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Tail Trouble




I know that lots of your do a proper groom.  Table, set positions, lying on the side, different combs and brushes and stuff.

But that isn't how we roll.

We have a grooming table, which I love, but I only use it to do Tara's hair, and for face, foot, knicker and tail trims.  The rest of the time grooming is a comfortable snugglefest on the sofa in the front room, while watching tv.  One brush (pinbrush) and Wen revitalising leave in hair conditioner.

This is usually fantastic.  I get to fuss them, they get to fuss me.  One on One with Mum, the other dog oozing jealousy.  Then they swap.  They are lying down on my lap or on the cushions beside me, and sometimes I have to turn them round, or roll them over, but it is very casual and freeflow.  They love it.

However, at the moment we have two little issues.  Firstly Tara is trying to grow knicker dreadlocks in her nether regions, and the light isn't good enough for me to see them, so I snag them, which she doesn't like!  They are tiny, whispy spider web little things between her legs and her 'tuft', and she is very sensitive.  I think I am going to see how she likes me using the clippers down there.  That'll be a grooming table job!  Haha!

The second issue is Cato's tail.  He is very proud of it.  I love it.  He loves it.  And Tara loves biting it during their fights.  

He has recently become so paranoid about her grabbing it (she uses it as a way to start 'games') that he has come to dislike it being touched, even by me, and even when grooming.  I wonder sometimes if he is so sensitive about it because she has bruised it and pulled out fur.  The little pest.

Not sure how to help him through it.  He LOVES the whole grooming snuggle, right til I get to his tail.  Then he gets off.  So I either have to be firm with him, and subject him to something that upsets him (which I think will wreck the whole snugglefest dynamic), or I have to find a way round it.  I would prefer to find a solution that makes us all happy.

Any suggestions?

(oh, and haven't forgotten I promised you bow photos of Tara.  they are coming, we just need decent light, and a decent sprout. :roflmao:)


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For the dreaded dread lock knots between her legs and belly....hate those things as they seem to tighten over night once formed. Dont use the trimmer while they are in their knot form. While she's on your lap belly up...take your finest comb and go up under the knot...then trim it out a few at a time on the top of the comb side this keeps the skin from being cut  then cut it with your blunt ended Scissor's. Once they have their heads off you can then use your trimmer to clean the remaining without fear of them feeding skin into the blade  and cutting her. My eyes aren't the best in the world in house light anymore either...I have to have bright white light from the sun to see delicate work...I've sat outside in a chair to cut these knots out so I don't cut her or either sit beside a window with direct bright light.

I do all work on the table except the belly and under the arms while trimming....they sit in my lap feet outwards away from me or on their back..my eyes just aren't good enough to do it standing. Neither one will lay on their sides...tried and tried and haven't found that magic trick yet

Hmm Cato tail phobia....Abby can relate Cato as hers gets pulled and chewed regularly also. He's been taught a command word OFF and he will release. Found no cure and it must be contagious because it was she that started this tail biting game....she's now stopped but he's now got the dreaded I'm in love with your tail disease :roflmao:

Only thoughts with tail sensitivity is regular stroking and treating for better behavior. I've always done tail trimming and grooming on the table so I can't be any help...sorry :( 

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LOL! I have a grooming table, but it mostly just gets used for blow drying after baths and for clipper and scissor work.

For routine brushing/combing and trimming nails we're usually either on the sofa or on the floor.

For Cato's tail -- assuming he doesn't have any food issues -- can you spread some peanut butter or something similar (soft cheese?) on your refrigerator or the side of your bathtub and let him lick it off while you work on his tail? Depending on how you need him to be positioned you could maybe just spread it on a plate and let him lick it while he's on your lap? The key is that you use something yummy enough to be really valuable and distracting and that takes him long enough to lick up that you have time to get the job done.

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Poor Cato!  I have no solutions to offer.  I wish you both much luck in finding something that will work for both of you.  

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Thank you!  I will try your dread lock technique @PipsMom, and then think hard about what treat to give Cato to distract him.  

I also want to try to remember to do his tail half way through, rather than at the end (I usually start at the head and work down the body) so that we don't end with something he doesn't like. :)

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Missy used to have a very sensitive tail and hated for me to comb it. I have no idea why as she doesn't get hers pulled at by anyone! But I can tell you what I did that seemed to help. instead of using whatever spray you use when combing it, I used P&K. It really seemed to help her, so maybe there was some reason, but I couldn't see anything.

Missy also gets the dreaded dreadlocks, I always try to comb those out with the fine comb while she's laying down. They obviously hurt her and she will even reposition herself so I can get to them better, Bless her heart! I check and comb there everyday to ensure I keep them at bay. I also do her sanitary with the small round tip scissors.

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