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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2014 in all areas

  1. Pawz4me I am in love with your new signature picture. Amazing eyes just draw me into his heart.
    2 points
  2. I have come to the conclusion that I only make the same old cookies that probably everyone else already has the recipes for- toll house bars, peanut butter, sugar, etc. So I decided to just post the Peanut Blossom recipe, which I'm sure you already have too, as you may not have my short cut or serving suggestion. Peanut Blossoms 1 3/4 cups flour 1 tsp soda 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1/2 cup shortening 1/2 cup peanut butter 1 egg 2 TBSP milk 1 tsp vanilla extract 48 candy kisses Preheat oven to 375F. Combine all ingredient except candy kisse
    2 points
  3. I like it better than the flea comb type because it's got a handle on it. I do wish the handle wasn't as fat as it is though. Vicki
    1 point
  4. Aww..thats too bad! A pop can with some coins in it..cheap! I was also going to suggest also that until the barking is under control you might want to go outside with him so you are there to correct the behavior immediately. Instead of letting him hang out..let him do his business and come in (unless you are going to stay outside). I know that this can be a pain, but just temporary till you get a handle on things.
    1 point
  5. I'm having the same issue with Gizmo right now. He was very quiet - then began to bark excessively. He will bark at people outside as well as bark at apparently nothing or at cars as well. Because he didn't do this initially, I attribute this to him starting to "Lord" over "his" territory. Since I'm outside with him when he is barking, I am able to correct him immediately. I let him give a couple of barks then tell him "enough" and either bring him inside (if he is done with his business) or I take him to the back yard where there is nothing for him to really bark at. I'm hoping that
    1 point
  6. Yummy! The second one sounds like something *I* could do! Vicki
    1 point
  7. I made the whole recipe and freezed a lot. I'm like the freezer queen, everything goes in the freezer at my house, drives my husband nuts! But we always have goodies that can be thawed quickly! And Missy loves the surprise of getting a goodie she hasn't had in a while! :)
    1 point
  8. Ah excellent! Did you manage to half the recipe, or did you just freeze lots? babybluegirl 12:51pm
    1 point
  9. I looked throgh all my stuff today.after i paint my grooming room in January, add new curtains , have hubby put in the shelves and rearrange, im going to set my desk up.why have it stored in a box, lol sheila-shih tzu dreamer
    1 point
  10. Those both sound great! Since I no longer bake Christmas cookies (too many decades of making dozens upon dozens of 5 or 6 different ones led to burnout), you are certainly welcome to send me some!
    1 point
  11. Yes I love it for under the eyes! For some reason it works alot better than a flea comb for Missy, maybe cuz it's not as wide? Who knows I'm just glad it works!!
    1 point
  12. I've never had one of my five ever tried to snap or bite anyone. They all are leary of strangers and bark constantly when someone comes into my home. They won't stop either until around 15 minutes has past. I do ask anyone that comes over to just ignore them until they settle down. Eventually most of them do settle down and will approach the stranger and sniff them to determine if said person is okay. If they feel the person loves animals and has any treats, then most of them is all over them. NLIF does work wonders. Check it out! Vicki
    1 point
  13. Stopping barking outside is difficult. It's very hard to productively correct any behavior that doesn't happen when you're right there and can give a correction instantly while the unwanted behavior is in progress. Definitely work on getting a good recall when he's outside. And then every time he starts barking bring him him as quickly as you can. Just a calm and matter-of-fact recall. No reward, no reprimand. You want him to learn that barking results in being brought in and nothing else. But even that won't always work, because most dogs who like their people don't really mind being br
    1 point
  14. Alex I made these for Missy today and she LOVES them, thanks so much for the recipe!!!
    1 point
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