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Panda is Housetrained

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But she keeps on getting me up at 3:00 a.m. to go outside. It's really creating wear and tear on me to have each night's sleep interrupted by going outside and I thought we had passed this phase by. So my question is what does everyone here do about water? Do you pick up their water bowls at a certain hour? I pick up the bowls at 8:30 in the evening and feel guilty about doing this but it doesn't seem to help. Then again, Cadbury has no problem going 8 hours without needing to take a leak. Panda can't even go 5 hours and she's 14 months old. Little Cad is 5.5 months old and was able to hold it even a couple months ago. What gives? Any advice? Suggestions?

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I think it's quite an individual thing. I finally got lucky--at not quite 4 months, Clark can go 12 hours through the night. Ours come to the bedroom with me around 7:30 or 8 and so no water after that. They eat dinner at 6 or so and we have a brief potty walk around 7. I feel your pain, though. Been there and done that.

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Wish I could help. Lyric is 4 months and we still go out about 3 times in the night. Luckily, my husband doesn't usually go to sleep until about 1:00, so I get to sleep until then. But she usually wakes me up 2 times between 1 and 7 when I wake up. Very exhausting! We take food and water away at 8:00. and she goes out quite often in the evenings before I even head to bed. I'm hoping it's just that she has a small bladder and we will soon be past this phase. Pippin can go FOREVER without going out it seems!

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I would definitely finish giving food and water by about 6pm.

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Kami, your Pippin is my Cadbury. At 5.5 months, she's doing better than C. But I'm going to try what you say, Paula. Last night Panda woke me at 1:30 moaning and groaningand although it kept me up a half hour, for a change, I didn't let her out of her kennel. She went back to sleep, did not pee, and woke up at at 5:00. Could it be possible that she needs to learn how to hold it?

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OK, the problem is that Lyric is already sleeping in bed with us. I know that's a no no, but Pippin sleeps with us and we started letting her lay in bed in the mornings after she had been out at 7:00. My husband works nights so he sleeps in and if we tried putting her in her kennel she would just bark and bark (because to her it's day time and time to be awake and play) and keep him awake. But if we put her in bed with him she would just lay down and go to sleep. She's never had an accident in bed.

Maybe this weekend I'll try to ignore her if she wants to go out... which may be difficult since she barks, whines, or climbs all over you when she needs to go. But she'll either learn to hold it or have an accident in bed, in which case I'll be able to get up and wash it right away since I don't have to go to work in the morning.

I'll also try to take away food and water before 7 tonight and gradually work up to 6. The only problem with that is that they often play together or we go for walks in the evenings and it's hot here and they do need water when they are done. We usually don't go for walks until at least 8 because it doesn't cool down until then. I guess it will just be a trial and error for a while. Maybe just a little water after walks and playing.

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Claudia, YES, I definitely think they need to LEARN to hold it. If you can ignore her when she whines and she will probably go back to sleep, maybe you can expand the time by a little each night to where she will finally sleep through without it waking her. Sometimes if they are in the HABIT of getting to go at the very "urge", then that is what they expect. I doubt, since being in the kennel, that she will soil her bed, certainly not without getting VERY insistent on getting out....I would try to push her if you can ignore her a while. I bet that will help and I also bet it won't take that long to get her to "train" her bladder, not even so much her bladder, but her "habit" of relieving herself at the slightest urge.....


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Cathy, I think I robbed her of this valuable learning experience by bringing her to work with me. She would go out every hour as a client would leave and so I think she just didn't train the old bladder as you say. Last night was an eye opener for me.

Kami, Cadbury sleeps on my bed for tge same reason you have Lyric there; the bark factor. But from day one, she's seemed to be able to hold her poop and pee through the night. I'm enchanted! One way you can make sure she doesn't pee on tge bed is to keep her close to you. They try to pee far away.

