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Help with potty training...I'm about to become a CAT PERSON!

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So I've read most of the threads on here about potty training, as well as information all over the web, but I'd like some of your opinions.

My wife recently got her first Shih Tzu, Carly, who is almost 6 months old now.

We initially began potty training her to go outside, but this is no longer really an option for us now, and we invested in potty pads.

She started taking to the training pads (for pee, not so much for poop), when we--probably foolishly--decided it might be more practical to invest in the potty patch, since the Carly would only go on the training pads once, then God forbid her precious little paws should have to step anywhere near the pee.

Carly took really well to the training pads when we stayed consistent, used positive reinforcement, all the things I've been reading about.

Since buying the potty patch, we actually had to move the location of the patch, since we formerly had it carpet (yikes!).

Problem is now, she is not taking to it....at all! We are doing all the same things as before, and she just refuses to go on it.

We keep her confined, with the potty patch close by, when we're sleeping but every morning, as soon as we take her out of confinement, she will pee/poop anywhere. It's almost as if she holds it all night, and almost explodes in the morning. And yes, I put her on the patch first thing in the morning, and again after she eats. And nothing.

We're both getting frustrated so any tips or ideas anyone might have would be great.

Apologies for the long post, and many thanks in advance.


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May I ask why you no longer can take Carly outside to potty?

I would say that you should just stay consistant! every couple hours just take her to the potty patch and say "Go potty!" or whatever your *word* is.

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I feel your frustration. The problem may be that the pottying method has been changed several times so she may still be a little bit confused. It will just take time. She will catch on but when she does, stick to this method. Good Luck. Oh, yeah. May I ask, how is the clean up with the potty pad? Is it a hassle? Chloe is pad trained but I have never heard anyone's experience with the potty patch.

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"it"? Don't you mean her?

Anyway, if she was using the piddle pads consistently and that is what works, why change? Also, almost all of the shih tzu's I've known need supervision and consistency until about a year of age. Most are not reliably housetrained before that.

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Well, if you are serious, I think you have her totally confused by now. Consistency is the key, and 6 months is way to early to expect perfection. Do whatever, however you are going to do it and keep at it.

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Hi K.....first off welcome to chatter. I do think you will find a lot of help here, but sometimes you have to give it some time. You see, we live all around the globe and some are on in the morning, some afternoon and some evening. I am just seeing your post for the first time.

Plus, not everyone reply's to every post...some don't feel comfortable answering certain question.

Me for example, don't really know how to advise you on a potty patch as I have never used one. I doubt too many people have, I think they are pretty new. But what I would do is be persistent AND consistent in requesting her to use her "spot" after play, naps and eating and of course first thing in the morning. Not every puppy trains as easily as the next. My Josie was VERY difficult, but Maddy was a breeze and it seems that Rudy will be too.

I do hope you will stick around for some others to respond to your question.

Also hope you will post a pic of your little Carly (LOVE the name BTW)

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  • 2 months later...

I would say the advice I got was to crate sophie all day with some play time in between. That was what worked best for us. We did this for about a week. She seemed to get the idea of holding her pee. I also dont leave her out of her crate alone. If I know I cant watch her...she goes back in her crate. That should eliminate all accidents in your house.

I would take her out immediately when she came out of the crate and right outside. Then I make her pee at least twice. She is happy going once...but she comes in and has accidents. I lift water after 7pm and I crate her by 8pm. I take her out between 10pm-12am to go potty once. Then she is out at 6am.

Put the crate next to the door. Dont allow her to walk out of her crate out around your house. Immediately either carry her to the potty area or walk her directly outside. I dont have emergency walks any longer. They have stopped.

I refuse to allow my doggie to pee in my house. I dont want to buy expensive pee pads.

I would also recommend you put her food in her crate on the floor...not in a bowl. Then she wont pee in her crate (if that is a problem) I still do that with sophie. My sister recommended I sop it up with a paper towel the first time and not clean all the smell away....just make sure it was dry. I did that and we dont have accidents in our crate any more!! Huge help.

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  • 2 months later...

Shih Tzus and little dogs in general (my vet tells me) CAN be hard to potty train, their bladders are tiny and they just tend to have more accidents. In my case, the big offender is a boy dog which is usually good about letting me know he needs out, but goes beserk when he sees wildlife outside the window & feels like marking the curtains will keep those squirrels, rabbits & deer away! :tamara:

As a knitter & crocheter I created some doggie diapers to help keep our sanity. These came in SUPER handy when my mom's 16 year old became incontinent as well. You can buy denim diapers (girls) & 'belly bands' at the store if you don't know anyone who knits or crochets.

My PupPee Doggie Diaper patterns, for both boys & girls in knit & crochet are free on Ravelry & on my blog


They are for dogs with potty training issues (keep your sanity and your house clean!), incontinent/older dogs, dogs in heat (though I'd prefer you spay & neuter :dede:), vacations, foster parenting, etc. However, is NOT a replacement for potty training.

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