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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2015 in all areas

  1. I've found a lovely recipe on YouTube for liver treats... And as I'm watching what's in my little ones food I wanted a treat that I could make and also be sure of what goes in.., https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5yvT3XcOrA0 I used coconut flour instead of whole wheat flour... Donte and Lacey LOVE them
    6 points
  2. I personally believe that's going to be way too much confinement, It could be many months until she's fully house trained. To confine a dog for that much and for that long isn't right IMO. At the very least she should be allowed some free play time for a few minutes after she's done her business. Plus IMO if you rely so much on a crate you're really not teaching her to be house trained. You're just teaching her to hold it while in the crate. That won't necessarily translate to hold it when you're roaming free in the house. What about getting an ex-pen and setting it up in your kitche
    5 points
  3. My guys Thank You........will be making these this week.
    5 points
  4. I use oaT sometimes. i dont feed my babies, corn, wheat, all we eat are gluten free. i do give them salmon cookie. They love it. thank u for sharing. sorry i do use almond flour or sweet potatoes .
    4 points
  5. Thank you Jo-Anne for sharing that video........I just gooled the Philips Air Fryer and liked what I read. I think this will be a new item in my kitchen in the weeks to come. Will let you know how it works. Thank You.
    4 points
  6. Come on you ladies are not OLD! I agree with Sheila...age is just a number
    4 points
  7. Thanks Julia these look good!
    3 points
  8. I used my nurtibullet to blend the oats to make the oat flour... That's all I had to hand
    3 points
  9. We ALL want to move in with Jeannine! Vicki
    3 points
  10. That's the trouble when I wake up achey and stiff....... My numbers up .......and I feel it Hahaha
    3 points
  11. I do eat this, but i dont use flour,i Use protein powder. Iam trying to get fit!lol, i have not tried with my babies tho...hmm i Am thinking. Thank u for sharing.i.miss ur recipes. I.wanna move in with u...plzzzz
    3 points
  12. She just won't go outside. We've had some success, just not sure if it is a coincidence or what. She drips when she is excited...about to be removed from the kennel, for example. However she is one stubborn girl. She just will not pee or poop outside. She sniffs the outside area, including the poo I smeared on it (from her in house accident) and the paper towels I used to wipe up the inside pee. After a sniff test, she promptly lays down or finds leaves to play with or my toes to chew. Her inside peeing... After she peed a couple times on the fireplace tile, I put a pad there.
    2 points
  13. As I said before, I would walk her on leash. That's the cure for her laying down outside, and most likely will greatly help cure her wanting to hold it. Walking stimulates both urination and defecation. At four months old she's either fully vaccinated or close to it, so you can walk her in your neighborhood soon. Nothing gets most dogs to "go" like smelling where other dogs have already gone. Crating her until she does her business is fine. Popping her back in the crate if you take her outside and she doesn't go is fine. When you initially posted that I got the impression you planned
    2 points
  14. Renee....your post is my goal!! I hope to get Molly to this goal. Just have to get her to just pee and or poo just once while outside!
    2 points
  15. Yes. I have weighted down 2 pee pads outside, side by side. When she had her poo accident inside, I took a bit of it and smeared it on the outside pad. I also used paper towels to clean up her pee accident inside. Took those paper towels and weighted those down on the outside pads, on the edge. She sniffs, congratulates herself or something, and then either walks away, she can't go far....like two feet...or she just lays down on the pee pad.
    2 points
  16. Are you using pee pads? If so, I'd take a used one outside and weight it down with some rocks or flower pots or something. If you're not using pee pads, take some of the paper towels you use to clean up accidents outside. Anything you can do to associate pee smell with outside should help a little.
    2 points
  17. I want to come too! sheila-shih tzu dreamer
    2 points
  18. Yeah maybe she will open up a B&B someday ........who knows........
    2 points
  19. Wow that is great Jeannine! that you have your energy back and your migraines are gone, so glad that the diet workes out so good for you. Now you use olive oil right in your kitchen, do you know this pan? it is a hype here in Holland (I had it before that ) but it works great, so low in fat...hope you can see.
    2 points
  20. I would not confine her after she has done her business, just until she does, if that makes sense? For example, I take her out in the morning upon waking. If she doesn't pee, then put her back in the crate for 10 min or so. Try again. Repeat if necessary. Over and over....hopefully, not too many times till she finally does her business. I would then praise her lavishly and give her little bits of cooked chicken. She is 4 months old, so she will be in the kennel while I am at work till lunch time. 8:30 till 11:30. I would come home at lunch, take her out. Pee. Cuddle time and le
    1 point
  21. Ugh.... We spend 20 min a time outside in the grass. Nothing. Come inside - and he pees! Every time today. What gives?
    1 point
  22. I guess you could say I already run a BED AND BREAKFAST just not for humans but for 7 paws. .................love my little guys!!!!
    1 point
  23. Another thought is when you do get him leashed trained and take him out to potty, you can train him that that is all you are going to do on that walk. Once the business is done, bring him back in. Later you can take walks for exercise. I have almost trained Bosco to go on command. When we go out in the yard, I say "go potty" and he'll go to his favorite plant or garden spot and pee then turn in circles in another spot and poop. I need to find a new area to train him to go.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. You need to work on leash training (see posts in other thread) so that you can take him out on leash. Left to their own devices outside, puppies often find much more interesting things to do than take care of bodily functions. So much more interesting that it doesn't even occur to them to pee/poop. If you can leash them up and walk them around, then going outside becomes a much more purposeful activity. Plus you can work on getting him to go in the same smallish area. Once you get some smells etabliished in that area, the smells will trigger him to go again. Once he does his business th
    1 point
  26. No. He still hates the leash. I bought a smaller one today. He growls at it and attacks it!
    1 point
  27. 1 point
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