before I resort to showin
    3 points
  6. We have owned Boxers for about 30 years. Some we brought home as puppies, some as adults. One was a hospice situation where we knew Bo was a young dog but had serious heart disease that was only going to get worse. But we kept him warm, well fed, loved and always shared our ice cream for 8 months. I think I know a lot about Boxer behavior, temperament, illnesses and injuries. Feeding and exercise as well as never laughing at a naughty Boxer.......it just encourages them :-) Last year, a Boxer rescue friend saw a plea on Craig's list. A young family of 5 (3 teenagers) had come from Oklah
    2 points
  7. You say that he snaps at people who want to touch him. The vet says he's guarding you. So clarify this for us -- Does he snap at people only when you're close? Or does he do it if you're a good distance away from him? Also, is he on the floor when he snaps or on furniture? Does it occur when people are bending over him, reaching down? W/o waiting for those answers, I would recommend you start implementing Nothing In Life Is Free if you're not already doing it. It's a great program all around - helps teach a dog his place in the home and family while at the same time building
    2 points
  8. I didn't think you were hun I just wanted to elaborate on how I use the collar, I would hate it to spray him, although I did put a little of citronella oil on the bottom of my doors to stop him chewing lol.... I also think different things work with different dogs too... Watson is very strong willed so I have to have 'something' that he doesn't like in order for him to back down, the funnier thing is if I say 'That's it, I'm getting the collar' he just sits (still barking) and waits for me to put it on him, he doesn't even run away lol soft dog haha x
    2 points
  9. Oh, I wasn't criticizing you directly. I should have made that clear (sorry). I was just throwing out my thoughts on the matter. And I fully realize that my thoughts and opinions are worth exactly what you pay for them. LOL!
    2 points
  10. Yes it is! I'm incredibly lazy about taking pictures, but I finally got my act together today and snapped a few to get a decent one for a signature. Thank you! ETA: Don't pay any attention to his hairy kissing spot. He's like all the men in this house -- he was participating in no shave November and hasn't realized it's not November any more. LOL!
    1 point
  11. Ah off topic-- Pawz4me I Love your new signature pic! is that Yogi?
    1 point
  12. I have seen it too.....looks like it maybe something you may want to do.....it is best to get Riley use to it while he is young. My couple of my guys love riding in the wagon.......be sure to take pictures.....and have fun.
    1 point
  13. Ive seen people at the camp grounds with the basket on the front of bikes and riding their little dogs.it is SOOO cute! We have to many to do this but i love the idea sheila-shih tzu dreamer
    1 point
  14. I had a front basket for my two boys years ago. A Shih Tzu and a Maltese (Teddy and Pudge respectively). It was a milk crate actually and my husband bolted it to the front of the bike. I put some carpet in the bottom and shortened a couple leashes so the dogs could be clipped in (under a foot each so they couldn't jump out). My boys LOVED IT! My two daughters and I would bike ride every evening and I would ride with them to school sometimes as well. You will need to get used to Riley's weight in the front and his moving around...mine would also bark at passing dogs so it could get challenging
    1 point
  15. They are the stubborn ones aren't they?! It's like the battle of the wills with them and whoever lasts the longest wins! It's funny I did the magic can with Missy exactly once and now if I even reach for it she stops what she was doing and lays down.. So I totally understand it's just the 'thought' of it! ;)
    1 point
  16. I do think the big issue is the correction is not immediate when the barking starts, like you said. Now that is colder the neighbor's dog is not out as much so it's hard to get that practice in. Literally 1-2 months ago he could be outside and if the neighbor's dog was out he would just sit there nicely and watch, even with me inside. Maybe it will get better with time, but luckily this is the only time the barking is an issue. I was going to try teaching "speak" but I can't get him to bark when I want him to. I thought the dogs barking on the computer would work, but it didn't. Thanks fo
    1 point
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