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Ancient medicine doggie ritual



Hi Aunties, Me and mom haven't been around much for awhile now cuz quite honestly I've been taking care of mom... It wears me out cuz she is an Awful patient.. They say we are stubborn, hah they don't Know stubborn! ;) 

It all started back when mommy woke up with her eye swollen shut.. Umm No I Didn't kick her in the night! She had a stye and an eye infection and had to get meds like I got for mine. It's better now but for some reason her eyes are still blurry so she don't see so good. 

Then she had to go in one of those tubes, she called it a MRI I think, cuz her whole left side goes numb and tingles. And so she has to go have her neck pulled out all the time now, traction I think she said, cuz her disks are disintegrating and pinching a nerve. Geez must be her Last nerve cuz well honestly Aunties you're probably the lucky ones not having her around much! ;) 

So yeah, life was actually still Ok at that point. Then mommy went out to water her plants and the grass out front was tall from all the rain.. An her plants were up by the woods... And mom was in a hurry, to go have her neck pulled out.. An umm yeah.. She got a huge tick and it wasn't pretty.. She had an awful reaction to it, not like anything she'd ever had from a tick before. So the dr had to shut down her immune system cuz nothing else would stop her reaction. And yeah... Ever since then she's been on meds for Lyme disease. Both her an daddy have lyme now. But since mommy got hers she Really hasn't been worth much... No playing, she's Always tired, and not much energy.. So daddy's doing a lot for me And for mom right now. I Love when daddy feeds me! Mommy says I'm gaining Lots of weight, that she can hardly pick me up, but I think she's just Weak! Ain't that Right Aunties! can't be Me!! ;)   mommy said I needed more exercise cuz ya know she really can't play much with me and our walks had to stop with her being sick and all this hot weather... :(  

soooo mommy tried to play with me the other day Oooh Aunties I can't hardly even talk about it.... Well she also gets these awful leg and feet cramps now and yeah.... She got a really bad toe cramp and she sorta kinda landed right down on her toe, right into the hardwood floor.. yup you probably guessed it... She Messed up her toe real bad! Oooh Aunties I Really need a new home right now, mommy is a Mess!!

I felt sooo bad for mommy, i been her nurse and takin care of her ya know..! Yup I have, I've been her medicine pup! I gave her my new himalyain chew I got for my bday, here Look! I put it under Mommy's pillow so she can sleep with it, if It doesn't make her better Nothin will!!


And I do ancient medicine doggie chants over em, it has to be Real dark for the chants to work, hope you can see me! And so I gave her my Second himalyain chew too! Yeah mommy felt bad that I gave her my chew sooo she gave me Another one! But I just buried it under her pillow Too! Now maybe mommy will get better doublely fast! 


So anyway Aunties That's why me an mommy aren't around much or for very long when we are.. Mommy's arms an stuff go numb and she can't do much typing.. :( you have No idea how looong it took mommy to type up this note... I only thought she was slow before! so we're here when we can be for now. 

Oh speaking of taking looong... Cuz of all this mommy can't really groom me too much or for too long neither. So, it took her Forever, but she cut me down. Here I am but You Won't recognize me! And yeah member mommy still can't see good so yup I'm All crooked. And she has that bad toe too, not sure What All it caused but I'm sure it figured in this awful haircut too somehow! ;) 




hoping to be back more often soon! ❤️ Missy



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Oh, poor Mommy!  Get well soon!  Cato says you can have one of his Calcium Bone treats, if that will help you?

Lyme disease is horrible. :(  How long til they think Mommy will feel better?

We've been wondering how you are, and hoping you were having a good time, but it sounds like you have been having an AWFUL time!

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Sophie's Haven


Missy :throb:  

Give your Mommy big HUGS from us.....so sorry to hear about all the things going on.....we sure hope she gets better soon.  Your being such a good nurse for Mommy and I am sure it helps in making her feel better. Your hair cut looks fine.....at least your nice and cool. You should see our Missy....my Mom shaved her down to nothing and she loves it.  Were thinking about you..........

