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I am going to be new to the whole crate training thing.

I went to Petco last week to buy a crate. I had to ask for help because I have no idea what I am looking for.

I bought what was suggested but I don't think it is correct. It looks like a carrier with the plastic on top, handle and little door on front. Is this correct. It seems like it will be too small when he gets bigger.

I would appreciate any help as I am total idiot when it comes to small dogs. :head_hurts_kr:

THanks :D

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I bought a regulate crate that looks like a cage with a door on front. I think that is what most people here also use. What you have is like a pet taxi. I have one of those also. It would be fine to use if it is the correct size. I wouldn't want to have to buy another one in a few months. You could probably still take it back if you wanted to.

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I have a crate like you bought and Oliver did outgrow it by 5 months. It was loaned to me, so no big deal, and I was glad I had it at first, as he preferred that one. It was easier to take in the car as well. If you do decided to get another crate, check out amazon. I found a lifestages crate with a panel that can be moved as your dog grows for half the price of the ones at petco and petsmart. I also got free shipping on it and didn't have to pay tax.

I ordered a memory foam crate mat from petedge for a great price to go in it. They have great prices as well, but I wouldn't order anything 'heavy' from them, as the shipping adds up in a hurry!

There's so much to buy, it pays off to shop around for bargains for some things! :D

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Harley's using a Pet Taxi for now. It works. He has room to move a little, sleep cozy. He goes in there mostly dozing during the day, since he sleeps with us on the bed. It's also good for car rides and such, although now we've got a booster seat for him.

When he grows up, we may upgrade him to a fancier 'crate' of some sort...


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I'm using a collapsable 36' crate, and its very handy.. I love it because when we travel, you can just fold it and take it with you without having to take up much room. ICRATE You want to make sure its not too big, or they will use the back to potty in..It needs to be big enough for them to turn around, and lay down in..and thats it.. :D

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I think Oliver's crate is a medium. It's about 25'' long, 20'' wide and 20'' tall. I'm pretty sure he'll never outgrow it. It was great at first too because I moved the panel up to make it just the size he needed. I gradually moved it back as he grew until finally I removed it completely when I was sure he wouldn't 'go' in it.

I kept the pet taxi in my room at night for bedtime and kept the other one in the den where we spend most of our time. When he outgrew the pet taxi I moved the other crate to my room and bought him a big cushy bed for the den. The only confusion I noticed was when I first introduced the bed, he thought it was a gigantic toy to play with and chew on!! He didn't do it any damage and soon learned it was a great place to take a nap.

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LOL That is funny about playing with the bed. Nicky does that sometimes and ends up underneath it sleeping! LOL

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Thank you everybody!

Knowing the size of the crate you have helps a lot.

If I started out with the crate I have can I than use a different one after he got bigger. Will that confuse him?

It shouldn't...

Once he's used to the pet taxi / crate period he should come natural to him to use.

Some dogs do better in the Taxi style crates because they feel den'd in better.....rather than the openness of the all wire crate..

So if you switch to the open crate from the taxi, that may be just a tad intimidating to him....

but to make the transition easier, you can drape a small blanket over the back end to give a tent like feel of it to allow him to go into his DEN like he's used to....!

But NO....I doubt it'll confuse him.

And maybe just put in the same pad/pillow/blanket your using now, as that will have his scent on it and bring familiarity too.

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I think all the basics have been pretty much covered here...Vicki's comment reminded me: when I had to first get Harley into his taxi - which he loathed in the beginning - I accomplished it by putting my own T-shirt in the bottom half, and leaving the top off. I managed to get him to lay on the T-shirt with treat bribery, then eventually snuck the top shell over him. After a while he got used to that. It's a small one, 18x10x10" or so. I left the gate off for a few days, giving him free access until he was comfortable going in.

He's growing fast, so I may have to upgrade sooner than later. Dunno what style I'll get...


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