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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2015 in all areas

  1. This is our Sunday Morning breakfast...........This is a low carb pancake............. Cottage Cheese Pancakes 3 eggs 1 cup cottage cheese 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 tablespoons honey or agave 1/2 cup all-purpose four 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon of salt oil or oil spray Place the first 4 ingredients in a bowl and whisk. In a seperate bowl whisk the dry ingredients. Pour the dry mixture into the wet mixture and stir until just combined. Heat a large griddle or pan over medium heat (I use my electric frying pan) lightly coat with oil and pour about 2 Tablespoon
    6 points
  2. just got back from the grocery store with the cottage cheese,bout to try these sheila shih tzu dreamer
    4 points
  3. Now I have never heard of this. I do know cottage cheese. The hubby loves it. But making pancakes out of it? Well shops are closed now, but I sure will give it a try next week. I`ll let you know if I succeed
    4 points
  4. If this is the same maple syrup,,,,, my hubby did the same thing........but health wise this is better than store bought syrup. I do not like maple syrup so the hubby had the jug for awhile. We eat a good breakfast so he managed to get thru the jug, his only complaint was it was to thin but had a good taste.
    4 points
  5. I prefer raw honey as store bought goes thru a lot of processing. I buy from a local bee keeper. Plus and I would not have beleived this if I did not have this happen to me is if you have allergies, hayfever to which come spring and fall I was a mess.......I took benadryl everyday for years to keep it under control.........then someone told me if I would start taking raw honey from a local and it has to be local bee keeper that my allergies/hayfever would go away and I could do away with the benadryl......so everyday for two weeks I took a Tablespoonful of the raw honey and it has now been 5 y
    4 points
  6. That sounds intriguing and healthy (as pancakes go). We very seldom eat anything like pancakes, waffles, french toast but for some reason my husband came home from Costco the other day with a jug of pure maple syrup - $16 !! We will NEVER use it so I'm going to look for some recipes (for baked goods) that call for maple syrup. I rarely make breakfast for the Big Guy - he's a cereal and banana guy but would do it for my dogs in a heartbeat! I'm always concerned about their weight, also scared of Pancreatitis but would definitely feed these to them w/o butter and syrup. Thanks
    4 points
  7. I may have to try these.ive never had cottage cheese before sheila-shih tzu dreamer
    4 points
  8. Thanks for sharing Jeannine. I will definitely be cooking this for my paws And me
    4 points
  9. Grocery list: Cottage Cheese Natural honey I'm sorted now! Will have it for breakfast next week Thank you for sharing
    3 points
  10. I love it!!i had to use store bought honey.thats all you can find around here.now wonder how often you can eat these and get away with it??? sheila-shih tzu dreamer
    3 points
  11. How funny....my husband said exactly the same thing ! It's probably in the nature of the "real stuff" to be thinner than what we're used to. It's probably thickened with something like skunk anal glands or sumthin' to make it thicker (and to use more!)
    3 points
  12. Jeannine...does it have to be raw honey for the pups?
    3 points
  13. The first time I served these to the hubby.......he commented on how light and how good they tasted........I said if I told you cottage cheese is one of the main ingredients what would you think.......he said had I not told him he would never have quessed. We really enjoy them............it is our Sunday morning treat.......I make them the day before and then heat them up on Sunday.
    3 points
  14. Mmm sounds good and sure makes me hungry!
    3 points
  15. Jo-Anne I don't know how you do it but those pancake bears are Adorable! your pics always make me smile!!
    2 points
  16. Oooh, I shouldn't have opened the link either I mean,they're all so lovely! I've been thinking of adding a third to my party of two and I've been looking for a small-ish doggy I wish I could take them home *sigh*
    2 points
  17. I made my pancakes bigger than 2 tbsp of batter each lol sheila-shih tzu dreamer
    1 point
  18. I scramble up my sausage.2 rolls at a time. Devide it into ziploc bags.(a good many)and put it into the freezer.for breakfast, i grab out 1 of those sausage bags, put it into a bowl add 2 eggs to it and a little bit of bacon bits.scramble it in a frying pan with butter.thats how i do it. Sheila-shih tzu dreamer
    1 point
  19. I forgot to put the carb count.....for each pancake it is 5 carbs........as long as you make them that size. Glad you liked them. Now to make them really good you need to make Breakfast Meatballs.......... 2 pounds of ground sausage 1 pound ground beef 3 eggs 2 Tablespoon minced onion instant (powdered kind) 1/2 Cup shredded cheddar cheese black pepper to taste ( I don't do this because the sausage is seasoned enough for me) Combine all ingredients.....roll into small balls.......place on cookie sheet. Bake in oven 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes. How easy is that......and they
    1 point
  20. Yep, I couldn't see it but any rescue case gets me emotional I'm just so happy you have so many lovely paws, because I know their stories are not always all candy and roses, but they're all so loved and so happy with you, that I think they couldn't wish for a better family!
    1 point
  21. A happy ending.....reminds me so much of what my Bailey looked like when he was rescued. http://www.onegreenplanet.org/news/terrified-abondoned-dog-gets-rescued/ Sorry if your not able to view this.......it came up not found for me when I tried to open the site from here.
    1 point
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