Your Buddy

Bailey :bye1:

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Your a great nurse Missy, we miss you and mommie around here but your job now is to get mommie better...and we do understand. Sorry to hear mommie is no better and having so much trouble. We love you both and give mommie a lick and a hug from all of us. ❤️

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Awwww Missy, now you tell your Mummy that we are packing up lots of hugs and doggie kisses to send your way. We want your mummy to feel better real soon. 

You are doing a great job of looking after your mummy. We are all so proud of you. 

Vicki, hugs and I hope you feel better soon.   Julia :hippi:

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Amazing you are little Missy..please do take good care of your mommy because Lyme is no fun at all. If your mommy says I am tired then it goes beyond that..I can tell..but you are doing a great job nursing her..will you give her a big hug from me.. Karel from Holland.. and tell her get well soon and that I`ve missed her and thought of her and wondered what was wrong..a big hug comes your way..and you can do it little Missy..make her better!  :bear:


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Aww thank you so much Aunties and Bailey, Karel and all my paw friends! Mommy Loved all the hugs and kisses and they definitely made her feel better! I Know she will feel Much better after her hurt paw heals, ya know how awful it is when your paw hurts! Then i can walk her and we can play again and that Has to make her better! :D 

OOOH and What is your calcium bone Cato? If mommy doesn't steal it, it sounds Very yummy and I may just eat it!

Oh Oh and I have Great news too!! Mommy Finally broke down and went and had her paw looked at, told ya she was Stubborn! ;) And the dr said it's just badly bruised but Not broke! Yay, Her paws Gotta get better sooner now!! :cheezy:

Then she can work on getting her own neck puller so she can do it at home and passing her blood test, she still ain't got many white blood cells... she's just gotta study harder for that test! ;) :throb:Missy

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Sophie's Haven


Missy.....I got to the computer before Bailey this morning so he is off pouting that he can't blog you as I said I wanted to jot Missy's Mom a quick note....he has this "WHAT EVER" look on his face.

Gosh girl I thought I had a bad month and having one thing right after another but you have sure had more than your share. Soak that paw of yours in some Epsom salts........you came up in conversation this morning over the breakfast table about you getting Lyme disease after being so careful. I just pulled a tick off Bill's back this week.....we have not seen that many on the Border Collies this year and when out of sight then out of mind. Back to checking each day again..............Hope you nip this soon.  Your neck puller is it a brace or a device that you have to use daily?  I think of all the back problems I have had over the years mine many muscle spasms but I can't imagine the discomfort your going thru. 

Missy you keep Mom in good spirits and Bailey says HI..........

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Oh no Jeannie you did have a bad month mine was just all old age and carelessness on my part... :( 

Oh my gosh Thank You for the reminder about the epson salts!  I don't know why I can't seem to remember that but thank goodness I stocked up on it when you mentioned it before and I will start that today! Thanks a million!:pash:

oh I sure hope Bill's ok and so glad you got the tick removed. I heard recently to clean the bite area with peroxide instead of alcohol that would kill the bacteria. But hey don't listen to me I did that and look where it got me! I unfortunately was just in too big a hurry and forgot to put the tick stuff around my waist and that's where it got me.. Had put it everywhere else too. Geez..just figures huh?! 

My neck puller is actually neck traction, I'm supposed to be doing it at home everyday. But I'm having to go in to physical therapy as I haven't been able to get the insurance info yet so I can get the home unit.. Think they were just dragging their feet so I would have to keep paying them, so I looked into it myself finally. If it wasn't so pricy I would have gotten it a long time ago and just forgot about the insurance.. I could probably pay for about half of it from the $$ I've paid them so far.. Am hoping it won't be much longer now, it does help a lot!

hope everything's a lot better at your house now, hugs to all! ❤️

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Sophie's Haven


You know what works for someone when it comes to ticks may not work for someone else.......I think your immune systems plays a lot into how you react to certain things. Anyways when we pull off a tick we apply tea tree oil cream and within a few days the area clears up.

