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This is the weirdest thing I have ever encountered.

My pooch thinks he’s super pup or a cat or something out of his species!

We leave him in our room but have decided to get him a gate and leave him in the kitchen when his best friend (chunk) comes over cuz he loves to mark territory or when we let the rabbits out to run around (sometimes he gets too excited and they get scared). Anyways my dog has no problem jumping on anything. We went through 4 gates this weekend. This gate is around 4’5 feet tall. The highest he can jump is 4 ft. Is this normal for a Tzu? Our neighbors Tzu Jenny needs doggie steps to get on their bed but Koopa jumps like its no big deal. And let me just throw out there that the kitchen floor is wood so you’d think he would just slide and it be a little harder. Sometimes he jumps on the coffee table or dining room table and just lays there like a cat! It really does freak me out because he’s small and I’ve heard Tzu’s can have spine problems. But how can I stop him? Will this become a problem? will it affect him in the long run?

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Ya there are some super tzu 's around here and some super lassa 's that let they're brothers and sisters out when they nock down the gates. LOL

Edited by Tzumommy
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Ya there are some super tzu 's around here and some super lassa 's that let they're brothers and sisters out when they nock down the gates. LOL

Hahaha Tammy! Yes, thats My Rally..He weighs 18 pounds, and so far he has scaled a 4 foot baby gate, so I put up TWO baby gates..He managed to knock those down and get out..he's chewed through: Plywood, plexiglass, chickenwire, regular wood, and baby gates..if he can't knock them down, then he will chew THROUGH them..I have no idea why he is like this! My little ones will stay behind a 2ft gate because they are like, "uh oh..mama put the gate up, so we shouldn't go through it"..but not Rally! Tammy is talking about the time he busted down the 4ft tall baby gate and Let Payslee & Sawyer out into the rest of the house! I was furious about it..I put them in the kitchen when I leave in the morning, and Rally gets free run of the house..So half the time he jumps over the gate to get in with them, but then right back out..Some tzu's can just jump like deer I guess! lol. I haven't noticed it hurting him or anything, but it is something you have to be aware of so that you know how to 'fence them in'.. good luck! :)

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That's hilarious KC! He's breaking his buddies out of jail!

Chase can jump onto any furniture too. He can jump over the exercise pen too. Jasmine on the other hand, nope, ain't gonna happen, unless she just got her bath, then it's wet super girl who can jump anywhere. Until she dries off.

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My Huey is our gate scaler. He has even tried to scale the 5 ft fence outside. There is nothing he won't get on or over. He has so much energy!!! Our bed sits 3 ft off the ground he is the only one that can jump up and down on it. He will get on the back of the recliners and sleep like a cat on them. He is goofy but we love him. LOL I have often wondered if he doesn't have some Llasa in him somewhere.


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Awww.. Love the SuperTzu (and lasa) stories!

Haven't really gauged Pokey's jumping yet. My bed is about 3 and a half feet off the ground. Very rarely does he jump up, he'll usually stand with his two paws on the side of the bed biting the sheets to wake me to pick him up. I even have his old doggy steps at the end of the bed.. he will go up the first step and then just stop and bark for me to pick him up the rest of the 2 steps. He's just weird like that (or spoiled!! LOL).

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Haha these stories crack me up, these crazy super pups!

The other day i was in the shower and my koopa jumped on the dining room table and ate the rest of my burrito :( he had beans all over his face. I freaked out and put him on time out, he didnt have a poopy butt or was sick, thank goodness! Never any good when i have to take him to the vet.

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Maddy can't even jump up onto our bed, we have a stool for him. Josie can jump pretty high, but she is a scardy cat....if I lay a gate on the floor (or even the vacuum cleaner hose), she will NOT cross over it, or even go around it....too scared....LOL

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me and my mom both have ottomans at the foot of our beds so oz usually uses those to get up on the beds. for my sister's bed he has enough room to start running then take a flying leap and he can make it up. but other than that he doesn't really jump very high.

BUT...one thing he LOVES to do that kinda freaks me out is i have a loveseat that faces my bed. so if we're sitting in bed and i throw his ball to the loveseat he will run onto the ottoman and take a FLYING leap to the sofa...which is a little over four feet from the ottoman. so i guess he can't jump high but he can jump far. and he's only a little 11 pound guy.

i love that all your little guys can jump high!! i think oz wishes he could jump higher than he can lol

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