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SATURDAY 13th August: Beachy explorations



Cato:   Mum didn't have to do her work thing today, so we had a bit of a lie in, then we got ready (Tara's hair takes AGGGEEEESSSSSS) and went out before breakfast!  Dad was out, so we could go to the big beach.  Last time we went there he fell over in the slippy sand, and he says he doesn't like it any more.  I don't understand, cos his wrist has stopped hurting now.

Anyway, it was fun.  Really early, and sunny.  The bit I didn't like was going down that ramp slope thing to the beach.  Mum was mean and walked off saying 'you've done it before, Cato, so I know you can do it.'

but I didn't like it.

Can you see me?  by the steps.  The slope is VERY steep.


I caught up with them just as they went round the corner.  Running is soft sand is hard work, isn't it?

Of course, Tara beat me up.


until I got cross with her.


but then we found a mountain and some graves.  Major excavations, eh?  Very sniffy.


This was supposed to be an arty shot of the waves in the sand, and the wind sculpture n stuff.  But really all it shows you is that my ear infection has cleared up. ;)


Tara actually jumped over this, instead of walking round.  Duh!




Me now!  I am taking over the interesting bit of this walk.  Cos it is about me, and it is interesting.  Look wot I found!  Steps and a climby thing!


I went all the way up!  and had a good look round.


Can you see me?  I came right to the front edge and looked down on Mum and Cato.  They were very titchy from up there.


I wanted Mum to come up too, so I could show her everything, but she wouldn't.


So I had to go down again. :(



We couldn't walk round the end of this waterbreak thing.  Too slippy for clumsy humans.  It is where poor Dad hurt his wrist last time. :( So we had to go over it instead.  It was very exciting!


I climbed all the way over, cos I am brave and clever.  But Cato didn't like it, and stayed behind.  So Mum had to go back and fetch him.

I came back with her, just so I could climb over it all over again!  Hahahaha!


Interesting sniffy weed.


More interesting, more sniffy weed.



Cato:  I will take over again now.  She showed off about all her climbing and then lost interest again.  I expect she will be snoring in a minute or two.

Look.  This is ragwort.  It is huge.  nearly as tall as Mum.  It makes me look little too, doesn't it?



We stopped at a bench so we could have another drink, and Mum could sit and enjoy her metal drink of not-coffee-stuff.  She took pics too.

This is across the estuary.  2 forts, 2 tankers, Spurn Point, the light house and wind pumps, Mum says.   And sand, of course.

We were walking on that sand just before.


This is something called Rose Bay Willow Herb.  I think Bailey and Winnie and Sophie would call it Fireweed.


Tara is snoring now, just like I said.


It was nice and cool when we hit the beach, but Mum took such a long time drinking her not-coffee that it got really hot.  She said she was sorry, and we would walk very slowly back to the car.  I was panting LOTS.  And we had 3 drinks and ran out of water.


This is Tara showing off her sprouts.  On yesterday's walk, a man asked if she was an alien, cos of her alien antennae.  Mum and me thought it was really funny, except now she wants to see a SiFi film and fly in a magic saucer.  Cos she thinks it is a kite.


I was really hot and puffed by here.  I kept going til we got to the hot sandy bits in the distance, and then Mum picked me up without me even having to ask!!!  I was really panty.  She carried me in both arms, so I was standing on each hand, cos she thought that would be cooler for me than snuggled up to her under one arm.  I like snuggling, but she was right, the wind could blow on my tummy and it cooled me down.


It was a long walk back.  I had to go 4foots again, for a bit, cos carrying me hurt Mum's back, but then we hit more hot sand, and Mum gave me another lift.  I love Mum.  I don't know how Tara does it.  She was still jumping on benches right at the end!

By the time we got back to the car, the holiday makers were appearing (Mum: it was 10 o'clock by then) and look!  There was a butterfly kite!  


Luckily Tara didn't notice it though, cos there were so many other people.  We would never have got home for my mid morning snooze if she had seen it!




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I'm so glad you got to go on the beach before those holiday makers spoiled your fun. But that kite did look like it could of be fun... Maybe next time ?


Your sprouts are looking good Tara. it made me laugh when you said that man said you looked like an Alien because of your antenna. We are always saying to Lacey, she pick up a signal soon! Lol 

Cato, I'm glad you had a little carry.. It does look like it was getting pretty warm by the time you had finished. 

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:roflmao: Your alien, spaceship comment, that was funny....:roflmao: . I wondered if you picked up good wi-fi on your antennae ...Just kidding Tara, your lovely

Love your able to get back on the beach and the wind blowing through your hair :ohyeah:

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What a good Mum you have........putting your walk and your fun first thing in the day!

Funny the way my mind works............I'm looking at all the rocks you came across.  I have built borders of rocks (as big as I can carry) in several places at this beach cottage and you found some perfect ones!

Tara.....tell Mum to put your sprouts in a vertical row from front to back and you'll have a Mohawk.  A pink Mohawk would be sooooo trendy for end of summer.

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Mum:  What a brilliant idea!  It will be a Mohawk day tomorrow.  I can't wait!!!

And the pink bows have arrived through the post.  I did only get 4 for the price, which is a pity, because while they are soooo sweet, they are each a different design - which means they don't match - a terrible thing, I am sure you will agree.  So, only one at a time...  Tomorrow is Mohawk, then Monday will be a Single Sprout day, with a bow.  There will, of course, be a photoshoot. :roflmao:

Thank you for the Alien hilarity.  It is priceless.  The man thought she was gorgeous, and made a real fuss of her.

He was a hoot all round, actually.  Wish I had taken photos.  He was walking a pair of dogs.  What looked like a Great Dane Weimaraner cross, and a Springer.  Both excellently behaved, and very gentle.  Because the Dane/W cross was so big, it took a while to notice that she was wearing a 2 inch wide pink and diamante collar.  Against her silvery beige coat it looked STUNNING.  And when we got chatting, he agreed that (like us) he had got sick of people thinking she was a boy, because of her size.  So went for the pink. :roflmao::clap::roflmao: I have no idea if his wife was involved in the decision, or even if there IS a wife.

Then, as we parted, he reached for the leads, and called both beasties to him saying 'I have to lead them up at this point, because some of these civilians just see a big scary dog and start panicking, don't they?  And there are a lot of picnics and kids around at the moment.  Roll on the Autumn, eh?'

Hope we meet him again.

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I'm glad your bows arrived. I honestly thought that it was more until you said. Shame they don't match. I can't wait to see the Mohawk :D:D:D Tara could wear a paper bag and still look gorgeous ? 

And  not forgetting Cato, he's is very handsome too 

if there's a next time, do get pictures. I would love to see them. 

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Ooh what a nice walk, loved the forts out there! But Tara geez you were up soo high in the air on that thingy, it made my tummy lurch, aren't you at all scared of heights sweetie? Sure am glad they had a fence on the end! Love love your alien look though!! And Sooo those graves you and Cato found, do you think they were from aliens?? Bet they were trying to capture some humans to take them to their space ship! But you knew that cuz of your antennas didn't you?!! :roflmao:

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