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  1. Meeshu



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/2019 in Posts

  1. We live in a ranch so she’s basically just in another room. But every noise her head pops up and she looks lol. She’s silly. She is very happy! She’s been good this past week (although she did wake up 30 mins early today) lol. What she needs is to go to the groomer! What a stinky squishy face! Also, if anyone wants to follow her on insta it’s MeeshutheShihtzu !
    3 points
  2. Sheila - I have not heard of using human pads, I thought the pads were supposed to have a smell to attract the dog to pee there? Paws - you’re right, nothing wrong with trying. I can at least put some out when we leave (or are outside) and hope for the best. And then outside pottying as usual when we are home. Jeannine - what lovely comforting words. But I especially was touched by “you still have a lot of time to make good memories”. That made me stop and think, and is very true. Thank you all!
    3 points
  3. First of all, forgive me for not commenting on here for quite a time but as I have said my world is upside down. I do however, check the Forum frequently, as I have a small amount of time very early since I try to get up and have this free time to myself (usually around 4 AM). It is very brief and so I read posts but dont comment, again I apologize because you guys are important to me. As an update, my husband is doing well at the moment. He had a six week round of radiation (very hard on him) along with a daily chemo pill. Because the radiation was so hard on him, no side effects could b
    2 points
  4. Am so glad to hear things are going well for your husband Sandra and am praying they continue to go well. Afraid I am no help on if the potty pads will work inside as we only have them on the covered deck and only Missy will use them. It hasn’t confused her, she still mostly goes outside, these are really for when the weather is bad she has a covered place to go. But I will say we tried a lot of different ones and found the Great Choice ones at PetSmart worked the best for us and I can get them delivered. https://www.petsmart.com/dog/training-and-behavior/potty-training/grreat-choice-dog-
    2 points
  5. Maybe Meeshu heard a weird noise or so that got her scared these last couple of months, when she was alone downstairs in her crate. She wouldn`t be the first, and you not knowing how this happened as well. How is Meeshu doing, bet she is real pleased that donut comes of today
    2 points
  6. I don't think it will confuse her. i think it's worth a try.
    2 points
  7. One thing with these little guys is they have a mind of their own and when their normal routine has changed they tend to act out. My Sophie before we moved into our new house would never let me know when she had to go out and it was a daily battle with her to catch her at the right time........she also is a Daddy's girl and would seem to do her potty in the house when he was not at home for the day.......now that we have moved Daddy is only working 2 days a week and Sophie will let him know when it is time to make the trip outside. I was nervous about laying area rugs because I just knew she w
    2 points
  8. I am so sorry to hear about your husband, yall will definitely be in my prayers.as far as the pee pads , we use them .ours are human grade that are washable.we love them and can't imagine using anything else. It sounds like to me Sassy Mae is picking up on "daddy's sick and not feeling well" and this is her way to express her confusion. I think it will pass. Prayers
    2 points
  9. She’s been wearing the donut, but she’s been skiddish with noise for the last couple of months. Thank tou for the picture compliments. Your story was nice too! Luckily, she’s slept the last 2 nights (calm and no wind). Let’s go for 3 tonight lol and she gets donut off Thursday
    2 points
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