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FRIDAY 1st Apr: It was awful!




Oh Aunties, it was AWFUL!!!  Cato is so mean and horrible.  Mum lets us bounce on the big bed before she puts us into our horrible pen.  This happens every night now, and we love it.  And I know I have my own little bed room and everything, but the Big Bed is sooooo much nicer, and I can love my Dad properly up there.

Anyway, last night, we bounced, and I bounced and bounced on Cato who just lay there, and was boring.  Still tired after our walk.  Cos he is a wimp.  Then Mum grabbled me and put me down on the floor :(  And then she grabbled Cato and put him down too.  And he yawned and was really sleepy.


I was left out of MY bed.  On the nasty cold plastic mat thing, with him snoring in MY girlz only bedroom!  It was awful!!!

And Mum didn't notice I was all huddled and miserable and unhappy until she got up to do her widdle thing in the middle of the night.  She pulled Cato's horrible stinky Cato-bed out onto the floor, so I climbed right onto it - cos I was COLD.  And then 10 mins later she lifted me and the stinky bed into Cato's bedroom.  But I didn't sleep well.  And it was horrible.

Can you all tell Cato how bad he has been?  And how unfair it was?  And how mean.  He has ruined my lovely bedroom now. :(:(:(



Very interesting to see Tara do stuff like this.  She was the same with the metal bowl on the laminate floor.  She seems to get upset or disturbed by something, and then just not be able to move past it.  She was lying on the floor in front of Cato's den.  6 inches from a lovely warm snuggly bed (that smelled of Cato) and she couldn't get her sweet wee head around climbing into it.  Bless her.  Be interesting to see what happens tonight.

At the moment, they are snoozing very comfortably and companionably in the same bed, at the end of my desk.  Such a silly little girl, eh?


Will post walk pics later. :)


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Tara this is the Worst, how awful and traumatic for you. Maybe your mom can wash your bed and put up a girly bedroom curtain on your side, maybe then Cato would know not to go in there? :sad?: I sure hope that meany Cato stays on his side tonight.

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Poor Tara!  I feel so bad that you did not sleep well last night.  How awful.  Hope tonight is better. :)  

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Sophie's Haven


Oh Tara sweetheart you poor thing.......I agree with "DUSTY BOTTOMS" maybe have Mum put some girly frills and sweet smells in your room Cato won't go near it..........hope you have a better night tonight........Sweet paw dreams tonight sweetie.

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Tara:  Thank you Aunties.  Glad you understand.  Cato slept through it all, so he thinks I am making a fuzz about nothing, but he wasn't the one FORCED to sleep on plastic in a draught, woz he?  Poor me.

But we had a good walk, except my footsies aren't white any more.  Mum kept saying 'No, not through the muuuuuud!'  and 'Well, I am not putting shampoo on you two days in a row!'  But we don't mind. :)  At the moment, I am wiping my feet on Cato, and Cato's side of the brown bed.  Hahahahaha!

Cato:  Not many pics today, cos of some camera thing.  And then there was the bed thing too.  I can't help it if I was sleepy, can I?  We always used to swap sides and swap beds when we slept on the other side of the room.  Still don't know what all the fuss was about, although I wonder if it is because Tara is too silly to realise there are 2 dens.

Anyway, our walk woz fun.  Mum and Dad came with us.  And it was cold and windy but not wet.  There was lovely squishy mud all over the place!  I had a lovely drink out of one muddle, while Mum told Dad off for not stopping me. :)


We went all across the field and round the big lake, and paddled in a few muddles.  Hardly any dogs though.

Remember those yellow flowers we saw a bit ago?  Well that day was sunny.  Turns out they close up when the sun is in!  They can't spend much time open, can they?




A bad day for pics.  Have been getting twitchy about using my camera phone all the time - memory, getting scratched, etc.  So yesterday when we were out I bought a new (cheap) camera with more MP than the phone, thinking this could hang around my neck and be a easy solution.

But it stopped working just minutes into the walk. :(  obviously too cheap!  Had to revert to the phone.


So now I have lost all those camera photos and have to take the dratted thing back.

These are the phone ones I have left:

I know it is only a waste bin lid, but my goodness I thought the lichen and moss were beautiful.


I wanted to use this as a comparison, by taking an identical pic with the camera and the phone to compare pic quality.


And do American Catails do the exploding fluffy stage that these bullrushes are going through?  If the sun had been out we could have seen all the tiny bits of floating seed blowing about and catching the light.


Wish my new camera pic of these bud things had worked.  it was a closeup.  Each bud is like one of those furry fat caterpillars from a tropical nature programme.


Off to get my money back on that camera now. 



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Sophie's Haven


Yes to your answer about our American cattails.........your last picture looks like my pussy willow tree......

The dog swimming area is it the mud puddle underneath the sign or the pond inside the fence? :hysterical: 

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Get you a SD card for your good phone when you go back...send and save all pictures to the SD card, when it gets full just slide another in. :thumb: That's what I do with all photos and it saves the internal memory for other stuff. 

Also get you a clear phone screen protector...real cheap and worth using to save your glass screen 

Glad you got to go mud boggin again today Cato and Tara, what fun that looks! 

Love the cat tails...they burst open in the States too to replease their seeds which float on the winds to spread .....nature is amazing  

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Camera all refunded, and a replacement is Amazoning its way to me.

