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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2015 in all areas

  1. My dogs love pee pads. They love to shred them into 1000s of tiny bits so I won't get bored.
    5 points
  2. I know my paws don't use them for toileting. But when they were sick after taking the Drontal tablet , I did use them all over the kitchen floor to catch the sick, so yes they came in very handy Thanks Pawz for all the other super uses for pee pads, because I bought in bulk, I've got loads left over and I've been wondering what I can use them for
    3 points
  3. I love, love, LOVE pee pads. And if you'd ask me that before Yogi came along I would have said absolutely no way, never would I ever have a dog who used pee pads. But they are so awesomely convenient. If we need to be away from home for eight, ten, twelve hours . . . no worries at all about him having to hold it. They especially come in handy when we're traveling in the RV, because there's not always a convenient, safe place to stop when he needs to go. Put down a pad and he's good. Plus we've found that pee pads are very convenient for many other uses. Painting? We use a p
    3 points
  4. Haha, Pam I hope they shred them before they pee on them and not after! Vicki, I never thought of putting a pee pad on the deck. There's still snow there, but maybe that will at least get her used to peeing outside if I clear off a spot and put a pad there. Since there's plastic on the bottom of the pad maybe I can even sit one on the grass after clearing off some snow. Why oh why didn't I wait until the spring to get a pup like I originally planned? Oh well, I love her so I can't imagine her not being her now, just like how I thought I was crazy when I first got Mr. T and was going th
    3 points
  5. I have a love/hate relationship with pee pads right now. I've been brining Rebel out a few times a day, but there's snow on the ground and it's very cold out, so she still hasn't peed outside. She's had some accidents in the house but she's been really good about going to the pads to go pee, so in that respect they are coming in really handy. However, she misses the pad about 25% of the time so I'm still cleaning pee off the floor which is aggravating. Even if I put two pads side by side, she will still sometimes have 3/4 of her body on the pad but her back end hanging off!
    2 points
  6. Love Em! Pawz said everything I would say...so ....Ditto
    2 points
  7. My gang won't pee on them at ALL - they just look at them as toys to be shredded, lol. I think an important component of house-training is an exercise pen. If you don't have a run, you need an ex-pen. In winter, you can put it on your deck or lawn and put pads down inside it (for some reason, they don't shred them if they are outside). I am not sure why, but that containment teaches puppies fairly quickly that that's "the spot" and before long they will eliminate the second you put them in the pen. Just my experience!
    2 points
  8. I know what you mean Came home from work one afternoon to find they had shredded the pee pad into 1000 pieces. I spent longer cleaning that up, than it would of taken me to clean up a pee or poo and wash the floor. From that day on I decided not to use them anymore for me that was the best decision !!! Edited to say... That day they hadn't pee'd or poo'd only had the pee pad to clean up! Lol
    2 points
  9. Oh I know that one soooo well, Missy has a pee pad on the deck, since she won't go out in bad weather, and sometimes she'll go all the way to the end and pee either on the holder or the deck!
    2 points
  10. I'm not sure if they have measurements so that you can compare a Small to a Medium for example. I think I might message them and see what they say. I think they can be adjusted, like you can with regular human swimming googles, but I'll double check before ordering them. They're coming from the US, so I can't be buying these in the wrong size as it'll be too costly to send back and get a replacement size Silly question, but if Riley is still growing... will his head still be growing too?!? Or just his body (I'm laughing at how ridiculous this sounds as I read this message back...)
    1 point
  11. I'm surprised to see there is a restaurant in my area. I'll have to see if DH would like to go and take Bosco with us. I was reading the comments on the restaurants and had to smile at this comment: A man wrote a letter to a small hotel in a midwest town he planned to visit on his vacation. He wrote: I would very much like to bring my dog with me. He is well-groomed and very well behaved. Would you be willing to permit me to keep him in my room with me at night?" An immediate reply came from the hotel owner, who wrote: SIR: "I've been operating this hotel for many years. In all tha
    1 point
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