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TUESDAY 21st June: :( no walk days :(




oh Aunties! :(:(:(

it rained and rained and rained yesterday.  Mum says it was like stair rods wotever they are.  So we didn't walk. :(

and then today it woz hot hot hot, and Mum says it won't be cool til it gets dark.  So we aren't walking again. :(

I am very good at sleeping, but even I am getting bored with it.  And Tara is unbearable.  The next time she wants to chew on my ear I may get a bit cross.  She is lying on her back on the living room floor, and I am lying on the sofa next to Mum.  I always sit ON Mum.  But it is too hot to do that.

Please can you send me some cold please?


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Oh Cato, Im so sorry your house bound but it is awfully warm outside for you and Tara...remember moms knows best. No coolness in sight..... guess we paws will have to just pant it out :(  

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Yes been warm here today. But I'll guess it will rain on Thursday, because the  children and I are going on our school trip. 

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Yay!  Mum says that it may not be raining at lunchtime.  And it will only be the low 70s (21ish) so we may be able to walk today.  In Foxy park.  Cos it is all green.  Can't wait!!!

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Poor babies!  I'm so sorry that your walks have been canceled.  The weather has been pretty hot here too!  Raining and hot is a double whammy.  Yuck!  Hope it cools down soon so you two can get your walk in and get out of the house. :) 

17 hours ago, missy dawn said:

In the 90's here this week.thank the Lord for air conditioning!

Amen to that!  :carrot:

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Sophie's Haven


So sorry Cato and Tara for your rainy weather........it has been hot here........in the 90's..........so our walks have been limited too. 

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90s?  Not very good with numbers bigger than 4 (paws) but Mum says that 90 is a veryveryveryveryvery hot number. :(

Sorry you are too hot too.  Hope it gets cooler for us all, and is nice on our trip at the weekend.


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OH you guys too? I haven't been for a walk in ages it's too hot... It's raining again today but it's a Hot rain so can't even go if it stops... Ugh come on Fall and cooler weather!:throb: Missy

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6 hours ago, Missysmom said:

OH you guys too? I haven't been for a walk in ages it's too hot... It's raining again today but it's a Hot rain so can't even go if it stops... Ugh come on Fall and cooler weather!:throb: Missy


And MUD!!!

i miss mud terribly!

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I thought of you today Tara ?

I was reading the newspaper and it showed all the rain had caused it to be terribly muddy up in Glastonbury .....I could just picture you up there mud up to your knickers and you bouncing making a splash... 

Smile Tara ..:hysterical:   I see your mind thinking...wonder how fast I could get up there


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