Fortunately I was able to switch it on and show the young lad the fractal error patterns on the screen. :clap:

Unfortunately my iphone doesn't have an external memory card, so while there is plenty of memory left, being able to save pics to a camera card, and replace when full will be great.  The worst thing about using my phone for pics is my paranoia about dropping it into - you've guessed it - MUD with all the possible scratches on the lens.  That can still happen with a camera, of course, but the camera is worth a lot less! :roflmao:

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Lol...there's another way that involves saving your pictures to your computer then transferring them to a external memory drive you get off Amazon pretty cheap...then you can delete them off your camera and computer to gain memory back....we save a lot to eternal drives.....

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Auntie Julia would like to know if Tara had a good nights sleep last night? Been thinking about her ?

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Tara:  Oh, AuntyAngel, thank you for asking!  I love you almost as much as I love my Dad, and much more than I love Mum or Cato!!!

No, I did NOT have a good night's sleep.  It was all awful all over again!  First Dad had to get up horrible early, so he went to bed without me being able to say a good bouncy Good Night to him on the Big Bed.  Then Mum kept us up for hours and hours and hours watching boring tv stuff.  Then we were carried upstairs in the dark, and put down into our prison pen in the dark, so as not to disturb Dad.

I wouldn't have disturbed him!  I would just have gone and kissed him goodnight!

Mum went off and did her stinky bathroom stuff (!see previous rebuttal on this point! says Mum) and when she came back into the bedroom she nearly stepped on us, cos we were both just sitting where she left us on the horrible plastic pen floor, in the black.

It was all DARK you see, so we couldn't see what we woz doing.  It was scary.

So she turned on the light, and stroked us, and told us not to be silly widgets, and showed us the beds, and Cato went deep breath and clambered up into the nearest den wot is MY DEN.  And I woz left on the floor!

Mum sat and watched me for a bit to see if I woz going to lie there ALL NIGHT SHIVERING again, and I would have!!!

So she helped me up into Cato's stinky den, by putting my front foots into the bed.

And FINALLY I could curl up and go to sleep.

But it woz better this morning, cos Mum had a lie in, and we joined her on the Big Bed.  And she said wot a Good Girl I was to stay down in the pen all night, and not disturb Dad.  Not that my kisses would have, would they?

Cato got a Good Boy too!  Why does he get that for bed stealing?  Not Fair!


Mum:  Tonight, I am going to deliberately put Tara next to 'her' bed, and Cato next to the other, and see what happens. 

Oh, and the sitting int he dark thing was weird too.  They have never done that before.  They usually just clamber straight into their beds, but when I turned on the light, they both looked genuinely worried/scared.  I wonder if Tara is smelling of fear, or something, and that is making Cato worried too.  Don't want to have to use a night light!!!  Dad has enough trouble trying to get to sleep at 8pm of an evening as it is...

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Tara my sweetie, I was hoping you had a better night.. Cato seems to like that side, I wonder if Mum swapped your beds around then that would mean that Cato actually went to sleep in his bed. In theory that is... ?

I was just going to say that I leave a night light on for my guys, but they sleep in the kitchen. Could you not switch the night light on when you go up. Would that wake your hubby up then? 


Awwwww that is so lovely you was able to go in the big bed this morning. I think your kisses would have been lovely, but then again I'm not getting up early like your Daddy. 


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Oh Tara sweetie what a Horrible night you had again, how's a girl to get her beauty sleep? My Missy has a nightlight actually we have two so she can see in all those dark scary crevices where those ghosts live. But I sure do understand how that would disturb your daddy. Maybe your mom could use one of those tiny flashlights cupped in her hand so just you can see where your den is? The dark is soooo scary. ? Hugs sweetie. :throb:

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Aha! New camera arrived (thank you Amazon!) and set up - and found yesterday's duff pics stored on the SD card!  So here they are.

Actually not impressed with the quality - camera on iphone takes better pics - because they are all dull and dark.  The day WAS grey, but not THIS grey.  Anyway, am posting them for comparison with the phone pics taken above.  Pity none of the comparable subjects survived the camera melt down.

Setting off:


the muddy tunnel we never go down:


First hawthorne blooms.   I think.  But didn't actually see any thorns!


Gratuitous tail shot:


First dandelions!  Nice to see, but when they start seeding I will resent every single one of them...


The dynamic duo playing catchup, tails proud:






Interesting how variable the colours were on the duff cameral.  Some dark. Some yellow. Some grey.  Didn't tweak with any of the lighting on these shots.  Much less consistent than iphone.

Will be interesting to see how new non-duff camera will do.

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Ohhhhh that is a muddy tunnel... 

It's lovely to see plants in flower, even if it is weeds.. Hehe  I 

I love the photo where Cato is looking directly at the camera. 

I'm like you, I get my IPhone out to take pictures, but I'm always worried I'll drop it.. 

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Ah love the additional pics but you're so right, what a difference! I too always worry about dropping my phone and I have, but thankfully it didn't break and wasn't into anything gross! ;) 

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Sophie's Haven


Enjoyed the additional pictures......I stick to my cheap camera......old fashion I maybe but if I break it or loose it no big deal. I love the pictures of Cato and Tara having a tussle.......Does the mud tunnel ever dry up enough to walk down it......looks pretty interesting.....

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We get to walk down that tunnel about 3 weeks a year...  but will definitely take pics to reveal its mysteries to you when we do. :roflmao:

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That is a big difference with the pictures, thank you for adding the additional ones. Love those tail curl shots! Go cute ❤️

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