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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2014 in all areas

  1. Missy and Maisey are scared in truck,but Minnie and Maggie love it,Molly did too.whenever we get to our destination they are both fine.funny,but last year i think it was,we went on a vacation,it was a new camper and I like to sleep away from the door,anyway hubby is on my right side every night at home,and remind you Missy is on my pillow EVERY NIGHT.so when we laid down,she wouldnt sleep w me,paced all night.everytime I put her up on the bed and gave her love,she'd get back down.after "2" days,I figured it out,the rest of the week she slept like a baby on my pillow (after we traded sides of c
    3 points
  2. I will give you an example of what I went thru with our Winnie.....never had a problem riding in the car....she loves to go for a ride. Now take into consideration that we were her 5th home the first 3 years of her life...after her being with us for a period we deceided to take her to visit her foster mom so she could see how well she was coming along. She had been in the foster home for a period of time and got along very well there....but I handed Winnie over to her foster mom and Winnie lost it.....she shook so bad that I had to take her back and as long as she was in my arms the foster mom
    3 points
  3. Thanks so much Jeannie! I know you have lots of experience with rescues and really value your input. We are going to work with Missy taking her for short rides and have been talking about that again this morning. But we were struggling as to what her 'special' treat would be- Never did it occur to me to get her something while we were out, what a fantastic idea!! Thank you sooo much, Missy will Love that!
    2 points
  4. The 24" crate is the best size for a Shih Tzu. I haven't ever heard of that brand, but from the tiny picture, it looks like it should work. Vicki
    2 points
  5. Thanks so much Pawz4me I will try working with her in the car little by little! Good time for taking time with that with winter weather coming anyway! Thanks Pam, I will be sure to put her back in her seat and be sure to just ignore her- I was actually just too lazy to move her beds to the truck. Will be sure to watch my reactions around her.
    2 points
  6. We have a new challenge with our lil Missy. For about probably the last couple of months, actually since her last grooming which was mid-Nov, Missy shakes uncontrollably whenever she is in the car. We think something happened during that grooming visit and she's now being groomed by me so that's gone from her car trips now. It breaks my heart because I think she thinks she's not coming home. We always tell her where she's going (shopping, etc), and she's heard the words before so we've tried the word association which she's very good at. But it doesn't seem to matter. She usually sits
    1 point
  7. More and more behaviorists and trainers are moving away from that belief. And I'm very happy--it never made any sense at all to me based on what I saw in my own dog training. Patricia McConnell -- You can't reinforce fear Suzanne Clothier -- The myth of reinforcing fear (ETA: Those articles relate mostly to fear of thunderstorms, but IMO fear is fear regardless of what the trigger is.)
    1 point
  8. I should have added that holding and reassuring a dog that is showing fear behavior only means to the dog that you are validating the response and making it worse. The best thing to do is to ignore them until they settle down, THEN praise (and treat if you are doing that).
    1 point
  9. OK, but you might want to give him the warning anyway. Who knows how hard he's looking?
    1 point
  10. I would start from the beginning and work on desensitization and retraining. Have her sit in the car (engine not running). Give her treats and praise for being a good girl. Do short sessions of that until she's comfortable just sitting in the car. If she's already okay with that, then you can skip to the next step which is having her sit in the car with the engine running. Again do short sessions with lots of treats and praise until she's completely comfortable being in the car, sitting still, with the engine running. And then go on a very short drive -- it might be as short as to the
    1 point
  11. Yeah here is the 24" one will this be a better size then? http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B0035XFOFA/ref=s9_simh_gw_d0_g199_i2?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=mobile-2&pf_rd_r=0G8D8F2AS0PP78C3VZPT&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=507564367&pf_rd_i=mobile
    1 point
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