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Hi all,

Will Dexter Grow out of barking while im out? I am leaving him for about an hour or so during the day so i can go to the gym and at the same time trying to get him used to being on his own but he barks for ages but most times i come i do not here barking while i come up the stairs of the apartment block and some times i do hear him. When i am home he barks if i leave the room at all unless he is asleep. He has a full sitting room to him self with puppy pads to go wee on and water and toys and i leave the tv on as well.I am worried the neighbors will start complaining i dont really mind him barking during the day but if he does it during the day he will do it at night if we have to go out and i cant have him making noise at night.


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Hi all,

Will Dexter Grow out of barking while im out? I am leaving him for about an hour or so during the day so i can go to the gym and at the same time trying to get him used to being on his own but he barks for ages but most times i come i do not here barking while i come up the stairs of the apartment block and some times i do hear him. When i am home he barks if i leave the room at all unless he is asleep. He has a full sitting room to him self with puppy pads to go wee on and water and toys and i leave the tv on as well.I am worried the neighbors will start complaining i dont really mind him barking during the day but if he does it during the day he will do it at night if we have to go out and i cant have him making noise at night.


Puppies need to feel secure. Leaving him in a large open area makes a small baby feel insecure and scared. Have you thought of using a crate or ex-pen to contain him to a smaller area?

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Tried the crate thing and he hated it there was to much noise to sit out the barking and whining .He sleeps in the crate at night but only with the door open and he has that also when i leave ,might try the ex pen or Box off the kitchen. Thanks

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Maybe leave him something to keep him busy. Get a kong toy and stuff it with something, he has to work to get it out, it might help.

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Mine bark when I leave them..Like if I'm going somewhere and I put them in their crate, I hear them barking when I leave..but I know they don't keep barking the whole time, because when I get back they are quiet until they see me. Now, when I put them in their crates during the day for their 'nap' they don't bark..or cry..but they can see me the whole time, so you might try putting him in the crate where he can see you, and know you are there..then maybe he won't have so much insecurity when you put him in there and leave him.

Also when you leave, give him something to look forward to..Like when I leave in the mornings, mine are in the kitchen..Payslee is in her EX pen, and Sawyer in the other part of the kitchen..I first start throwing off little bits of liver, and they race around looking for those..then I have them 2 kong toys each filled with tasty treats..So then I give them the Kongs, and they are too busy playing with them and trying to get the treats that they dont realize I have snuck out..So they never bark when I leave in the morning.

Also, dont make a big deal of leaving, or coming home..Because then THEY make a big deal out of it too..I ask mine to be calm before I give them a hug and stuff, so that I don't reward excited behavior.

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Also, dont make a big deal of leaving, or coming home..Because then THEY make a big deal out of it too..I ask mine to be calm before I give them a hug and stuff, so that I don't reward excited behavior.

This is the best advice you could get. It's important not to do dramatic goodbyes or hellos. He will not like the crate at first, just let him cry it out and he will grow to love it. I remember the first time Rocky went in on his own to sleep when we first got him after throwing fits at first when we would leave.

You want to put him in about ten minutes before you leave and just ignore him. No bye-byes, be a good boy, I'll miss you, nothing. This way he will not associate going in the "hut" (that's what we call it), with you leaving. Then when you come home, put your keys down, groceries away, go to the bathroom--whatever--and ignore him for the first ten minutes or so. Only take him out when he's calm so he learns that a tanturm will not be rewarded.

Leaving safe toys to keep him busy and the radio or tv on low helps, too. And make sure not to use it for a punnishment. It's his house, den or hut, make it positive. He'll get the hang of it, they all do!

Edited by ShihNanigans
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I agree with the Kong idea. Rub peanut butter all inside it and then fill it with delicious stuff

(like kibble). I used to do this when I had 3 big dogs, and they used to beg me to leave in the morning, so they could go into their kennels and have their Kongs.

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One of mine actually went hoarse from barking and whining so much when I would leave him in his x-pen/crate. I just completely ignored him when he was barking or whining and would only get him out when he was quiet. He eventually got over it. He would bark a little, but for the most part realized that barking got him no where. You have to be patient with it and be willing to listen to it for a while as the second you give them attention good or bad, they think barking or whining is the thing to do. I would periodically go in and make a really loud noise like clap my hands and bang a pan and say "NO", but I wouldn't yell at them all the time or use their name when they are barking. But they have to learn while your around that barking gets them no where so that when you go out they don't think they will get anywhere with it either.

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It seems all dogs have their own personalities and what works for one might not work for another. That being said, my Dixie would bark when she got put in her crate at night. When she started barking I would take a bath towel and put it over her crate. Eventually she would stop barking (she couldn't see anyone). After awhile I didn't have to put the towel over the crate any longer and she didn't bark. Just a suggestion.

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