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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/2015 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. Yogi lifts his leg when he's outside. But on the pee pads he squats. Always. (Good dog!) ETA: Why he does that is anyone's guess. My thoughts are: (1) He learned to use the pee pads when he was a wee puppy, long before he started lifting his leg. So maybe he only associates the pads with squatting. (2) He's the only dog in the house who uses the pads, and our Brittany was very well trained before we moved into this house. So there's no other dog's pee scent around anywhere inside the house, and so he doesn't detect any competition and thus doesn't feel the need to mark.
    4 points
  3. I let one edge lean up the leg of the table about 4".....He's only missed twice. If it's fell down during playtime he'll look over at me and wait till I put it back up, he won't pee pee till I do. The pad upstairs lays flat mostly....He squats. When he goes to his nanna's or uncle house I show him where I lay it down flat...he squats there too. But think he's a exception to the rule....if our house had many rooms it might be different....ours is a one up, one down terrace house..sardine can I call it. :(
    4 points
  4. I never trained Bailey to use the pee pad but he does manage to hit it when he uses it. Mostly though he is marking because someone else has pee on the pad durning the night and he can't have that.........that is why he wear a belly ban.
    4 points
  5. Well my friend lives at the coast, she has two shih tzu`s. They are behind her on the bike in a special basket. Her daughter takes one and she has the other furbaby. Now I understand your concern about beiing not able to see Riley when he is behind you. I am in doubt also, but my friend says it works great, she can look behind her though to see if everything is allright. A doggy ride is great too, we take Karel in his but he sings all the way so everybody knows we are on our way Non of the furbabies I know who take rides on mommy`s bike have glasses. Some dogs really like to go on a bike ride
    3 points
  6. Never used pee pads, even with pup, I just let her out every hour or so and as soon as she wakes up, and Watson was toilet trained when I got him... Good luck though x
    3 points
  7. So, Mr. T goes outside to do his business and very rarely ever has accidents any more (maybe once a month), but we were visiting with family over the holidays and my MIL's dog uses pee pads, and he went over to smell hers that she had used and then walked a few feet away and peed on the first vertical surface he came across (a backpack). This made me wonder, how do those with male dogs get them to use pee pads when they start lifting their leg?
    2 points
  8. Yea Vicki I was hoping maybe she would slip up and forget that she had it mongramed and we would see the new name. I don't have goggles for Bailey.....really don't know if he would wear them but he has a visor that he wears when he goes 4 wheeling. It helps keep the sun out of his eyes and some of the bugs that we hit riding thru. He use to ride the mower with me but when the wind would catch the grass blowing out of the mower when I did a turn and he would get it in the face so his mowing days are over. But he has the 4 wheeler that he likes riding or the big tractor.......I love bike rid
    2 points
  9. Thanks for the tips/info. I don't want Mr. T to pee on pads, but when we go to my Mil's I have to keep him away from them because he never squats anymore to pee and he's not used to the pads so I don't think he knows what to do with them. Pipsmom, it sounds like Pip is very well-trained!
    2 points
  10. If I put down pee pads everywhere my male likes to pee, my whole house would be covered with them! I just use a belly band on him when necessary. Plus, my girls would most likely just chew them up. Vicki
    2 points
  11. Mine have never ever used pee pads, so can't help you sorry.
    2 points
  12. Yes, I've been reading lots of reviews on these doggles and I think it's patience and persistance in getting them to get used to wearing them I guess it's not natural for them to wear these, so it's something they have to learn to get used to?!? A bit like Riley and his winter coat... the first few times I tried putting it on him was a nightmare! He would wrestle with us and try and wriggle to get it off him. Now he's a good boy, sits/stands there and allows us to put it on him and wears it so easily, it's certainly a breeze to put it on him now compared to before babybluegirl 6:
    1 point
  13. I bought the doggles for our Austrialian Shepard, I thought they were great but she refused to wear them pawed them off every time I put them on her! It was pretty funny to watch though! I think they're a great idea Alex good luck and be sure and post a pic of Riley in them!!
    1 point
  14. I've just read on the US Amazon that you linked Vicki that they sell and ship outside of the US (they didn't do that with the Large Oval Bass Brush, I tried). So, I've just clicked all the parts to see what the costs would be and they're very reasonable!!! Doogles with shipping to the UK work out: £14.15 which is $22.05 which obviously is still nearly $10 more, but certainly not crazy $88.03 which is just ridiculous! Would you say size: small would fit? Thanks, babybluegirl 5:22pm
    1 point
  15. I can't believe the difference in price again! In the US Amazon website, they're $13.99 which is like £8.98, which is a very good price. Just looked up the same brand/size on the UK Amazon website and they are £52 before £4.48 postage, so that's like $88.03 - ouch, what a difference! I'll have to hunt for a better price or take a trip to the US to buy all my doggie products lol. babybluegirl 5:15pm
    1 point
  16. That's exactly what I'm looking at! lol. I just wonder if Riley will actually wear them!?! Will I actually be able to get them on his face and stay on?!? (He wiggles so much). babybluegirl 4:53pm
    1 point
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