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When Oliver was still housetraining I stopped water at 7:00, but like you, it's hot here and he would play and pant, so I would put a few ice cubes in his water bowl to lick and that seemed to satisfy him and help cool him down. One thing, rinse the ice cubes first so they're not sticky. The first time I just put them in his bowl straight out of the freezer and an ice cube got stuck to his face!! Poor baby! :kicking:

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FairyTail Josette

Claudia, our Maltese, Cody was like Panda. Yes, I put the water up early evening, too. He was over 1 yr old and still got me up to "go" in the middle of the night. I remember thinking.....is this forever? Jeez, it's like having a baby that never grows up! Is he ever going to outgrow this? I always got up with him and let him out. Then, one day....it just stopped. He did outgrow it. He can sleep 8 hours now. I don't look for this to last forever with Panda. Now, my Mandy has a bladder of steel. She will hold it forever, but, we make her go outside and potty, so, we don't have uti issues. Josey is pretty small, so, I don't expect her to hold it for 8 hours. She can only "hold" it for approx. 5 or 6 hours as an adult. So, I think they're all just different in this respect. I do think Panda will outgrow this like Cody. :dede:

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Just an update here Suzi and Cathy. Last night Panda slept through the night with no wake ups at all. At 5:00 am, her usual wake up time, I let her out and the 3 of us hit the tarmac.

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All right! :uhm::judy::dede: :high5:

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FairyTail Josette

Just an update here Suzi and Cathy. Last night Panda slept through the night with no wake ups at all. At 5:00 am, her usual wake up time, I let her out and the 3 of us hit the tarmac.

Thanks for the update. Yaaay, that's great news! :dede:

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I used to pick up the water by 7pm. but it's been a loooong time since I've done that BUT the other night Choco peed in my bed :dede: so now I'm back to picking it up.

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Just an update here Suzi and Cathy. Last night Panda slept through the night with no wake ups at all. At 5:00 am, her usual wake up time, I let her out and the 3 of us hit the tarmac.

GREAT NEWS !!! Good Girl P !!! You made mommy VERY happy...let's keep it up EVERY night.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Wicket's mom

That's great news!!! I agree that she just needs to know that sometimes she just has to hold it in for a while. Mine all caught on pretty quickly because we didn't really give them a choice (we crated them and didn't let them out till morning as soon as Wicket & Brutus were old/big enough, and right away with Gucci) Now they sleep in our bed and have no problems at all making it through the night. They often get up in the middle of the night and I hear them walk over to the water, have a drink, and then come back to bed with us. I find the air gets really dry at my house in the winter and some summer nights get warm so I don't want them to get dehydrated. On weekdays when I get up really early for work, they don't even get out of bed until I go get them (well Gucci often follows me to the couch and snuggles up to me while I eat breakfast and do my hair etc..)

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Just a further update. Panda has stopped waking me up and I'm being careful to pick up water at dinner time, 6:00 pm. Cadbury never had this issue so it seems she will sleep till 10:00 if I let her. But thus morning, Panda slept until 6:00 (I think she knew it was pouring!). I wish I could let her sleep on my bed, but she would jump down and pee on a rug if she felt the urge. So it's kennel for P.

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Hmm...missed this thread before. Claudia, when is the last trip out for the kids? I've always taken Harley out around 10:30, sometimes later if I'm still up.

I agree that there's some puppy self-discipline involved. Typically Har will go out several times over the course of the day; yesterday I had a brutal migraine, he went out with Shannon before she left, and didn't go out again until just before she came home - he let me sleep or stay in the dark & quiet all day without once asking to go. So that was an 8 or 9 hour night, and another 8 or 9 hour stretch during the day!

We've never really restricted water, and treats are readily available since we know he's sensitive to an empty tum.

I feel ya about the peed-on bed, we went through that for a brief time and Harley was crated. He's never been one to jump out of bed and pee on the floor though. Not sure I have a recommendation for that; perhaps when she's gotten into the habit of sleeping through the night for a little longer?

Anyway, good to hear she's doing well!


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