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Potty training help, please.

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our little shih tzu, Cookie, is 4 months old. mostly she is doing really well:) She has a "room" that is 2 feet by 3.5 feet that is right in our livingroom. she keeps it clean and dry all night and when ever she is in it. she can be in there up to 5 hrs and keep it all clean. She also goes outside well. she potties as soon as we go out there, every time. The problem is when she is out in the house. she only has access to the living room and kitchen. she goes pee about every 15 min! we set a timer so we get her outside in time. we have her out of her room playing and stuff for about an hour, then she goes back in her room for about 2hours. She does not hold it in the house at all or show signs that she has to go. If we dont take her out on time she goes on the floor. I know she is doing pretty good and is only 4 months old, but this every 15 min thing is getting tiring and sometimetimes she still has accidents in the house. Any suggestions? Thank you:)

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I Love Sam

ah, I remember how trying it was to housebreak Sam. He was 5.5 months old when I got him and not housebroken at all. About two weeks in all I could think was, "Oh my GAWD. What have I done?

I work full time so he was crated during the day and he never went in his crate. But, I would literally have to watch him like a hawk on the weekends.

Having a routine really helped. At first, I would take him out when I got home from work and give him big praise and treats for going. As I was going out the door, I'd say "outside." When we got out there I'd say "go potty" every few seconds until he did. And a big old fuss of "good boy, Sam" would follow the business.

We'd come back in for ten minutes and go back out. Again, big praise and treats. Back in for 15 minutes. Repeat, repeat, repeat, adding five minutes to the length of time each time. Each week, I started with a longer first period of time until we got to where we go out when I get home, take a walk after dinner, and then go out again before bed.

At night, he slept with me. At first, I got up every two hours or so in the night to take him out. Gradually, I increased the time between nightime breaks by 15 minutes each until we slept all night.

In my opinion, while exhausting, the frequent and repeated going outside made up for the time lost in housebreaking while I was away all day. Weekends were actually more difficult because I was home during the day and really had to pay attention and watch for "sniffing" or "licking." I learned that Sam's clue for needing to go out was to start frantically licking my hand or ankle.

He will be two in July and has only now started (occasionally) going over and sitting by the door when he wants to go out. Most of the time, he still licks me when he wants to go out. I say "outside?" and he huffs and stomps his feet in response and it is time to go.

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