The neck puller is this something that your going to have to do the rest of your life or will your problem  improve over time?  That is the bad part of getting older is our body has a way of telling us enough is enough and in some cases we have no choice but to listen. Good to hear your seeing some results from your therapy..........

Things are improving at my house the BC's hair is growing back where it fell out and no more bagworms on our trees......now I just want it to rain and the temperature to get out of the 90's everyday........this will make me a very happy person.

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That's my understanding that I will have to do the neck traction at least for a very long time if not always, that's why I need to get the home unit. I have degenerating disks in my neck and they are pinching nerves, causing the numbness and tingling down my left side. It's the only thing keeping me out of neck surgery, which I have zero interest in anyone cutting on my neck.. My Drs request for my home unit is up before the board now so fingers crossed it gets approved and soon! 

Good news on my foot, the epson salt soaks are getting the swelling down, I now can see two distinct toes! Thanks again for reminding me of that Jeannie! Also found a great product for my leg and foot cramps, just got it in and I can say it works wonders! Here's the link if anyone else suffers from them, can't get the quinine anymore but this worked fast and it's natural! https://www.amazon.com/Hylands-Ointment-Natural-Homeopathic-Relief/dp/B0001VKXM8/ref=sr_1_7_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1469538824&sr=8-7&keywords=Leg+cramps

Glad to hear things are looking up at your house too Jeannie! I totally understand about this heat, high 90s/ low 100s here, heat index yesterday was 115, no break in sight... Ahhh come on Fall! ;) 

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Sophie's Haven


Being that your ointment has Wintergreen oil in it does it get warm? Plus magnesium is one of the ingredients that helps with cramping. Much like Epson Salt..........the days of doctors being able to go ahead make it possible for you to get medical equiptment is now a thing of the past. Is this the insurance company that having a say about this?

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Yes the ointment has a slight warming, not much but does feel very soothing! It has been great as has the epson salts so the foot is getting better but tried a shoe and it's still a no go... Will try again this week and hopefully then! Am getting much more mobile in my boot shoe though so Missy does get a bit more of a game playtime! ;) 

And thankfully my traction equipment was approved by the insurance last week, they have ordered it and it should be delivered this coming week! Sooo excited to soon be able to do the traction at home! That's when I think real improvement will start to be seen! :) meanwhile I got the best floor holders for my iPad and books so I don't have to look down at them or hold them anymore! 

But the best news has been going off the Lyme meds the end of this past week! Sooo excited not to be taking those anymore, after a month my tummy is very glad for the break! I go next weekend for more blood work so will know more where we are after I get those results. Am happy to say I do have more energy but still tire super easy so haven't yet gotten back to my routine. Hubby is still doing all the grocery shopping, wash, etc. Never thought I'd say I was looking forward to doing any of that or housework but I am! ;) 

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So pleased!  Those sound like great steps forward!  And delighted to hear that Missy is getting her playmate back again.

It is weird how just holding something like an ipad or phone or book sets up weird tension and wonkiness in shoulders neck and arms, isn't it?  I find the same, and I don't think my back and neck are ANYTHING like yours.  Hope the stands work!

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So happy your equipment got approved. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you come off the meds 

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Good to hear you are of the Lyme meds..and that you have more energy..! So glad for you that the equipment was approved. And that you have a stand for your I pad..so hopefully we don`t have to miss you that much nomore :D Will be thinking of you..I know how hard recovery of Lyme can be..sending hugs overseas right to you :hug:

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Thanks so much everyone! I'm slowly trying to catch up on here, a small bit everyday!

Today is the start of me trying to slowly get back into my routine. first big goal is getting lil Missy back on a regular grooming routine, I know she's beyond trilled! ;) 

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