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Toby turned 8 months just recently and I feel that more and more he is testing limits and becoming pushier. He is generally a pretty well-mannered little boy but sometimes when he is feeling really full of beans he becomes very strong and unruly and will lunge about and bite at his leash etc. Because I've never had a puppy before I'm not sure what is normal and acceptable and how to correct it. I hesitate to do much leash correction as I dont want to hurt his neck. Sometimes when he is getting too wild or pushy I will put him on his side (a la Cesar Milan) but for the most part this does not seem to impress him much, he will continue to squirm and growl and try to bite at my hands or shirt (or pants leg, etc). He doesnt bite hard, but it does bother me that he does it, and aside from holding his muzzle and telling him 'no' I dont know what to do about this. A lot of the training advice that seems to apply to other breeds does not really seem to hold with shih tzu!!! I think there is a reason I have never seen a Dog Whisperer episode with shih tzu, they might be too stubborn even for Cesar to crack!

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Hmmm... I remember Pippin going through the nipping phase. I think we would just say "no" and then try to ignore him the second he started nipping, especially if we were playing with him and he didn't like that at all! Just get up and walk away, he will probably try to follow you and nip at your legs, but he is just trying to get your attention. I know they can be persistent, but if you hold strong they will get the hint eventually. I don't know what Caesar would say about the shih tzu's who can usually have such strong and stubborn ways! They are definitely a challenge!

As far as the least thing goes, you can always invest in a harness if you are worried about him getting hurt.

If anyone else has any ideas I would love to hear them, because I am sure Lyric will go through that phase eventually too.

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I agree Shih Tzu's are very stubborn, Oozy does the nip thing and we just so no very firmly and walk away or distract with a toy, the lead thing Oozy started but as he was on a harness was easier to sort, now he does it only when we 1st put his harness on to go out and it more now a excited thing than a issue, I would say tho harness may be better for him, we found it alot easier, my lad has a few (Puppia) in different colours and styles and im happier as not pulling his neck and he is olot better on the lead now too.

good luck hun, stand firm (I know not easy when they give you that typical Tzu look) :unsure:

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Yes, I think "stubborn" is their middle name. As for the nipping and any other negative behavior...it is best to "catch them doing something RIGHT" and reward for it...so sometimes you have to help....when he starts nipping at you, just grab a favorite toy and get him to take it or show interest in it and then praise him like crazy....good boy, good boy.....I wouldn't tug with the toy with him, just kinda shake it to get his interest and once he does tell him good boy and then let him alone to play with it....he will eventually get it and the nipping is such a puppy behavior, but one you want to "nip" in the bud (pun INTENDED...LOL) now, or it can continue way too long. Good luck....puppies are still THE BEST !!!

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*deep breath* yes, puppies ARE the best!! I feel such a responsibility to raise him right, and he's my first dog (aside from family dogs when I was younger), so its a lot to figure out. I appreciate the perspective about nipping though, I guess its just another one of those things to be gently vigilant about until the good habits are set up.

haha, the tzu look is a killer- I sometimes just look at Toby and wonder what posessed me to get such a cute dog, its harder to discipline than if he were a regular, averagely cute mutt. :thumbup:

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