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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/2015 in all areas

  1. I've read others say how good this is so I bought a bottle. Used it after morning groom and using tear stain remover. Covered each eye with my thumb and gave a quick squirt. Both dogs had dry eye areas all day. Abby has weepy eyes....she didn't start tearing till late this evening...a night mist might be in order too. Pips still dry faced. Will keep this in stock always.....good for minor scrapes and scratches too...good all rounder Wish I placed all my reviews under this ...didn't see it till yesterday :(
    6 points
  2. This is the best stuff......after seeing the results with this product I went and bought another bottle so I don't run out. Lucy has running eyes and she can go 2-3 days with a dry face now.....it has been a time saver for me. I have been getting into the habit of misting them when they come in from outside as that is when I see their eyes water the most and it has worked great.
    4 points
  3. I hate when I miss a cue that a housetraining pup wants to go outside! When Mr. T was a pup I did it once where he ran twice to the door and whined, but he had just been out so I figured he was just being whiny and then he proceeded to hop up onto my couch and take a poop! Of course I felt like a big meanie at that point and after I cleaned up the poop (luckily the couch is leather so easy to clean) I told him how sorry I was for ignoring him telling me he needed to go out. Rebel goes outside if I bring her out, but also goes on a pee pad in the house sometimes too. Well, she just r
    4 points
  4. I did they once with parker when we first got him. He was on the couch and he walked over to the edge and barked. I thought he was barking at Lexi who was on the floor below him (at this point he was too scared to jump off the couch on his own). I tell him quiet and walk away for a few seconds. I go back into the living room to find pee on my couch. I was so mad. ..... at myself! Pour guy just wanted down because he had to pee and I tell him to be quiet!
    4 points
  5. We are still doing quite well on the house training. I am really happy there has not been an accident in her kennel. Although when I came home a couple days ago, you could smell her when I walked up to the kennel. Crud. Thought she'd pooped in there. Took her outside, barely put her on the ground before she squatted and pooped. And you could almost see the sigh of relief on her face. Poor thing. I've no idea how long she must have held it. I've missed a few of her cues. She did try to pull her leash down once and another she barked at me. When she barked at me, I thought she ju
    3 points
  6. When Zeedo was changing coat and there were mats everyday, I used "The Stuff" diluted just to get the mats out. It worked great at the time on his coat type. Sometimes I would spray a small amount after his bath (leave-in) and I remember his coat being shiny after that.
    3 points
  7. Think we've all missed the cues and still do on occasion and like yourself feel bad because I dropped my eye off the ball and got it wrong. But they love us never the less...
    2 points
  8. My guys all love their crates too! Sometimes when the door to Panda's crate swings shut, he will paw at it until it opens up so he can get in for some "peace and quite". It's really cute to watch him do it. Vicki
    2 points
  9. Ahh Debi I just Love your updates and pictures of Molly, you have the most precious little girl! That's sooo funny about not locking the crate door and her staying in then sneaking out to meet your granddaughter! I'm so glad she loves her crate so much! Missy loves her's too, well except when we lock the door and leave... but otherwise she too will go in during the day and nap or just lay there and watch us! She has several crates around the house and actually gets mad if the door is closed to any of them! Keep the updates and pics of Molly coming I just Love her to pieces, wha
    2 points
  10. Yogi was very soft after using The Stuff. But his coat is naturally very soft, even w/o using any kind of conditioner. So sometimes it's hard for me to make any judgments about products in that regard.
    2 points
  11. I think we've all had a similar experience - especially when it's a dog fairly new to our home.
    2 points
  12. I lot of people like The Stuff, but I prefer the Petedge version called "Glo Coat". I don't order from Petedge any more, but if I have a friend that is ordering and I need some I will have her order me a bottle. I really like CC Ice on Ice and Best Shot Ultra Max Finishing Spray. The ingredient that "repels" dirt and urine IS silicone in The Stuff and Glo Coat, which can lead to hair breakage if over-used. Lisa Leady makes a wonderful product called MagicMist, but that's really more a scissoring spray.
    2 points
  13. Crystal recently reviewed this product...I'll see if I can find her post Update: Per Crystals post "The Stuff conditioner...the concentrate bottle was very small for the price...made up one bottle...Did not like the feel of the hair when rinsed...felt like just washed hair that's squeaky clean....but still needs conditioner.....no softness..Will not be buying this again."
    2 points
  14. I have two para-cord leads that I am not using. Brand new. I didn't like them and they were too short for me. http://www.paws-and-tails.com/paracordcollarsleads.aspx One dark green and one dark purple, 42". No clip. They were $8 each. Open to offers or I love trades
    2 points
  15. The Stuff for Dogs grooming spray.........this tangler remover and preventer repels dirt and prevents urine stain by forming a protective barrier. Made in the USA.....has anyone used this product? I was looking for something to use between baths to keep them looking fresh.......as they go outside a lot and they play doggie wrestling and pick up dirt and grass.......brushing them helps but was looking thur sites to see what was out there.
    1 point
  16. I can see Mr. T and Rebel having a heart to heart about how they need to train MOM and beleive me like the others have said we have all dropped the ball........of course it never fails they have to potty after YOU have already got comfy or have your hands full!!!!!
    1 point
  17. Debi,it sounds like you've got a winner!! She's precious and sounds to be well trained.leaving the crate door open ,and she still stays in it,says she like her crate! sheila-shih tzu dreamer
    1 point
  18. Great opportunity to swap books re: diet, grooming, breeding etc no longer used. Also medications, help aids for senior dog who can no long get around. I have participated in such swaps when wanting to learn about different ways of feeding...homecooking, raw food, vaccinations. I'm sure some would be willing to share grooming tools for beginners.
    1 point
  19. I think it's new Same with the product reviews thread.
    1 point
  20. The best thing I did for my guys since they HATE going out in the rain, and it rains a lot here in Washington State, was to add this for them to go outside. Works GREAT too! They have a fully covered area and then can go out into the weather, if they so choose. Vicki
    1 point
  21. I've used it. I *believe* the protective barrier they refer to is from silicone. The ingredients aren't listed on the bottle, but in the back of my mind there's a niggling remembrance of reading that it has silicone in it. If you spray it on a grooming table, bathtub or hard floor it makes the surface very slick (due to the silicone content, I think). It worked well for Yogi, but I mostly used it diluted as a leave-in conditioner after his baths. It's definitely not sticky like hairspray, but I think silicone can tend to build up on some coats? I"m currently using a silicone containin
    1 point
  22. i dont think its something like our hairspray. could be the ingredient, is some sort of oil,,, read the ingredients,,,# or maybe you can buy a small sample size,,,and try it,(pls . make a review if ever u decide to buy it) hehehe thx with my experience.--not all products work on all dogs even if thy are of the same breed,
    1 point
  23. Yes it is called THE STUFF.........my concern was that it stated a protective barrier and I wanted to be sure it does not feel like our hair spray on the coat.
    1 point
  24. i ahve not used it, but i know some people who does...they liked it, is the brand called, ยด.." the stuff"" ?? if so then thats the one,, they used. btw, she shows dog. mybe some peeps can help, xoxo
    1 point
  25. mommy,,,bathe Us today,, it was such along process,, we got washed, then washed again, then she put a blue shampoo. it made me look like a blue bunny! i was worried .. then we got washed again, dried... mommy was so happy i turned vvery bright as snow! but when i looked at myslef ,,i kind of squint alittle, coz am too bright,,made my head spin alittle ,,,i am talking about PP white shampoo and the PP sealer, made coat whiter,, but its drying,,maybe i need to adjust some delution. i dont know,,,if tomorrow how it would look like, maybe next time, i add more conditioner. pric
    1 point
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